Evaiding Death or Welcoming It

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"TRY HARDER!" I scream in my head.
"So how should we go about taking over Mewni." Red wonders out loud.
"Just a thumb." I tell myself in my head. "A little movement." I concentrate so hard that my head hurts. My thoughts foggily slide through my head, although it's really hard to disguise my thoughts from Red's.
"It would be easier to take over Mewny if we had Star as a hostage." A deep voice says. He is right out of my vision.
"You're right, Toffee." Red says. She stretches her wings and soars into the air.
"MOVE!!" I scream in my head. "MARCO MOVE!!"
"Ah," Ludo says. He walks over to me. The only problem is that I can't see him cause I can't move and look down at him. My vision comes in and out of focus.
"What do you think we should do with him?" The man named Toffee says for behind me.
"I don't know." Ludo says as he takes some steps back. "But that blank state is creeping me out."
"Red is a powerful mind controller." Toffee says. "I'm sure it's impossible to break this spell."
"What do you mean?" Ludo squeaks. "We don't want to break the spell."
"Mmhmm." Toffee growls. "But what if we stole him?"
"What if they stole me?" I think angrily.
"I don't get where you're going with this Toffee." Ludo squeals as he runs behind me. Suddenly, the most magnificent thing happened.
My thumb moved!
"Red's taking over Mewni when they fall." Toffee smirks. There is a long pause.
"WHO FALL?" I think.
"And if we have this guy then we can blackmail her." I can feel Toffee grab my hand.
"BRILLIANT!" Ludo screams behind me. Toffee takes a rope and ties me up, however I never see him at all. Ludo cuts a hole in the dimension and I can feel my hand move now.
"YOU CAN DO IT MARCO!" I scream in my head.
"Let us go." Ludo laughs. "This is going to be great.
I muster all my strength and spit,  "You'll never get away with this."

It's weird. When you are tumbling through the air, you can always think of every moment in you're life you seem to forget. Like the first time i met Marco, our first monster battle, when he tried to make me feel better and even the time he made me believe fortune cookies were real.
The time we danced at the blood moon ball, man how I loved that. When he saved my life, so many times then I can count. When Marco and I...
And when you're life is tumbling away, you realize how much this one person means to you.
"Marco." I whisper to myself. He was the reason I loved it so much here on Earth. My last memories before I die was of him. I don't have any of those memories of my parents or PonyHead or even Tom! (God knows I wouldn't want any with him but still)
"If I'm gonna die now," I say. "I will happily go with the person who has been with me through tough times on my mind." I can see the ground and I close my eyes. It's a street, With houses lining it. Where families sit, unknowing that a magical princess from another dimension was about to create quite a pothole. My ears pop and my head stings.
"Good bye, Earth." I whisper as I close my eyes. "Good bye Marco." I wait for death. For me to die
But as soon as I welcome it, it doesn't happen. I feel someone holding my dress, keeping me from hitting the ground, which is now running horizontal to me.
Only one person I knew would have me like this.
"Thanks so much Marco..." My voice trails off as I look who's carrying me.
"YOU!" I scream.
"Surprised?" Red smirks. I punch her in the face and she drops me. I land on my feet, my bloody knees cracking under the pressure.
"What are you going to do, Star?" Red lands across from me.
"I will defeat you and get Marco back." I demand. She laughs at my remark.
"Where's your wand, girly?" Red holds up her hands and then aims then towards me. "SHADOW COMET!" I a black fire-like substance hit me in the stomach. It hurt and it burned like crazy. But I still stand up, I will never fall.
"You're still standing?" Red laughs. "How heroic."
"I'm not tryin to be heroic." I scream at her. "IM DOING THIS TO SAVE THE PEOPLE I LOVE."
"So..." She laughs. "Not to save the citizens of Mewny? You are quite some princess."
"I was talking about them." I say to her.
"You mean you love the people who casted you aside, stopped you from being you?"
"I do." I breathe. "Because they are the people who raised me."
"You think that your words inspire me to change my ways?" Red screams in a evil-laugh way. "You're wrong."
"I'm sorry." I say, my heart pounding.
"You're sorry?" Red asks in a rhetorical way.
"I am." I answer anyway. "My wand caused many so much pain. That's why I was sent to Earth, to maybe fix it."
"You burned my home. My family is nothing but a pile of ashes because of you! Mewni is a slum, and everyone lives like that. What have you done to fix that!? NOTHING!" I can hear in her voice that she wants to cry.
"Red this can all be fixed." I say. "I can let you talk to my parents! They can fix this all."
"Why would they ever listen to you!?" Red screams.
"I'm their daughter-"
"I was."
"I'm surprised you weren't sent to St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses."
I try to keep my cool after said that.
"I was given another chance." I take my fighting stance. "You can get another if you don't go through with this plan."
"Your dad stole my powers from me." Red begins to make swirls with her Dark Magic. "Luckily, someone gave them back."
"I don't need powers." I growl. "Because Marco's coming to save me."
"FULL POWER! Marco isn't going anywhere! He's completely under my control!" She smiles wickedly, an insane look in her silver eyes and a big smile, fangs flashing.
"Then why did he cry?"
Red looks at me, confused. I charge her, picturing what Marco does.
"Shadow net." Red takes we first two fingers and draws three vertical lines in the air.
I keep charging.
I see a black net and I feel it grab me. It stings so bad.
"I will never give up." I scream as I thrash at the net. As I touch it, it cuts my skin and slashes it.
"Why not?" Red draws a portal into Mewni with her knife and I see a normal day through the portal. She gives herself a black shadow cape and pulls the hood over her face.
"Right now those little pests you call Ludo and Toffee are storming up to the tower. And all I have to do is bring you there and your parents will gladly make me the Queen of Mewni. And no one shall suffer the way I did!" She grabs the net a lugs me over her shoulder like Santa Clause.
"Maybe after all of this," Red walks through the portal. "All make Marco my king."

(Sorry I have an annoying habit of writing on caps)

Star vs. Evil: Dark Marco (#1 in the SVTFOE Dark Magic series)Where stories live. Discover now