Chapter Thirteen

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Today is my annual Hogsmeade trip with James, we always go together once a month. I am so excited because James has been hanging with Lily so much this month. It has been a while since I've really looked through my wardrobe trying to find the perfect outfit.

I put on a red dress that was kinda short it went to mid thigh, I put on black heeled ankle boots. I spent around half an hour doing my makeup, it was winged eyeliner and mascara. I put on red lipstick, I smile at myself in the mirror, this was going to be perfect. I put in diamond earrings and I grab my black bag that held my money and everything I would need in it.

I put my bag on my back and walk out of the dorm and down to the common room. I hear some wolf whistles but I scan the room for James, he was nowhere to be found but then Sirius, Remus, and James come walking into the common room. Sirius and Remus stare at me but James's eyes were on the girls stairs and I turn my head to see Lily.

James walks right by me to Lily and kisses her hand, James sees me and I smile at him. "Why are you so dressed up?" He asks, "today's our annual Hogsmeade trip, remember?" I ask with my head tilted, "oh shit, I totally forgot, I'm sorry Octavia but I planned to go with Lily today, maybe next month." He says and puts his arm around Lily and walks out of the common room.

Sirius comes over and puts his arm around his shoulder and I push it off and storm out of the common room. Nobody was in the stair way so I change into my doe form and run down the stairs. I run outside and down to the lake, I change back into my human form and sit against a tree. I pull my knees up to my chest and bury my head into them.

I start balling, why did James have to be such a dick. I feel someone sit down next to me and put there arm around me. I didn't want to look up, I knew my makeup was probably running down my face. I look up anyway and Remus was sitting next to me, "I got something in my eyes." I say wiping my eyes, "you don't have to pretend Octavia, you're my best friend, I see the way you look at James!" Remus says.

"I love him Remus, and he doesn't even think of me as anything other then one of the guys," I say sadly leaning my head on Remus's shoulders. "You know there are other guys in the world, why chase after and idiot of doesn't realize you're there." Remus says, "you're right," I say say standing up and wiping my eyes, I put my hand down and Remus grabs it and I pull him up.

"Come on," I say, "where are we going?" He asks me, "we are going to Hogsmeade," I say linking at arms with him, "we can take the honeyduke cellar passageway," I say.


We walk down the street of Hogsmeade people look at us weirdly, we looked like a couple, how we laughed and stood close with linked arms. I don't think of Remus that way, but he was a great friend who cheered me up. "You want to go for Butterbeer?" Remus asks, "yeah that would be great," I say and we walk on the path to the three broomsticks.

We go in and sit down next to each other in a booth, "I'll go get the butterbeers," I say getting up. I walk across the room and to the counter where a woman stood. "Two butterbeers please," I say and smile at her, "no problem I'll be right back." She says beaming back at me.

"You are here with someone else," someone asks from behind me, I turn around and see James. "Remus," I say pointing to the booth he sat waiting, he nods, "and you're with Lily," I say, it was really awkward. "Yeah she is amazing, never mean, does her homework and is caring," he gushes. "So basically the opposite of me," I say, "yup," he says and my heart crushes. "Wait, I didn't mean it like that," he says, "sure," I say bitterly grab the butterbeers and go back to the table where Remus was waiting.

I sit down and sigh loudly, "James is a bitch, thanks for coming to hogmeade with me but I'm not in the mood for anything else, I'm going to go to the library." I say getting up, he was about to say something but I'm already out the door.

I run down the Hogsmeade street and when I reach the woods I transform into my Doe form and run as fast as I can to the castle making it there in five minutes. I change back to my human form and go inside, I walk to the library and scan the shelves. I go into the muggle section and look at the books, I scan the shelves and grab a book from the self.

I go to the top of the shelves and sit down on top of them, I start reading. I get lost in the pages of the book, I never realized how much books change a person. "Octavia I've got to lock up," I hear Madam Pince say from below. I lean my head over the edge, "I've had a rough day, and am finally enjoying reading, can I spend the night here?" I ask with an angelic smile.

"Fine just don't break anything," she said smiling at me as she walks out the library door. I continue reading until I finish my book, and then I fall asleep.


Hello muggles,

I'm not feeling well and typing is making me want to puke right now so I'm sorry if the chapter is bad I'm feeling really bad. Kinda impotent because they are going to start fight and everything, I can't focus right now so, luv ya....

-Grangergal Out-

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