Chapter Nineteen

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My eyes flutter open, it was light out and it was making my head pound, I realize I was only in a bra and underwear and then I look to my right. Xander was sleeping soundly beside me, what exactly happened last night! Me stomach twisted and I jump out of the bed making my head feel worse, I run to the bathroom and puke up my guts, in a few seconds someone pulled back my hair as I continued to vomit. Merlin I must have drank a lot last night.

After I finish puking I look up to see Xander, "do we have se-" "yes, yes we did." "Never going to mention this again-" "defiantly." Then he handed me a cup of water and I downed it trying to get the awful taste of vomit out of my mouth. We walk back to the room we were in before, it had to be a back bedroom at the back of the Three Broomsticks.

I searched the room for my clothes I find my black skirt and pull it one and my heels which I force on. I couldn't find my shirt so I turned to Xander, "can I borrow a shirt or something?" I ask shyly covering crossing my arms over my chest. "Yeah, of course," he says and goes over to the dresser, apparently he stayed here. He tosses me a black sweater and I throw it on.

It was way to big for me and it hung off on shoulder and were way to long for my arms but I didn't care. "Thanks," I say and while he wasn't looking I swiftly grab his sunglasses off his dresser and hid them in my sleeve. "Well I'm going to leave, and I will probably be avoiding you for the rest of my life, so bye." I say and run out of the door of The Three Broomsticks.

The sun was so bright it pained me, my head started pounding harder and so I put the sunglasses on and it didn't help much. I reach Hogwarts and I quickly check the time with one of the portraits then I realized it was the middle of my first class with McGonagall I'm late. I walk quickly to the transfiguration classrooms and avoiding Filch's prowling.

When I reach the classroom I walk in making everyone shut up and all eyes were on me. "Ms. Eyre, care to tell me why you are late," Minnie basically yelled and it my my head feel like it was about to implode. "Um, can I tell you after class when there isn't any wandering ears?" I asks her and she nods sternly. "We are doing partner transfiguring go ahead and join Lupin and Black." She says and I give her a grateful smile and slowly walk over to Sirius and Remus.

Soon chatter between the groups started again and I was forgotten. I sat down in between my two best friends and they both stare at me. "Where were you all night!" Sirius exclaims, "shh not so loud," I whisper and hold my head hoping it wouldn't cave in from pain. "Are you hungover!" Remus exclaims, "shhhhhh your killing my head," I say quietly.

"Who's sweater is that?" Sirius asks touching Xander's sweater, he sniffed me, "you smell of boy!" Sirius exclaims. "Shut up both of you!" I exclaim making my head throb harder. "Please just leave me alone," I whisper and put my head down and and drift off to sleep which couldn't be detected because I was still wearing sunglasses and I don't snore.


I jump up as someone shook me awake, I look up to see Minnie staring down at me. "I was just resting my eyes!" I exclaim loudly and my head started pounding. "You've been sleeping all day it's 5:00 pm," Minnie says and I look around, I was in her office she must have moved me.

"Care to tell me what's going on Octavia?" She asks me pulling off my sunglasses making me squint in the light. My eyes soon adjust, "you probably won't believe this but I have a terrible life," I say adjust in the seat I was in. "Try me," she says sitting down next to me.

"So you how I'm best friends with James Potter, well of course you do, anyways, he broke up with me," I say starting to cry, "I didn't even know you two were dating!" Minnie exclaims handing me a tissue box, "we weren't I mean he broke up with me as my friend, because Lily told him to, and I like him as more then a friend and he just takes everything away as if I meant nothing to him. And worst of all he broke up our friendship on my birthday yesterday!" I exclaim.

"That's reminds me, you didn't come to classes yesterday so I couldn't give this to you. " Minnie says standing up and going over to her desk and she opened a drawer. She pulls out a small box with a bow on it and hands it to me, "I didn't forget," says and I open it.

Inside the box was a ring and engraved in it was a image of a doe, "why a doe?" I ask her feeling like she knew something, "your necklace that you never take off," she says pointing to the necklace James gave me, I smile as I touch it. "Thank you Minnie," I say and I hug my teacher, "something is still bothering you though, I've sat next to Trelawney enough times to sense if something is wrong." She says sitting next to me again.

"I will tell you but you mustn't tell anyone, very few know." I say and she nods, "I have a little sister who is staying here because we are hiding from our father." I say and she looks at me surprised. "Worst of all my real name is Octavia...... Riddle," I say waiting for a reaction from her.

"Wow I didn't expect that," she says and she looked as if she was in shock. "My sister and I have nowhere to go, we just recently ran away," I say and a single tear went down my cheek. "I'm sorry, does Dumbledore know?" She asks, "yes, yes he does," I say, "and so does James Sirius and Remus but nobody else." I say. There was a long awkward silence, "you can go along to dinner and I promise I won't tell anyone," she says.

I nod and exit her office, instead of going to dinner I decide to visit Beth. I enter her room and then I was tackled to the ground by my little sister, "Via!" She exclaims in her little girl voice. I hug her tightly. "Hi, I decided it's time you see some of the castle, so I'm going to show you the kitchen but you can't let people know I took you there." I say smiling at the sweet girl that I love with all my heart.

"I won't," she says and then grabs my hand before opening the door so we could walk out. Nobody was in the halls they were all at dinner so I don't have to worry about hiding Beth. "So how do you like Hogwarts?" I ask Beth, "I love it, Beardy is really nice and let's me braid his beard sometimes!" She exclaims happily, "do you mean Dumbledore?" I ask laughing.

"Yeah, but I can't pronounce Dumbliewore, so I call him Beardy," she says smiling brightly and I silently make a note to thank Dumbledore for hanging out with her. We reach the Portrait of the Fruit bowl and I tickle the pear and it swings open. Beth's mouth drops in surprise and I pull her inside, there were a bunch of house elves running around and working and then Glimmie approaches is.

"What can Glimmie get for you," she asks, "two chocolate Sunday's please," I say nicely to the elf. Glimmie walks away and me and Beth sit down at the only table in there.


Hello muggles,

I'm extremely nervous to post this because of the beginning and I don't know who reads this, so if this is out of your comfort zone please comment and tell me so I can take it down and change it. So yeah, luv ya

-Grangergal Out-

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