Chapter Twelve

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I do not take credit for this game I got it from iCarly...

I jump under the table as I see Remus coming, my paint blowing gun in hand. Remus was looking around his gun was in his belt loop, the was few people in the great hall, it was the middle of the day on Saturday, most people were wandering the grounds and hanging with friends but I was in a major competition with my friends.

It's a game called assassin, the five of us all got this small guns, you blow into the end and a paint ball comes out the other end and if you get hit you are out. Peter was the first one out, Remus got him durning breakfast while he was eating toast. But now it is Remus's turn to go, I've got my list, Sirius is next, just picking them off.

I watch him as he walks down the great hall, I crawl out and put my gun to my mouth. "I'm sorry it had to be you Remus," I say and he turns around and tries to get his gun out but I was to fast, I got him right in the chest, Blue paint runs down his shirt it was all liquidy. "Why Octavia, why!" He exclaims while collapsing and he lays on the ground.

I wait ten seconds then go up to him, I hold out my hand and he grabs it and I pull him up. "Sorry Moony, it had to be done," I say doing a back handspring away. I was dressed in all black as was everyone else and we made it a rule that no one can use the invisibility cloak. I put a spell on my hands and feet so I can stick to walls and walk across the ceiling undetected.

I walk into the hallway and look both ways, James was coming down so I jump as high as I can toward the wall and I start climbing. I reach the top and go onto the ceiling, we've played this game before, we all knew I am the best at this game. I'm guessing that Sirius and James have teamed up to take me out, they don't understand, the reason I always win is because I use my brain. I know them all to well, I know where they will be I know there weaknesses.

I crawl up the bottom of the stairs I reach the main area of when you first come into the castle. I stick to the ceiling by the chandelier, James and Sirius walk into the room. I was right they are working together, I grin and drop down in front of Sirius with my blow gun in hand.

I blow and pink paint drips down his forehead, James turns and sees me, "no Sirius!" He exclaims dramatically and reaches for his gun, "I'll be back for you." I say and run and grab the rope that holds up the chandelier and wave my wand the rope cuts below me and the rope pulls me up, James watches me and awe he shots at me once and misses.

When I get close to the ceiling I let go and my hands and feet attach to the ceiling, the chandelier falls and shatters. The rooms is emerged in a cloud of dust leaving me to escape, I get to the hall and drop to the floor and sprint away thinking of ways to get James.

I run to the very back stairwell and sit down on the steps. I catch my breathe and look out the window, nobody ever comes to these stairs on Saturday. I'm pretty sure James has never even been here. I'm just glad we made it a rule to not be allowed to use the Marauders Map other wise I would already be found.

I think about where James would have gone, knowing him he is probably looking for me. He has never heard the saying live to fight another day. The day was sunny and annoying most people were outside making this to hard to hide in the castle. That is how I got my idea, I focus on making the sky all cloudy and black and then it started to pour.

People who were outside start running into the castle with there cloaks over there heads. I laugh at them, such prisses can't get there hair wet. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I pull out my gun and blow without knowing who was coming.

I hear the splat sound of the paint hitting someone and Lily comes walking down the starts with red paint running down her pant leg. "Sorry! I thought you were James!" I exclaim and she glares at me, "give me your gun!" She exclaims holding out her hand, I put my head down like a little kid and hand her the gun slowly.

"How am I suppose to defend myself against James now!" I exclaim and pout, "I don't know, but I have to go dry off. It was so weird it started to rain out of nowhere," she says and walks away. As soon as she was far enough away, I quickly bend down and grab one of my back up guns from my boot.

I smile and skip up the stairs, it was time to find James, I'm hoping to do this before dinner. If I don't I won't get dinner because I will still be fight with James. I climb up the wall and onto the ceiling again, I'm guess James go somewhere he doesn't usually go.

I'm surprised no one sees me on the ceiling, all they have to do is look up. I walk upside down because my arms were getting tired. I would be screwed if this stick charm wore off, I walk across the ceiling to the library where James probably is. I don't think Sirius will be helping him anymore so my chances are more fair to win this.

I drop to the top of one of the book shelves and lay across the top, I army crawl to the edge and look over. I could see the entrance and Sirius and Remus were walking in, that's when I say James. He was standing behind a pile of books third row back. I hold up my gun and try to get a good shot but the books were blocking him.

I blow into my gun and James moves out of the way at the last second making green paint drip down the book case. Before he can see me I roll of the edge of the bookcase and land not so gracefully on my stomach. James runs over to me and I turn and run to a dead end. I quickly push the table over and hide behind it as a shield, James does the same on the opposite side of the aisle.

I peek my head over and James does to, we both shoot and miss. We do this a couple times and I look to the left and see Sirius and Remus had pulled up a table and were eating popcorn while watching us intently. We both shoot and miss again and then James doesn't come up.

I take the opportunity to run to the wall and climb it up to the ceiling. I land back of the bookcase and I run and jump to where James was. He was directly under me and hadn't noticed me yet. I do my signature Octavia grin the jump down right next to him, I blow and hit him right in the forehead.

Orange paint drips down his face, "I'm sorry it had to end that way." I say, "you just did what you had to do... You're a good soldier Octavia, good game." James says saluting me, "thank you James, and I think that means, the butter beer is on you guys tonight!" I exclaim jumping over the flipped table.

"Every time!" Sirius exclaims, "you know Octavia and James, you both are losers, you just got lucky this time!" Sirius exclaims. James and I share a look the we both shoot Sirius with our paint guns and red and blue paint runs down his chest. I run to the chandelier rope, "no not again!" James and Sirius yell in sync. As I cut the rope and go flying up I yell.



Hello Muggles,

Okay so I had a lot of fun writing this chapter I know it isn't as important but I wanted a chapter where all four of them just hang out and have fun. I really hope you liked it, please comment what you think and what I can do better I will really appreciate it. I updated, I really hope I can finish this story soon. But until then I will keep updating... Hopefully soon. Anyways, luv ya,

-Grangergal Out-

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