Chapter Seven

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Wibbly wobbly timey wimey,
Time SKIP!

I pack my bag for the two week break off from school, I was feeling really depressed, I didn't want to go home. I don't talk about my home life at all and there is a good reason for that.

The guys notice my glum face but don't ask anything, they know not to ask me about my home life. I get pissed when they do, I finish packing, I didn't have a lot of stuff so I didn't have a big bag. I wish I could stay here over the brake but a can't I'm not aloud. What I would give to be like everyone else.

"You guys ready to leave," I ask, I haven't talked to James much I was mad at him for going out with Lily. It was clear we weren't on the best terms and I don't know what is going on, all I know is we are walking on thin ice. I'm sure Sirius has told him, I ignore whatever he says. "Yeah," Sirius says and the others nod.

We walk down to the train and board, when we got on we took a compartment and I took a book out and read so I could ignore James. And maybe a bit to annoy him.

He never asked me if I wanted to stay with him which was a punch to the gut. Even though we are fighting and I couldn't say yes I always know he cares when he asks, so it really hurts my heart when he doesn't.


James Pov,

Octavia has yet to talk to me, Padfoot says she is just mad because I'm dating Lily and she swears Lily is her forever enemy. I would think she would be at least happy for me that is why I think Sirius and Octavia are keeping something from me. It has been hard without my best friend, she doesn't talk to me at all and I just want to talk to her.

I'm just saying if she was dating my enemy I would at least respect her happiness and let her date that person. She knows I have always like Lily and I wonder what has got into her. Although I've always known she hates Lily, but that's besides the point.

When we boarded the train she pulled out a book to read. She never reads, I knew she was doing it to annoy me, I sit across from her and look out the window for the entire trip. Every year I ask her if she wants to stay for the summer and Christmas but she says no each time. This year I've decided to give up on asking, she's going to say no anyway.

I want to know why, we don't talk about her family because every time we bring it up she gets mad. Very mad, you would think if she hated her family so much she would want to get away so I don't know what her problem is. She hasn't talked to me since our fight when we became animagus's.

The train ride was quiet with Octavia and I fighting it when we got to Kings Cross Station we got of and I see my parent and I hug them and when I turn around Octavia was no where to be seen.


Christmas day,

Sirius arrived two days ago and his family disowned him and he couldn't be happier. He moved in we me and I was happy we were really brothers now. I haven't heard anything but from Octavia not that I ever do on breaks she never writes to any of us.

I wake up this morning and it was gloomy but that didn't brake our spirt, it was Christmas. I jump over into Sirius room and jump on top of him and he screams like a little girl and squirms around throwing me off of him and onto the floor.

"I'm my f***ing God James you scared me half to death. Just give me five more minutes," he says turning over and closing his eyes. "But Padfoot, it's Christmas,"I complain and he jumps out of bed, pushing me onto the floor while doing so. "It is isn't it, come on those presents won't open themselves!" He yells running out of the room and I roll my eyes because he didn't realize he was only in boxers.

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