After Credit Scene: RED

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There is a dimension called The Empire of Light. In this dimension, it is very bright, as you may imagine. Everything is glowing, as you can see, with different colors. It looks as if it's a normal town, just with everything being reflective.
This planet revolves around 7 different stars, all different colors. How is that possible you ask?
Simple: they aren't real stars.
Yes it's true, every single person is fooled into thinking these are stars and this one planet revolves around them.
These people are wrong.
As everyone thought the sun and moon revolved around the Earth, they were only half wrong. The people on this planet thought they revolved around those 7 stars. But the truth is they don't. The real truth is those are just 7 bigger planets that this small sun revolves around.
However, this small sun is so dull and lifeless, people have built civilization on what they thought was a planet.

Question: what does this have to do with anything that the rest if this book about an inter-dimensional princess with awesome light-magic?
What it does have to do with is her parents.
But that's for another book, let's move on.
A Shadow-Magic girl sits in a light cell in a light prison on this light planet, which we discovered is not really planet before. She is known as Red. However, she is not Red at all, beside the tips of her hair which is 100% artificial and a slight reddish tint in her wings. But, Red was her real name. So, it's not like someone named Scarlet is all red either, huh?
She was a misguided girl who had been taken over by an evil spirit. Which, unknowing to the people who brought her to this dimension , was still harboring inside her.
The bright cell was keeping this girl awake with its yellow glow. That, and of course, revenge. This inter dimensional princess and her cute friend had captured this fugitive named Red and sent her to this cursed prison.
And she was sure she would get revenge. But let's leave that to another book, shall we?

"Red." A guard growls. The girl lifted her black-red hair up of the floor and casted him a death glare. Figurative, of course but how cool would death vision be?
Guard: You have a visitor
Red: no one visits me
Guard: apparently someone did
Red: is it Star confessing her wrongs?
Guard: no
Red: is it my dear Marco coming back to me?
Guard: no
Red: is it the king and queen of Mewni making me royalty?
Guard: no
Red: is it-
Guard: how about instead of you guessing 500 people I just tell you who it is.
Red: I like guessing
Guard: well I don't. Please come with me
Red: what if I don't?
Red: ok.
This girl with bat wings stretched them out and came with the guard, who made sure not to touch the teen. Looking at her, you would never guess hat se was capable of. You will just think she was you're average bat-winged teenage who liked petty crime and is in here for a year or so. Nope, she is here for 20 to life. Which is a while, considering you're only thirteen years old.
"Here." The guard snaps. Red sits at a glowing red table, wearing shimmering hand cuffs that cut off what little power she had left. They had stolen most of it and destroyed it all by-
"Red!" A woman cheered, unknowingly interrupting me. She wore a pant suit (ew) blond hair in a tight bun (eh) and the highest heels ever (ow!). Her eyes sparkles blue in the lighting.
"Do I know you?" Red snapped. No this little trouble maker was not mind wiped like she had tried to do the banished princess if Mewni. She had actually never met this woman before.
"I'm your mother," the woman sat across from her.
"What? No you're-" her snippy comment was interrupted by a rude voice from the woman.
"Play along if you want to live." The woman says without opening her mouth.
"Mom!" Red cries, "it's been so long I barely noticed you!"
"I know!" Red's fake mom laughs.
"Prisons been good." Red lies.
"I bet it has." The woman cheers.
Awkward silence.
"Red my dear," the woman says. "You have something on your forehead. Let me get it."
Red, who was always wary of people touching her due to her own power, remembered the woman's threat before and let the woman rub her forehead.
"Oh is it that late already!" The woman checks an imaginary watch. "I must go!"
"Wait!" Red calls. The woman simply wiggles her finger as if to say 'tootles!' As leaves Red in the meeting area.
Guard: back to your cell
Red: what if I don't want to?
~10 minutes later~
Red is finally back in her cell, leaning against the wall.
"Hello Red." The woman's voice rings in her head.
"Hello?" Red says aloud.
"No don't talk out loud! Think my darling!"
"I'm thinking! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?"
"That's not important. All you have to do is know I'm the reason you're locked p
"You little %+¡€ £¥?$ £^!" (Censored for younger viewers)
"Such language." The woman telepathically huffs.
"What do you want?"
"Tomorrow at noon, be in your cell. I will break you out."
"Break me out from the place you put me? Thanks."
"You don't know who I am huh?"
"Not a clue."
"My name is Civ." the woman says. That named ringed in Red's ear with a sense of familiarity.
"Wow. Cool. I so care." Red played it off like she didn't care. Which, was almost completely true.
"I am the best witch ever. I can telepathically communicate with people whether it's dreams of just like this."
"Wow. Cool. Still don't care."
"I must go."
"Noon tomorrow."
She hears a mosquito buzz in her ear and leans against the light wall.

~11:59 AM the next day~
Red: I'm not hungry
Guard: so what you little bat-brain? Go now
Red: is it Chinese today?
Guard: no
Red: Italian?
Guard: no
Red: Japanese?
Guard: no
Red: Mexican?
Guard: no
Red: Canadian?
Guard: no! Wait what?
Red: American?
Guard: how about you come to the mess hall and you can see for yourself!
Red: *thinks for exactly 8 seconds* nah
Red: consideration.
Guard: but you had the same exact answer!
Red: I considered it and came up with the same answer.
Suddenly, a huge explosion can be heard an it rattles the entire prison.
Guard: what was that?
Red: my ride?
Guard: what?
Red: *holds out knife that was stolen from the kitchen*
Guard: WHAT?
Red: you are about to figure out why they call me Red.
~one minute later~
"You're late. It's 12:01 now!" Civ barks as Red enters the small space craft.
"Sorry. Things got a little messy." Red wipes the blood from her hand onto the seat.
"Mmhmm." Civ snaps and they shoot off into space.
"Where now?" Red asks.
"We are going to pay a visit to my dear daughter."
"She's sure to be surprised."
Civ nods and sets the ship to autopilot to Earth.
"I'm sure my daughter will be quite surprised to see me."

And to all you who are asking and demanding...
I will write a sequel!

Star vs. Evil: Dark Marco (#1 in the SVTFOE Dark Magic series)Where stories live. Discover now