Kiss and tell

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POV Star
"I wonder where Marco is. It's not like him to be out so late." Mrs. Diaz says concerned. I sit on the couch looking at my pink boots.
"Star," Mr. Diaz says. "Where's Marco?"
"Huh?" I say, even though I heard her.
"Do you know where Marco is?" Mrs. Diaz repeats.
"No." I say, being completely honest. I was getting really concerned. It was almost midnight and we must have called Marco hundreds of times. "I'm going upstairs."
"Ok," Mrs. Diaz says. "Tell us if you here from him."
"Mkay." I say, yawning. I get into my room and fall on my bed.
"STAR!" Someone yells. I fall off my bed.
"Hello?" I say, leaping for my wand. I get into my battle pose but I only see my room, dark with a little moonlight shining through the balcony.
"Star it's me, your dad! I'm on the mirror." I run over and open the curtain.
"Someone found that Red is on Earth." He shouts as soon as I can see his face.
"What!?" I scream. Honestly, I felt a little scared.
"And I'm sending you a picture of her a camera got. Please be careful!" My dad hangs up quickly and the picture is sent through. I watch as the magical printer shoots out a blank piece of white paper. It slowly develops.
I scream.
"Red is... Is... Lily?" I say. I scrutinize the picture more. Black hair, red tips, pale skin...
"MARCO!" I gasp and I jump out of my window.

POV Lily
"Ready?" I say with a wink.
"You know it!" Marco says. We grab the water balloons filled with purple dye and wait on top of a building. It's midnight, which means the arcade is closing right now. Which leads to nerds coming at.
Which leads to them being covered in purple dye.
"Marco I didn't expect you to be this bad." I lie. I knew exactly how bad he was. I mean, is.
"Well," he drops a balloon on an undeserving nerd. "There's a lot you don't know about me."
"Hey!" One of them says. He looks up. "Marco?"
"Uh," Marco drops another on him. "Yeah."
"What happened to you?" He says, wiping his eyes. "Why are you covering me in dye?"
"It's funny!" Marco snaps as he jumps off the roof. He lands smiling at the kid, whose shirt is one size too small.
"Marco!" I say as I lean over. "Wrong words. It's not funny... It's hilarious!" We both laugh.
"Hey girl!" The boy says, raising an eyebrow. "I'm Ferguson. I don't think we met." I jump down.
"No. We never did ." I grab his shoulder and he jolts a little bit. "But I'm glad we didn't. Now go away!" He turns around and leaves without another word.
"Now," Marco says. "How about we stop with the dye packs and start with something else." He pulls his hood over his messy hair and his eyes glow yellow-brown. I smile an my eyes shift to a glowing blue.
We lean in for a kiss.

"Gotta. Help. Marco. In. Danger." I pant as I peddle my (meaning Marco's) bike up a hill. I look around and ride down recklessly.
"Woah!" A girl screams as she jumps out of the way.
"Hey!" Another shouts.
"Watch it!" A man jumps off to the side.
"Star?" I skid to a stop to see Ferguson covered in purple paint.
"What happened?" I ask.
"I don't know. I walk out of an arcade and then this girl and Marco-"
"Marco? Where!?" I lean close to him.
"Games R Us. It's an arcade on Central." He says, a bit panicked.
"And you left him there!? Ferguson it's almost 12:00 am by now!"
"I don't know why I left. I just needed too. Well, good night Star!" He leaves a I peddle to the arcade.
I fly down the streets and take a sharp turn onto Central Avenue. As I see the arcade, I also see Marco and Lily leaning in for a kiss.
"Narwal Blast!" I yell with a jump as tiny narwhals smash into Lily, I mean Red.
"Lily!" Marco yells.
"It's ok, Marco. Red can't hurt you anymore."
"Hurt me? Red? What's going on?" Marco asks, confused.
"Star is jealous!" Lily says as she gets up. "And my name isn't Red." She cracked her knuckles and stands next to Marco. She leans on his shoulder.
"What is it then?" I ask through clamped teeth, my wand perked.
"I don't have to tell you!" She glares at me.
"You really should. I know who you are." I snap, then add, "And I don't like you hanging out with Marco!"
"What are you going to do about it?" She challenges.
"RAMBOW PUNCH!" She flies backward as my rainbow hits her square in the chest.
"Star stop!" Marco yells.
"Marco!" I run up to him and grab his arms. . "You're under a spell! This isn't you! Lily is controlling you!"
"What? Star that's stupid!" He yells. "And I would really appreciate it if you didn't interfere with my love life!" He shoved me away and I stumble backwards.
"You guys aren't in love... Right?" I ask nervously.
"That is NONE of your business."
"Marco you don't understand. Spraying paint buildings or drop dye packs on your friends! You never step out of line Marco. This isn't you."
"Yes it is Star. I'm different now and different is good."
"Marco, Lily is an evil, mind controlling freak who only uses people like you to advance in life."
"Star! What are you talking about? Lily is the best thing that's ever happened to me! NOW STAY OUT OF MY WAY!"
"Marco I'm just trying to help!" I say, scared.
"You are not!" Marco screams back.
"Marco this isn't you!" I yell.
"Yes, it is." I feel Lily grab me. I try to wiggle free. Marco pulls a demential knife out of his pocket and slices a hole in the universe.
"Have fun Star!" Lily says. She chuckles evilly and throws me in. Then, the portal closes.
"Ah Star Butterfly." A voice cracks.
I look up and tighten my grip on my wand.

Star vs. Evil: Dark Marco (#1 in the SVTFOE Dark Magic series)Where stories live. Discover now