All Hale King Marco

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"Here we are." Ludo shrieks with enjoyment. "The Mewni palace."
"I you keep shrieking out location, there was no need to blindfold the boy." A smooth voice responds.
"Mmhmm, yes Toffee I'm sorry."
"Very good. By the looks of these guards I'd say Red was already here at full power."toffee continued.
"Now who's narrating?" Ludo mocks.
"Please Ludo," Toffee growls. I can move my fingers and my wrist and feel a little bit of my arm, which means Red's spell is weakening. I can feel my mind clearing and my own thoughts flooding in. This is it. I can feel Marco Diaz shining through. Not Marco whatever Red's last name is.
Suddenly, I feel dizzy. It came out of nowhere, my head begins to hurt and black covers my eyes (I know I was blindfolded before but I could still see a little light)
"Marco?" Someone coos. I open my eyes to see space. Stars dance around me, however I'm just floating in my normal clothes. I look around to see no one there, yet I keep hearing my name. I can't really direct my head, like my mind and nerves are severed.
"Hello?" I ask, still not being able to move.
"Marco?" It repeats. It almost sounds like a girl, but I can't really tell, for some reason.
"Who are you?"
"I'm the Stars." It responds. As she says the words, the stars seem to almost twinkle brighter.
"Mmhmm sure."I say in disbelief.
"Star needs you're help." It says, coming closer. I can tell its a female now, I just don't know who.
"I can't help! I'm petrified."
"Fear is ok, young one."
"No. I'm actually petrified. Red casted this spell and now I can't move."
"Ah yes Red." The woman's voice keeps getting closer. "She was quite the wizard."
"I've noticed." I grumble. I feel my body hit something, something big and smooth and flat. Although, all I can see is space all around me.
"I remember when she was young, she love helping everyone with her little shadow magic."
"Helping? She's evil'l
"Yes. It wasn't her fault."
"What happened?"
"She broke her arm so bad the bone broke through. She was in the slums of Mewni so there was no way to heal her, magic is rare down there."
"Yeah I guess."
"She was brought to a wizard, but there is only one. He's in the Forest Of Certain Death."
"Yikes!" I admit, this story was getting to me.
"She found the wizard but lost so much blood in the process that the wizard seemed to be unable to help. So he did the only thing he could to save her life."
"WHAT'S THAT!?" I cry in suspense.
"Give we a monster arm." The words seem to hang in the air as they poke my brain. My heart beat increases and my stomach drops.
Monster arms. We both have it. Is that why we got so close? Was it the unnatural evil that bonded us? Was that why I was so easily controlled?
"WHAT!?"I finally shout, my thoughts racing through my head. Suddenly, I can smell smoke, although the place is exactly the same.
"It corrupted her mind, tore her apart, created the evil spirit you see today."
"No." I gasp. "Red."
"It's a tragedy. The best witch in all the land and that stupid appendage ruined her life."
"What can I do to help?" I cry.
"You have to kill her." Her voice was serious. The words hit the stale air and seemed to hit my ears but the meaning seemed to take longer to reach me.
"I CANT!" I scream without giving it another thought. "I WONT!"
"Even after all she's put you through?"
"Yeah. She's still a girl. I was given a monster arm too. All Star had to do was cast a spell to get rid of it." I shout through gritted teeth.
"That's probably why you guys connected so much and why it was so easy to manipulate you."
So I guess my theory was true. "Star can just cast the same spell on her and get rid of her Monster Arm."
"You can't. It's impossible to get rid of a monster arm." That much I knew was true.
"You can treat the symptoms but you'll never cure the virus"
I feel my body jolt. The world begins to shake.
"You're waking up!" The voice cries.
"No!" I scream. "What do I do?"
"Kill Red!"
"Then Star will."
"No, she would never."
"She has to be destroyed" the voice is getting farther away. "Nothing can stop her."
"Very well then. I guess you shall start saying you're goodbyes to everyone you know then." Her voice fades with every word.
"Wait!" I call. "WHO ARE YOU?"
But no answer.
I wake up, my blindfold off and I'm untied. I yawn and jolt with surprise. There's something balancing on my head and I'm sitting in an uncomfortable chair. The bright light almost blocks my view on what everything is. My brain can barely register where I am, everything is so distant.
My mouth is so dry. I lick my teeth to find fang where my K-9's should be.
Oh no.
Star had said, "you can give yourself a new look, glowing yellow eyes and fangs but that won't change you you are!" Or something like that.
Was Red controlling me again? I sit up and my eyes finally adjust to the light. I'm sitting on a throne, and that thing on my head was a crown.
Oh no.
"Morning sleepyhead." A voice cackles. I look to see Red on the throne next to me, wearing a tiara and a black dress with spider webs on it and little red trim. It puffs out and goes up to above her knees. She has lace fingerless gloves and tall lace stockings. She looked like a witch at a Halloween party for high school students.
"What?" I say, words finally leaving my mouth. "Where am I?"
Red laughs playfully. "You are the king, Marco. You're in you're throne room."
"What?" I squeak. How long was I out?
"Yup!" She smiles and crosses her legs under her short black dress. There are 2 shadow people guarding the door. At least I think it's 2, it's hard to tell.
"How long have I been... King?" I stutter.
"I believe it's two weeks now."
I fall of my throne. "WHAT?"
"Mmhmm, yeah."
"I can barely remember one minute of it."
"That's weird." She observed. "Now come and sit back on your throne. There is no room for a king on the floor!" Standing up, I dust off my... tuxedo and cape? and sit back down.
"Thanks to us, Mewni is thriving. Just look out the window." She points to the window. I get up before I can think why and look outside. It was thriving. Where shacks used to be are now houses and the road is paved over.
"Never underestimate the power of a wizard with a shadow army at her beck and call."
"Haha," I laugh uneasily. "Yeah."
"I love being queen. I'm so much better then those puny ones that came before us."
"Whatever happened to them?" I ask. Red shoots me a death glare and I gulp.
"If you must know I killed the king and queen long ago. There huge and tall castle was the death if them."
"And Star?" I ask. Red looks at me grits her teeth, her grey eyes turing yellow with anger.
"What did you say?" She screams, I feel my body tense up. Black smoke rises from her.
"She's controlling me." I think. "That's why I can't remember anything. So. Much. Magic."
Then the world goes dark, but I can tell I'm still moving.

"It was fourteen days ago,"I say out loud as I etch in the 14th tally mark into the wall. "when Marco betrayed me. It was fourteen days ago when my parents died. It was fourteen days ago when I discovered I was an actual witch." I can hear guards talking to each other, those traitors.
I curl up on the dirt floor, how cold it was. "It was fourteen days ago I was imprisoned in the castle I was raised."

Star vs. Evil: Dark Marco (#1 in the SVTFOE Dark Magic series)Where stories live. Discover now