A Dance with the Devil

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"Find the convict." I snap. "I should have done this a long time ago!" I create ten more shadow soldiers and they fly off.
My black dress flows as I storm back into the throne room. Marco is flipped over, sleeping quietly on his throne. I sit nicely on the throne next to him. I look between monster arm and Marco, both asleep.
"Well this is no fun." I mutter as I play with my magic. I create a shadow version of Marco on my hand. Out of nothing but boredom, I create a version of me and watch the two dance around on my hand. I crush them and groan. I glance back at Marco.
"He's so cute when he's sleeping." I think as I flip into my stomach, my chest on the armrest. I begin to hum my favorite song. It's slow and sweet and almost seems to tickle my lips as I do. I loved this song for a while. It's not a real song, I made it up a long time ago. I used to entertain so many people with my singing. Everyday was a new melody. But that's gone now. This is the last song left.
"Oh," i sing quietly, "I can see it's true.
That boy is yours, the one next to you
He has short brown hair, and ye-ellow eyes.
He's is yours, you can just believe and try."
I get up and wake him up with a snap of my fingers.
"Count one, two, three. So c'mon baby won't you dance with me." I laugh as he gets up. His eyes are blank but I make him put on the most beautiful smile. I grab his hands and we begin to dance. It's been so long, I've honestly forgot how to. But we just spin in circles and move out feet.
"So c'mon baby won't you dance with me. It's easier when you do. I can see your face, you're feeling awfully blue. So c'mon baby and dance with me." [never said I was good at coming up with lyrics]
His eyes gain more dimensions and he smiles. We spin and dance around in the throne room, monster arm still snoozing.
"It's weird." I laugh as we lock fingers. "I'm only 13 [that was a lie but whatever] and I've already become queen. I sometimes forget that we are still technically kids."
He just smiles.
"So c'mon baby won't you d-a-ance with me." I laugh.
It was weird alright.
One of the most dangerous witches of all times, dancing with a boy she's controlling.
But it's what makes me happy.
So I'll just viciously murder anyone who gets in my way.
Including you, Mrs. Butterfly. You can't ever hide from me.

"Do do do do." I mutter, "covering myself in black coal." I actually was, no joke. I was. This way I would look like a shadow. And if I move quick enough and light enough, I might fool them and be able to save Marco. He's probably all tied up in his room or knocked out in his throne. Whatever. Red was probably looking around the castle for me.
I had already broken out of my cell and made my escaped-ness known by all the guards.
"Now." I run barefoot up a lot of stares and quietly run down the hallway. "Throne room? Bed room? Please say throne room. There are like 2,000,000 bedrooms!" I run faster and slide across the cold marble floor. Jumping out an open window, I fall into the most with a smooth dive. I get out, my disguise gone.
"Darn it." I grit my teeth as I sit against the back wall. "I'm horrible at making plans. Marco would have came up with a foul proof plan. We would have been home months ago. If only I had Marco." I fall into the thick grass and don't move for a little bit. Then I spring myself behind a bush.
"C'mon Star!" I scream in my mind as I poke my head out of the bush. "You can do this. You can save Marco. It just might mean a little light show." I laugh maniacally and tuck and roll in front of the huge throne room doors. I stand there, heart in my throat and stomach in my knees. Is easy my breathing and ran against it.
Well I didn't think Red would leave them unlocked!
"Wow." I look up to Marco and Her staring at me. Marco has an arm around her, like they were just dancing. Wait what?
"Hi Star." Red laughs as she walks away from Marco. He falls, limply lying on the floor.
"Marco!" I shout.
"Forget about him." She begins to laugh. I narrow my eyes. She turns around and I spring to my feet silently. I steady my breathing and I sprint at her.
"RED!" I scream, inches from her head. She turns around with a smile as I fall right through her.
"A fake!?" I shout.
"Pay attention, Butterfly." I watch as the real Red lands a few feet from me. "Maybe you'll learn something."
"You messed with the wrong person!" I scream.
"No." She narrows her eyes as black smoke rises from her. "You messed with the wrong person."
"You will pay for what you've done!" I runs at her. I punch a few times but she lazily blocks or dodges it. She pulls back her hand and punches me in the stomach, then spins around and kicks me in the feet. I fall into my face.
"Ha!" She laughs. I spin around and go for her feet too, but she turns into more smoke.
"Funny." She snaps as I stand up. "I thought I told you to pay attention!"
"Red!" I pull back my arm and make a punching motion. Little, tiny comet-like things escape my hand and fly towards her. She does a few back handsprings and lands on the throne with neatly crossed legs and a smirk.
"Eh," she checks her nails, "dos that amuse you?"
"No!" I scream and so the same motion a few more times but no such luck.
"Your no match for me, girly." She laughs. "You will never win, Marco will stay with me and Mewni will be mine forever. It's inevitable."
"I don't know what that last word means!" I snap, "but I know it's dead wrong!"
She laughs. "You are such a child. Marco and I had a lovely dance, you know. Until you came and ruined it. Did you know he could dance, Star?"
"I did." I look back as Marco's limp body.
"Guards!" She stands, her hand rising a over her head. I feel a tangle of arms grab me and hold me tight. Red coasts and lands inches from my face. I struggle and pull against the half mist. She smiles as Marco lazily walks back and falls asleep in the throne.
"Red..." I breathe, hair uncomfortably in my mouth.
"You know Star." She smiles as she tunes around. "You didn't have to fight me."
"Huh?" I questions as the fog's grip gets tighter.
"Marco was on the floor, mere feet from you." She sits on the throne and picks up an ancient scepters from next to the throne, "you should have just taken him and ran."
"No." I breathe, then shouts, "MARCO NO!"
And just like that, I was whisked away.
"My only chance." My stomach drops. "And I blew it."



Star vs. Evil: Dark Marco (#1 in the SVTFOE Dark Magic series)Where stories live. Discover now