Chapter Twenty Two

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After a few days I was approved to leave Saint Mungo's and everyone has been there but James

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After a few days I was approved to leave Saint Mungo's and everyone has been there but James. I miss Hogwarts, I'm ready to go back, Minnie has brought Beth here multiple times and she is the one taking me back to Hogwarts. Honestly I couldn't imagine anyone else being a motherly figure to us besides her.

I stand up making sure I have everything, through all my pain I lift Beth up and set her on my waist, enjoying her presence around me, "Muma Minnie said that you shouldn't be carrying me." Beth says in her little voice, " I don't mind Beth, I'm okay so it is alright." I lie, honestly I was in so much pain but having Beth close made it fade away to nothingness.

I walk out of my private room and head to the main waiting room where Minnie was signing me out. I smile and let squirming Beth out of my arms, she runs over and his Minnie's leg making me want to physically awww. It took Minnie by surprise but when she looks down and sees Beth's adorable green eyes she smiles and hugs her back before returning to signing me out.

I walk over just as Minnie finishes, "you ready?" She asks me. "Yup, good as new," I say with a fake smile. "Are you sure you want to apperate, it could hurt." She says with a concerned look. "I'm good I'm just ready to be back at Hogwarts," I answer truthfully. She nods slightly then holds out her hand, I pick up Beth and hold onto her tight then grab onto Minnie.

The world spins for a couple seconds and then we land gracefully in her office. "It's dinner time, we should head to the great hall," Minnie says, "yes, finally something other than hospital food!" I exclaim and run out of the office with Beth still attached to my neck. I make sure she is comfortable as I speed walk to the great hall, she had a large smile on her face and was staring at the ceiling.

I look up to see nothing, "what are you looking at." I question Beth in a soft voice. "Nargles! They're watching us!" She exclaims pointing at nothing, I don't reply I just smile and make a mental note to beat the sh** out of anyone who makes fun of her for talking about Nargles.

"Well, tell them we mean no harm." I tell Beth with a sweet voice the we walk into the great hall. Lots of eyes were on me and it felt unnatural which was weird because I'm used to being extremely popular and followed around everywhere. Sirius runs my way and hugs me tightly with Beth getting sandwiched in the middle making her groan and push us apart.

"I'm going to go sit with Beardy!" Beth exclaims and I let her down and laugh as she runs to the teachers table and hugs Dumbledore. Sirius grabs my hand in a friendly way and drags me over to Remus. James was nowhere to be found but Lily was at the end sitting with Alice.

We sit down and I quickly start eating as much as I can, I avoid the puddling because it feels like that's all I've eaten. Once I eat enough for my short body I quickly hug the guys and walk out of the great hall wanting to talk to James. I knew this conversation was going to go up in flames but I want him to know the truth.

I think deeply about James before
deciding where to go, I was almost certain he would be there. The sun was surprisingly out and it felt great as I ran to where I wanted to go, I slowed to a walk and changed to my human form as I got close. I step out of the woods to see James sitting there with his feet over the edge of the cliff and he looked at the clear water below.

James hadn't noticed I was there yet so I quietly took off a couple layers then had a running start and jumped over James's head and when plummeting into the water. I quickly swam to the surface to see that I startled James so much that he fell off the cliff and into the water. I couldn't help but laugh as James came to the surface with a shocked look on his face.

"It haves been a while Prongs," I say studying him, he didn't look heathy, he probably hasn't been eating and drinking like Sirius said earlier. He gives me a half smile, "Merlin damn it Potter! I really wanted to be mad at you but I just can't!" I exclaim then I jump into his arms. James doesn't hesitate, he quickly hugs me back while treading water.

"How can you not be mad?" He asks as we break apart, "I could never stay mad at you, and I by the way you've been under the effects of a love potions." I say trying to say the last bit quick but James hears it. "Yeah I know, I've been afraid to drink anything in fear Lily spiked it." He says taking me by surprise.

"I found out while waiting for you to wake up," he says answering one of the many questions circling in my brain right now. "I don't blame her though, she was just worried-"


Hello Muggles,

Another shortish chapter, but let me just say don't you just hate James sometimes, he is like two different people and I just don't know if I love him or hate him. But whatever, we are getting close to wrapping this book up, once it is done I will probably make a sequel of Sixth year. Anyway, luv ya,

-Grangergal Out-

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