The new girl

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"Marco Diaz to the principles office." Is heard over the loud speaker.
"Ooooh!" The entire class says.
"Seriously?" I complain. "Before when I went to the principles office to get Star, nothing. And now I'm getting 'oohed' all over the place?" Slamming my book closed, I get up and leave the room annoyed.
"There is just no predicting my class!" I think as I jam my hands into my red sweatshirt pocket. I round the corner and stumble into my principles office. He looks up and smiles at me, a big, tall red chair turned with its back towards me.
"Ah Marco!" He says. "Let me introduce Lily! Another foreign exchange student. From... Another dimension." A girl leans her head to the side of the big chair. I flash a smile at the beautiful girl. Her hair was her black with the tips died red and her eyes were grey. Although her face was pale, you could see her blushing slightly. As her mouth opens to say something, fangs flash.
"Hi! I'm Lily!" She says, her voice soft and sweet.
"I'm Marco!" I say. She gets up and bat wings stretch from her back. "Nice wings."
"Thanks." She flaps them a little. "So, do you think you could show me around?"
"Absolutely!" I say. She says goodbye to the principle and we shut the door. As we walk down the hall, I introduce her to everyone we pass. To Jacky and Brad and even Britney.
"And this is Janna." I say. Janna stares at Lily and Lily stares back.
"Hi?" Lily says, tucking her bat wings behind her back.
Janna clears her throat, "I just really likes your wings. I've thought about getting them myself." She gives her normal Janna smile and I shiver.
"Ok?" Lily shrugs and we walk off. I check my pockets, keys still there.
"Yeah Janna's a bit of an odd ball."
"I think she's cool." Lily shrugs. I feel my head become as hot as an oven and my cheeks turn as red as a tomato.
"This is really kind of you!" Lily says, breaking the silence.
"Think nothing of it!" I say. "I'm the one who usually shows people around."
"Cool." She smiles. I shyly smile back.
"So," I change the subject as we head outside. "What dimension are you from?"
She smiles. "Mewni."
"Do you know Star?" As soon as it left my mouth, I wanted to take it back. "Of course you know her, she's a princess." I look around for a topic change. "I like you're boots!"
"Thanks." Lily looks down at her boots. They were beaten-up combat boots with little knife pockets on the side. With knives inside. "I've had these for a while."
"So this is my class." I point to it as we walk by. She peers in through the small window on the door, standing on her tip-toes.
"You're class is taught by a gremlin?" She asks, turning back.
"Well-" I start.
"Let me guess... Star."
I shrug.
"Figures." She crosses her arms and looks somewhere else.
"Figures? What are you talking about?" We keep walking and she pulls on her black shirt, then rubs her hands on her hands on her leggings. All black, very sliming.
"Star never told you why she was sent to Earth... Didn't she?"
"Well..." I bite my lip. "No."
"Well," Lily starts to look angry. "For starters, she fought monsters on Mewny."
"How's that bad?" I ask, smiling. "We fight monsters here too."
"Before she had the wand. You know, most of the monsters would start rampaging through the city cause she definitely couldn't stop them."
"Well I'm sorry." I say. She stops walking and looks at me.
"She lit my house on fire with that wand once she got it. That's why she was sent to Earth. For lighting her ENTIRE kingdom on fire." I stood there, shocked.
"No!" I say. "Star would never do that!"
"She did!" Lily pouts. "With that stupid burning rainbow spell."
"Star would never do anything to hurt anyone."
"Really?" she sighs and closes her eyes. Honestly, I don't know what to do in the situation. Then she whispers, "I sense an unnatural evil in you. You're negative aura is strong around your right arm."
"Wow." I look at my right arm. "Can you tell why?"
"There's an evil spirit still partly trapped in there." She moves her hand up and down my arm, her eyes still closed. "It's unnatural. Placed there by faulty magic." I can feel it tingling and an image flashes before my eyes.
"Monster arm." I gasp. She opens her eyes.
"Star gave you a monster arm!?" She looks shocked and scared at the same time.
"Yeah." I say quickly, "But it was an accident. She meant well." I smile, unconvincingly. I know by her reaction. She grabs both my hands. I feel a cold rush shiver up my body. She stays silent and so do I.
"Marco," she says, looking down.
I sigh. "I know Star has messed up before and I know she has hurt me along the way but-"
"That's not what I was going to say." She interjects. I stop, a rush of embarrassment floods through my body.
"Then what were you going to say?"
"I know we just met and all but..."
"Do you mind if I stay with you for a few weeks?"
"What? Not at all!" Not what I was expecting but this would be great.
The bell rings and the hallways flood.
"Hey Marco!!" Star chirps as she bounces down the hallway.
"Oh Star!" I say and I grab her hand. "This is Lily. She's also from Mewny." Lily unhappily waves hello.
"You look... Familiar." Star says. I look between her and Lily.
"I don't see why, you're-"
"Don't say your highness!" Star says. "I just go by Star."
"That's not what I was going to say." Lily says between clamped teeth. "I was going to say 'you're barely out of the castle.'" Star and Lily star at each other. I just stand there uncomfortably.
"I definitely know you from somewhere." Star says. "Oh well! See you around Mewny buddy!" Star bounces away.
"Lily you ok?" I say.
"Dandy." She growls. And with that, she shoots off into the sky.

Star vs. Evil: Dark Marco (#1 in the SVTFOE Dark Magic series)Where stories live. Discover now