From Princess to Prisoner

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I light seeps through the darkness and I find myself walking down the hall and into the throne room. I stop and feel someone walk right into my back.
"Marco?" Says a soft soft voice from behind me. I turn my head to see Red brushing her hair from her face. "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine." I mumble.
"What's wrong?" She asks as she sits in her throne. I stand awkwardly in front of her, not wanting to sit down.
"Well uh-"
"Sit." She gestures to the throne and I obey.
"So what's wrong?" She repeats as soon as I sit down.
I take a deep breath and scream, "Stop controlling me!"
She laughs, mostly to herself. "Such a demanding request!"
"Stop doing it; now." I state.
"Your a sweet boy but until you forget about Star and you're life on Earth I'm afraid you can't be trusted."
"Then here's a deal." I say, leaning on te arm of my throne. "I get to see Star and wrap things up with that," -think about how to put this- "ex-princess. And then let me tell my parents what's going on."
"Or neither could be an option and I could just control you for the rest of your life." Red cackles like a witch you see in the movies. "Didn't think about that huh?"
"But why? Doesn't that waist magic?"
"Magic has no limits. This isn't a movie you know."
"All magic had its limits. You are going to run out of magic energy sooner or later."
"You stole that from Fairy Tail." She snaps.
"Maybe..." As in yes, I thought that's how magic works.
"I never thought you would watch anime-"
"We are getting off topic." I say. "Please, let me see Star and my parents."
"Hmm." Red thinks for a bit, and paces in front of me, her black and red ball gown flowing. Her wings are tucked nicely to her back and her tiara has black smoke rising from it.
"Please?" I beg. I notice Monster Arm sleeping on a chair in the corner and I shiver.
"Pick one." Red smiles evilly. "Your mom and dad, or Star."
"Star." I sat without hesitation.
"Oh." Red thinks for a minute and then nods. "She's in the dungeon. Fourth torture chamber to you're left."
I try to hide the horror in my eyes. I nod and exit the throne room. As soon as the big double doors close and sprint around the castle, asking shadow guards frantically where the torture chamber is.
When I finally reach the dungeons, I count four and knock on the door.
There is no response.
"Star." I say quietly. I open the door to see a blond haired girl curled up in a ball in the corner.
"Who's there?" She snaps, jumping into a battle pose.
"It's just me." I say, putting out my hands.

"Oh great." I snap. "The great an powerful king who through me on here."
"I would never-" Marco starts
"But you did Marco." I tell him, "your eyes were brown."
He looks at me through the dim light, confused. His eyes have a soft yellow hallo around them, but they are mostly brown. I don't trust this.
"Please Star." He's almost begging. "Tell me what happened."
"It's simple really. Ludo brought you, tried to blackmail Red, you beat up Ludo, sent him into a prison, then tackled me and gave the wand to Red." I grit my teeth. "Then you put me in here."
"Star I don't remember doing anything like that." He admits.
"Yeah right." I turn my back on him.
"You gotta believe me!" He pleads. "Red was controlling me."
"Marco please." I spun around and walk towards him until he's pinned against the wall.
"Star I'm telling the truth."
"If you were you would have freed me by now."
"Star! Red has been controlling me. I don't remember anything from the last three weeks!"
"Soon. Neither will I." I sigh as sit on the cold floor.
"What? Why?"
"Red's gonna wipe my memory tomorrow. So... You can be king for as long as you want."
"STAR NO!" He screams. I wince under the loudness and take a deep breath.
"It's ok, Marco. I'm ready."
"No Star you can't!"
"I'll be put with the common folk. All those terrible things that I did I won't remember."
"But what about all of the great things you did?"
"Like what?" I sigh. "Since my memory is about I be wiped, all I can think about is all the bad things I've done."
"What about all the good things?"
"Stop repeating yourself." I snap.
"BUT YOUVE DONE SO MUCH GOOD!" Marco touches my shoulder.
"No I haven't-" I push his hand away and cross my arms tightly.
"When you were falling through the air, about to crash into the Earth, I know you didn't think about all the bad times."
I remember now. "I thought about you."
"Me?" He seamed surprised.
"Yes you!" I cry. "All the good times we had together."
"YES!" I was over filled with happiness now.
"Why me?"
"Because you believed in me. You took me in even though I'm a pain. We fought monsters together, you are like the brother I never had and I couldn't ask for a better one." I fall into a hug with him.
"Star i-"
"Don't talk." I hush him. We sit in a hug until a shadow guard makes him leave. I watch as he leaves and my cell door is closed.
"I don't want my memory to be erased." I stand up and wipe the dirt from my back. "Because I don't want to forget you Marco Diaz."
I carved his name in the wall with a rock and begin to hatch my plan.

"Marco." I snap as my king enters the throne room. "Where have you been?"
"Visiting Star." He says irritated as he sits down.
"For an hour?"
"I got lost." He spits. "I haven't exactly been conscious for the last few weeks, now have I."
"Well that doesn't explain why you spent so long with her."
"I don't know. Maybe because we lived together for six months and you're king to erase her memory."
"Would you rather I keep her in there for the eternity."
"Really? So her living like a normal person isn't better than sitting in a dungeon?"
"Well I mean-"
"I'm giving her a chance to redeem herself. Her sitting in that dungeon is just a waist of food."
"Red this is nuts!" He snaps, "just let her go and I'll do anything!"
"Oh Marco." I smile, "but this is the only way we can be happy. Without that litter vermin in the way."
"Star is not a vermin! She's my friend!"
"Shh," I hush, "aren't you tired from wandering around he castle all day?" I hold my hand out and watch as black shadow magic escapes and he falls asleep on his throne.
"How can he sleep on that thing." I laugh to my self. "It's so uncomfortable."
"M'lady." A shadow guard says. "The princess has escaped."
"She is no princess." I snap my fingers and he fades away.
"Now." I say as I create a new one. "Capture the convict at once. Let's do that memory erase ceremony now while King Traitor is asleep." I get up and leave Marco asleep in the throne.
"I thought he'd be a better king." I confess and shut the doors.

Star vs. Evil: Dark Marco (#1 in the SVTFOE Dark Magic series)Where stories live. Discover now