The Power of the Stars

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When Star is taken out, I prepare my spell. I will wipe her mind clean. Then I will kill her. All my mercy is gone by now. I get up to leave, and glance at Marco. I turn around in my black combat boots and stare at him.
Then I get a beautifully terrible idea.
"Awaken, my King!" I shout. Marco's eyes open sleepily and he sits up in his uncomfortable chair. He looks at me lost, then anger crosses his eyes.
"What?" He snaps, face filled with rage. I wave my hand over his face and that beautiful blank expression covers his face.
"Let's go." I hold out my hand and he takes it. We walk out of the room, Marco not knowing what's happening.
"Just wait Star." I cackle as Marco follows me blindly through the courtyard. "I'm going to make sure your final moments are spent with sadness and dispare."
"Madame we have recaptured and retrained the convict to the cell and she is now awaiting orders. Shall we bring her to the courtyard?"
"As Queen of Mewni and the most powerful witch," I look at him. "Get her now."
"Yes ma'am." He salutes me and leaves in a rush.
"Watching Marco smile as I erase her memory," I touch the bottom of his chin and stare into his glowing yellow eyes. Obviously he doesn't look back but, whatever. "Will be my little present to her."

"Get movie girly." A shadow guard pokes me in the back with a spear. It sucks that they caught me, it really does. And also I could have saved Marco and I didn't. That also sucks.
"Sorry." I spit. "I'm not exactly in a hurry to get rid of all my memories."
"Just stop the sass and let's get moving." We walk up a tumbling staircase and out into the courtyard. I watch as the place I grew up was about to destroy me. I feel a tear fall as I see the place I made my first spear, which was just a stick with a sharpened end. I see the bush I used to attack with rocks. The vines I used to make a bow and arrow and the stream I used to pretend to spear fish in.
In the middle was a platform... Small, only for for one person. I, of course, used it to pretend to fight off ninja-monsters while keeping my balance. I was brought up to it and tied to a post. Marco sat with perfect posture, a blank stare in his eyes. I held back my tears, and watched a grin appear on Red's face. The shadow guards tie my hands above my head and my feet together on the post. I look out into an audience of people, them waiting anxiously for my demise.
"Today!" Red shouts, her voice booming off of the castle walls. "Star Butterfly, the one who burned out houses and slaughtered our family's, shall meet her doom." Cheers erupted throughout the echoey courtyard.
"Star Butterfly," I look up to see Marco looking at me blankly, the voice leaving his mouth not his own. "Do you have any last words to say before your memory is wiped from you and you are brought down to the lowest class in Mewni?"
I look at him. "I do."
Red looks shocked, then smiles and says "proceed."
"I'm sorry." I look at my feet in despair.
"Is that all?" Marco says, almost to say continue. I look up to see sorrow enter his eyes and I take his hint.
"No. I would like to say that I'm irresponsible and annoying. Honestly, I'm glad Red took over Mewni before I did. She's done so much for this world, and I have to say I didn't expect it. I would have made a horrible queen, and whoever my king would have been"-I look over to Marco- "he wouldn't have been as good as King Marco here."
Red raises one of my family's scepter and smiles, "What should you last word be?"
"Regret." I close my eyes and wait for
me to forget everything. It's the same feeling of when I was falling though the air, but I know no one can catch me.
But thirty seconds later, I still remember everything. I keep my eyes closed and remember one memory that I would hope to never forget.
I smile as I can see Marco twirling me around at the Blood Moon Ball. I'm so happy I remembered that, if I had to keep one memory, that would be it. I would never let any spell take that from me.
I open my eyes to see a horrified look on Red's face. Following her gaze, I see Marco lying on the floor by my feet, a burnt mark on his chest.
"You erased Marco's memory," I whisper. I can feel rage and electricity rise through my body. My teeth are clenched and I look at Red and scream, "YOU ERASED MARCO'S MEMORY!" Lightning shoots out of me and I rip away the rope.
"Stand back!" Red holds out her hands as people run around in panic. "Shadow army!" Shadows rush in but I make a fist and punch them. I feel as the try to get close to me and they disappear.
"YOU ERASED MARCO'S MEMORY!" I bellow as I walk towards her, shadows disappearing broke they even et close enough to touch me. Everyone, who came to see me loose my memory, is running as fast as they can through the archway and away from the battle.
"Stay back, Butterfly!" Red warns.
"You got rid of his memory." I snap. "He won't remember the Blood Moon Ball."
Red looks confused, then concentrates on me. I feel my hair fly everywhere, and I hold my hands out. They are crossed, my hands making an 'x' shape. I don't know how this position came to me, it just did.
"SHADOW GEAR!" She shouts as shadow arms grab me, but the dissolve as soon as they touch my skin.
"Get away from me!" I scream. "Get away from Marco!"
"But how? You are no witch! You are just a barer of a wand!"
"YOU'RE WRONG!" I scream. People are screamin and running out of the courtyard.
"Get away!" Red raises the scepter.
"NO YOU LEAVE!" I shout. Jumping high into the air, I scream, "NARWAL NIGHTMARE!" But instead if narwhals flying out of my hands (which would have been amazing) lighting shot out and hit Red. She flew back and hit against the wall. She flys back and we have an all out brawl.
Shadows and Lightning clash, causing huge explosions to break out.
"You can't win." Red shouts as she charges up an attack. "Light had its limit but there is endless darkness in out world!"
"That's where your wrong," I shout. "Light will always trump darkness."
"You can't have darkness without light." I scream.
"You can't have light without darkness." She smiles wickedly.
"Solar Flare!" I scream and a huge wave of light rises and surrounds her. She breaks through it and punches my in the gut. I land on the ground, acting as if it didn't even hurt.
"You're pathetic." Red shot darkness arrows at me. My power took over as I create a shield, the arrows simply disappear.
"I'm giving you one last warning." I challenge. "Surrender."
"Or what?" Red grins.
"You asked for it." I scream. "I SUMMON THE POWER OF THE STARS!"

Star vs. Evil: Dark Marco (#1 in the SVTFOE Dark Magic series)Where stories live. Discover now