The Ultimate Evil

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"What should we do now?" Lily says.
"I don't know." I say. I keep looking back at the place we sent Star. Lily notices an grabs my hand.
"Stop looking back." She says. I bite my lip and stop, even though I want to run back and save her, I just can't.
"And now?" I ask, curiously.
"Want to watch Star and Ludo fight?" Lily suggest.
"Nah I'm good." I say, although every part of me was screaming yes. I look down at her grip on my hand. It didn't feel like a loving. It felt commanding. Could Star be... Right...?
"C'mon. Let's just go back to your house." Lily says.
"Ok." I sigh and try to look back at the disappears portal, but I couldn't. I physically just couldn't.
We walked home in silence. Well, almost silence. She kept holding my hand and whispering something. I open my mouth to ask, but I decide not to.
We entered my house to see my parents sitting on the couch. They look at me, first relieved then angry.
"Marco? Where have you been!? Who is this!? Do you have any idea what time it is!?" My mom half screams half asks.
"Yeah. It's me. This is Lily and where I have been is nothing of your concerned." I snap. "Oh. And it's 12:28 am." Guilt runs into me but I push it away.
"Marco." My dad says standing up. "Tell us where you've been."
"No." I say. He walks up to me, covering me in his own shadow. But, I don't feel fear at all.
"Marco Diaz, where have you been!?"
"Nowhere." I push past him. "And Lily's staying with us." I say.
"What!?" My dad shouts at me.
"She doesn't have any where else to go." I shrug it off and Lily follows me upstairs.
"Where'd Star go?" Both my parents yell up to me.
"I don't know." I lie. I go into my room and slam the door. I jump onto my bed and plant my head in the pillow. Lily sits next to me and rests her hand on my back.
"Wanna watch to battle?" Lily asks when she gets up and cuts open a portal.
"Of course." I say, standing up, "Sounds very fun."

"Ludo!" I yell. I jump up and he me looks at my wand.
"GET THE WAND." Ludo yells. All his monsters attack me.
"Narwal blast, narwal blast!" I scream. "Rainbow punch! Rainbow punch!" Each monster falls back. But they keep standing up. Then they start to overwhelm me. They pile over me. I try punching at them but all that happens is my hand gets covered in chickens dyer spit.
"Star!! NO!" Somebody yells.
"Marco?" I scream. The pile of monsters begin to get lighter. "NARWAL NIGHTMARE!" I yell as all the monsters fly against the wall. I see Marco standing there, his hair messy, a black hood shading his face and yellow eyes glowing.
"Marco!" Lily growls. He stares at me.
Then he holds his head and screams.
"Marco!" I scream and run up to him. As I get near him, and suddenly I feel a sharp punch hit my stomach. I fall to the ground, coughing
"Give me the wand, star!" Lily shouts.
"No!" Marco kicks me again. "Marco stop!"
"Then give me the wand." Marco says. I gasp and get up. He swings a punch at me but I suck and run away. Rummaging through my bag. I grab the dimensional scissors,
"Bleh." I say quickly and cut through the world and jump through. I close the portal and pant heavily.
"Well it's not Earth." I say. "But it's home." I walk through the streets of Mewni, everyone avoiding me. I stuff the wand and dimensional scissors into my bag.

"Marco!" I yell. "What in the world were you thinking!?"
"I was trying to get the wand." He says. "Like you wanted."
"It was a good idea." I say. "But I have a better one." He and I smile wickedly. Opening a portal, we slide through to Mewni.
"She came here." Marco smiles, certain.
"How do you know?" I ask.
"I know Star like a sister. She thinks we would go to Earth." Marco explains as we walk down the dusty streets of Mewni.
"But I know she came here. She's going to find her dad. We need to make her light the town on fire, we can steal the wand while it's going from her hand to her moms hand." I say. We smile and I fly him to the castle. Even though, I knew that wasn't the plan.
"It was nice having an evil partner." I think "Especially one that's so easy to control. Thank you Monster Arm, which would be sprouting any day now. My magic was so strong, and Marco was so easy to manipulate. Plus, he's cute. Maybe after we kill Star and her parents, I'll go on a date with him."

I ran through the lower part of the city, pushing anything in my way.
"Move! Sorry! Princess coming through! Has anyone seen the King?" I shout.
"Star!?" A deep voice shouts. My dad emerges with a big spear in his hand.
"Dad! Red took over Marco's body! Not really took over as mind control him! And now Marco's evil and he tried to steel my wand and he is so strong and so malevolent  and Red is hurting him and daddy please stop her!!" I grab my dad into a tight hug, almost sobbing.
"Don't worry Star. I will have my top men looking for Red and your friend and the top medics working on a antidote for the mind control part." My dad hugs me back.
"Oh what a fine family reunion." A girl's voice rings in my ear. I turn around to see Red and Marco standing on the roof of a nearby house.
"You!" My dad yells. I stare in disbelief at Marco. He looks so calm, smiling slightly like he was proud of what he's doing. But beyond the bright, hollow glowing-ness of his eyes, I could see that the real Marco was being hidden.
"Yes. It's me," Red chuckles. My dad raises his spear and I raise my wand to, it glowing a soft silver.
"I wouldn't do that I were you." Marco interjects. My focus shifts from Red to him.
"Why not, boy!?" My dad shouts.
Marco walks in front of Red. "You try to kill her, you kill me too." Marco smile grows and Red puts her hand on his shoulder.
"So?" My dad says. I bite my lip and lower my head.
"Stop." I say as I put my hand on my dad's elbow. "You win Red. You too, Marco. What do you want?"
"Star?" My dad whispers to me. I hang my head lower.
"What do we want?" Lily, I mean Red, chuckles. "All we want is Star Butterfly and her wand gone. Banished from Mewni."
"I was banished." I sulk.
"Marco I wanted to but..." I was at a loss of words.
"But what!? Were you afraid that I WOULD DO SOMETHING!? All I was is honest and faithful to you Star. I fought Ludo with you the first day we met!"
"Marco please-"
"NO STAR!?" He jumps down from the roof. "YOU DON'T TRUST ME!"
"Marco I trust you-"
"Please Marco you have to believe I was only trying to protect you-"
"From what!? You brought my family and Me through a deadly woods to save your butt!"
"Marco your not thinking straight! Lily is controlling you!"
"No. She's not," Marco holds up a knife. "She's just clearing my judgement."

Star vs. Evil: Dark Marco (#1 in the SVTFOE Dark Magic series)Where stories live. Discover now