Chapter Nine

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I walk down the main stares of Hogwarts passing a bunch of people. People weren't used to seeing me without my possé but I have been a bit distant, as the days went by I found myself wanted to be with James more and more and I don't understand how he could be so clueless.

Siriusly, every time Lily and him are together I get all unhappy and leave, I seem to hate Lily even more now and he hasn't even noticed because he has been to focused on Lily. I'm happy that he is happy but his happiness is making me depressed, I just want to be alone now. Sirius and I have become usually inseparable lately except when I want to be alone.

It really hurts me that James doesn't noticed how sad I feel, I didn't know where I was going but when I break out of my thoughts I realize I'm outside of the castle by the forest. I change into my doe and start running, I wish I could just run away from my problems but that's not how it works. More and more wizards are disappearing and it is all my fathers fault, it makes me feel awful knowing I'm related to him.

I jump gracefully over a log the sun was setting and the forest would be hard for a human to see at this time but I could see fine, seeing as I'm a doe. I change back to a human and sit down at the edge of a tree and lean against it. I think about the good times I had with James.

Flashback, third year...

James and I run down the hallway as fast as we can, half the Sytherin population was chasing after us. They were screaming at us and there now gold and red hair flowing in the wind. Sirius was sick and has been for a few days and James and I were getting bored so we decided to prank the sytherins.

Thinking about it now it probably wasn't the best idea to prank then all at the same time, now we have almost all of them from every year chasing after us. James and I weave through people in the hall looking for anywhere to hide, people were looking at us like we were crazy but we weren't focused on them, we were focused on the crazy mob trying to attack us.

We run up the moving stairs and my legs were burning and James was starting to slow down. We were so tired but we knew if we stopped running we would be hexed into oblivion! So we force our legs onward, James looks over at me and sees the giant smile that I didn't even notice was on my face and he laughs at me.

I didn't realize it but I was actually having so much fun running from a crazy mob with James. I hate to admit it but James was fun to hang out with even if it was to prank innocent people. But sytherin's are not innocent!

We reach our portrait hole and James practically yells, "Carmel Cobwebs!" The picture frame swings open and we jump inside slamming it shut and running into the common room where we fall onto the floor.

We turn towards each other and burst out laughing at our prank, Sirius is so going to be mad that he missed this...

Flashback over,

I guess I never realized it at the time but I have always liked James as more then a friend even if I never noticed, I smile and laugh to myself and I miss hanging out with him like that...

"What are you laughing at?" Someone asks making me jump 2 feet in the air and scream. I was now on my feet and I turn around to see James standing there laughing at me. "That wasn't nice, don't sneak up on me!" I exclaim punching him in the shoulder, and he just laughs more and rubs his shoulder. I could tell I hurt him but he didn't want to admit it.

"Sorry but you looked a bit crazy sitting against a tree staring off into space laughing about nothing," he says smiling at me. "That's because I am crazy," I say and we start walking in no direction in particular.

"So what are you doing out here by yourself?" James asks me, "just wanted to be alone, so I went for a run." I say looking down not at James, "you seem to be doing that a lot lately... Everything okay." He asks me stopping me and turning toward me, "I'm fine," I lie and he raises an eyebrow at me.

I start walking again but then I change into a doe and I look back at James and he smiles at me and changes into his stag and without talking we both start to run as fast as we can, we dash through the woods in an all out race. We were literally neck and neck but we run into a clearing and come to a halt. It wasn't just a clearing it was a waterfall with a pond.

We were at the edge of the cliffs and next to the waterfall. James and I change back to human form and look in amazement, it was almost impossible to see so I waved my hand and a bunch of flames appear in the sky high above the pond light it up. The pond looked deepish and James looked in awe, "well I guess we have to go back," he says.

I grin at him and he shakes his head, "no way! Octavia it is January and freezing out!" He exclaims, but I was already taking out my cloak and was in my sports bra and underwear. I run and jump as far out as I can falling around 60 feet before landing in the icy water. "OCTAVIA!" James yells but I can barley understand him because I was under water.

I knew James wouldn't come in on his own so I don't come to the surface I stay in the water motionless and five seconds later there is a large splash next to me and I get dragged to the surface and James stares at me and I stare back, it was so peaceful in the calm waters.

"That wasn't so bad was it," I say laughing at him and he splashes me, "rude!" I exclaim and I float at the top staring at the sky, the was so much surface tension we could float without trying. James was afloat next to me and I put out the flames and we stare up at the stars.

"Look! There's the Sirius star," I exclaim pointing at the brightest star in the sky. James laughs, "yeah of course Sirius would be the brightest star in the sky," James says and I laugh with him.

"So any guys I have to beat up for you?" James asks in his overprotective brotherly way, "no one I can't beat up on my own," I say smiling at how caring he is. "What about any guys you like that I have to scare off," he says, "well there is this guy I like but he doesn't like me, he likes someone else." I say sadly.

"Well any guy who would like someone more then you is bloody stupid!" He exclaims, how clueless can this guy be, I make it so obvious. "I guess so," I say.


Hello muggles,

Don't kill me, I know I haven't been updating often, or like at all. I haven't updated like any of my stories and I'm so sorry, this chapter is just a filler because I needed to get something up, when my creative juices start flowing I will write I long good chapter. I promise.

The thing is I'm back in school and have double soccer practice along with school but I'm about to go on break so I will start updating more. I hope you liked the chapter and please don't hate me. Luv ya,

-Grangergal out-

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