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"Marco?" I call as I walk around the block, then I mumble, "This day seems to keep on going and going, with one thing after another happening to me."
I jog down the street and follow what looks like footprints but they are jammed into the pavement deeply. I must have run for a block until the foot prints disappear.
I stop to see Marco standing in front of.
"Is that you?" I shout.
"Yeah," he sighs and holds his chest. I run over to him and put my arm around his back.
"You sure?" I ask.
"Mhm." He coughs.
I sigh, "today has been one heck of a day for me."
"Yeah I mean after."
"STAR!!" He growls and stands up quickly, pushing my arm off of him. "The last few days I have been manipulated, a bully, a killer, mind controlled, dropped out of the air, frozen in ice and one hundred other things that never should have happened. Yet they did!! All because YOU burned down Mewny! All because YOU had to be a magic princess from another dimension doing what YOU thought was better. ALL BECAUSE YOU HAD TO RUIN MY LIFE!!! And yet, all YOU do is think about YOU!"
"I CARE about you Marco!"
"I haven't seen any proo-" he stops where he stands and I see something around his leg. He falls and behind him is a figure.
"Monster arm?" I grit my teeth and get ready to blast him.
"No longer-"
"-just an arm, yadda, yadda, yadda." I mimic. "Let's get this show on the road."
It smiles, and it dives at me. I dodge it and flip around. It stands up, it's shadow less defined.
"Hmm." I think and it smiles.
"Star." Marco says from behind me,
"Not now Marco." I snap. "I need to defeat Monster Arm."
"Star are you serious!?" He shouts.

Is Star honestly doing this. 'I need to defeat Monster Arm.' I? Since when can't I take care if this by myself!? I get up and wipe some blood from my forehead.
"STAR!" I scream. I run towards her but then I fall.
"NOT NOW MARCO I HAVE TO DO THIS!!" She screams. Rage fills my body. I grit my teeth and walk by her. She looks at me and grab her wand.
And throw it far away.
"MARCO!" She cries. "Why'd you do that?"
Realization hits me. "I don't know." I begin to shake and I grab Star's shoulders and rock her. "WHY DID I DO THAT!?"
"I DONT KNOW!" She responds. I stop shaking her.
"I don't care let's go." I growl as I begin to walk away.
She stands still and shouts, "Hey monster arm!"
"Yes." It's slimy mouth answers. I shiver and watch as purple slime drips down its mouth.
"Why'd you give Marco his body back?" She asks. Must be waiting for an opening to attack but right now I really wanted to go home and fall asleep and wake up from what I suspect I am in right now...
a bad dream.
"Parasites grow." He explains. "The host could no longer contain me."
"Sure." I turn back and cross my arms. "Star can we please just go now?"
Star doesn't reply, she just stairs with icy eyes at monster arm.
"Hi Marco." A girls voice breaks the uncomfortable silence . "Miss me?"
"Red!" I shout. I run towards her and hugs her. "I'm so glad you're here."
"Oh Marco." I see her glaring at Star, who is shocked. "It's so nice to see you again."
"I'm not controlling him." She coos. "This is the first time on touching him since I broke the spell. I've been to busy trudging through the swamp to concentrate enough magic."
"You don't need to concentrate magic." Star laughs and shakes her head then says, "Concentrated Magic."
Red rolls her eyes and her voice gets higher, like she is mimicking Star,"That makes sense. Because all you're spells are narwal blast and Rainbow Punch!" She laughs a little letting her voice drop, "Stupid stupid little Star-"
"That's how I roll." Star interrupts with a smile. "Now if Marco will just come over here and you will just with me to jail this fight that will most likely tear up the entire town."
"Oh Star." Red's face shows an evil grin. For some reason I find that soothing and makes me like her more.
"Stop." I think. "Marco this isn't you."
"Marco," Red pats my back. "Would you like to beat up Star for me? Thanks to you throwing away the wand my partner can fulfill his dream and Star's still here so Mewni should be real easy to take over."
"WHAT?" I wanted to scream. I'm standing next to her and all I want to do is run back to Star.
But I can't move.

"I'll make this easier for you." I laugh and hold out my arm. "SHADOW THIEF." I laugh as the ground breaks up all the way to Star. She falls back and two arms grab her out of the Earth. The thrashes and moves and tries her best. More and more arms grab her and I laugh so hard. You're making this too easy, Starship...
"You're turn Marco." I coo. "Punch her right in the stomach with all the force you have."
Marco nods, his eyes loosing perception of the world ahead of him.
I smile and look at the struggling Star. Marco takes one step and I can feel my magic flowing through him. Now that that monster arm is out, he has lots of room in his body left for my magic to flow through him.
He takes another step. And then another.
"Now Marco." I laugh, "no cheating. Give her all you got. No holding back, she deserves what's coming for her."
His pace picks up.

I watch as Marco slowly walks up to me. Maybe he's just pretending to be under Red's spell. Maybe he'll come over here and lightly tap my stomach. I have to make sure to play along. Ok he's right in front of me. Get read to fake a blo-
All the air escapes my body as his fist hits my stomach. I can't breathe. The world has black spots all over it.
"Marco." I gasp for air.
"Star." He struggles to get out. I looks at him and I see a tear leave his eye.
"Hold on." I whisper. "I'll break the curse."
"You can't let them-," he walks away and I can't here his final words.
"I can't let them what!?" I want to scream. The shadow arms throw me to and ground me and I feel the skin on my knees break on the pavement.
And so I cry.
"Don't cry." Red walks up to me and pushes my face into the street with her boot.
"Why?" I scream, my nose almost breaking. I can feel my nose bleeding and my lips cutting. Not to mention a rock digging into my forehead.
"Why?" She answers. "Get used to bowing for me, girl." Her foot lets up and I fall over and pull the rock from my face. I can barely breathe.
"I'll be Mewny's new queen!" She shouts. "And Marco shall be my King." She walks away and opens a portal.
"I GOT IT!!" A squeaky voice that can only belong to one monster.
"LUDO!" I scream as I shakily get up. I wobble under the pressure of my own body. I dizzily take a few steps to balance my self. Everything was shaking and I could barely make out who was in front of me.
"Star Butterfly." Ludo screeches. "This is your end."
"Then just end we already." Red growls. I can hear Ludo mumbling to himself. My vision settles and I can see Marco looking so sad right at me, but they shift so quickly to a blank stare. Those yellow eyes haunt me, and I turn back to Ludo.
"SPINNING DIZZY DEATH BALL." Ludo screams. I don't even dodge it. I welcome it's cold embrace with open arms. I fly high into the air, above the clouds and I fall fast.
"Marco." I whisper, knowing he can't hear me. "I have faith in you that you know what to do." I close my eyes an welcome death.

"Star," I think, "What do I do?"
And so I close my eyes and welcome my own death.

Star vs. Evil: Dark Marco (#1 in the SVTFOE Dark Magic series)Where stories live. Discover now