Monster Arm's return

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"Marco, are you in here." I ask as I knock on his door again. It's been about an hour and I haven't even heard the slightest peep from him.
"Go away." He snaps.
"Marco please." I beg, leaning my head on the closed door.
"Please!? I'm begging you!! I want to make things right! I have a reason!"
"I said go away!"
"Marco!?" I beg.
"I SAID GO AWAY!!" He screams and something is slams into the door with such force. I jump a little.
"Marco?" I ask, more concerned.
"MARCO DIAZ!" I scream as I blast open the door.
"WHAT!?" He screams. I walk around his room to see him lying in his bed, a big fat comforter over him.
"You ok buddy?" I ask.
He gives me a look, "what do you think-?" He twitches a little as he finishes his sentence and I sigh.
"I'm sorry." I sigh. "But it's all over so we don't have to deal with it anymore."
He laughs.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing." He rolls his eyes and pulls the comforter so it was up to his chin.
"No seriously, what?"
"I SAID NOTHING!" He shouts with a cough. He sighs and wipes some purple stuff off onto his blanket.
Huh... Must have been from the ice.
"You sure your ok?"
"I'm great." He rolls his eyes. "I'm just dandy."
"Sorry. Standard question." I go to leave as he rolls over in his bed.
"Er Marco?" I ask as I stand in the doorway, hand on the door on. "Would you like me to make Nachos for you?"
"No I hate nachos." He declares. I gasp, run at him and tackle him out of bed. I throw the comforter off of him and shove him onto the floor. Hating nachos is NOT something the real Marco would say!
I pin down one of his hands and reach for the other one.
"MARCO WHAT-?" I only feel the floor under my hand. I look to see his arm is nonexistent. His grey T-shirt just ends.
"Surprised?" He laughs and I feel something around my neck. I gasp for air, reaching out for Marco.
"Marco?" I choke.
"You didn't think this was the end, did you?" He laughs. "Red was just getting started. And once I find her... you, Mewni, and even this pathetic planet will be ours." The arm materializes and I see monster arm.
"You took over Marco!" I punch it, "Get out of him!" He smiles reveling pointy teeth and purple drool left his mouth.
He laughs evilly.
"I so don't have time for this!" I scream and I hold up my wand. And with my one of the breath I chant; "returnious armious, normorito." It hits Marco square in the chest and he flys back, let's go of me and goes right through his bedroom wall. A huge hole appears and I peer out of it.
"Are you ok Marco?" I call as I poke my head out.
"There is no Marco," Monster arm yells as he runs down the street. "Only Monster Arm!"
"Will this day ever end?" I sigh and jump out and follow him.
But the street is desolate, and Marco seems to be gone for good.

"Damn you Star Butterfly." I snap. I trudge through the swamp, my wings beaten with holes. "Damn you to the depths of hell."
"I couldn't help but over hear you're unlikingness of Star Butterfly." A high pitched whiny voice cracks.
"Whose there?" I say as I hold up one of my dimensional knife, twirling it a but in my hand.
"My name is Ludo." I see two yellow eyes appear from a bush.
"Ludo huh?" I challenge. "C'mon out and show yourself, Ludo." The bush rattles and out pops a small creature with a beak and a cow skull hat.
I laugh.
"What? What are you laughing at?" He shouts at me.
"Oh nothing." I say, rolling my eyes.
"Fine," there is an awkward silence between us and and lean on a tree.
"Oh this is Toffee." He says as a crocodile emerges from the trees with very weird hair and a suit.
"Hello." Toffee says with a smooth voice and a adjust of his tie. "Red."
"Hi," I say. "How do you know me?"
"You are a shadow wizard, no? Master of manipulation magic and shadow magic. You have also avoided the Witch and Wizards Snatchers, right? You are very powerful, killed thousands of Mewni guards?" He asks, although it wasn't really a question.
"I don't slay them." I snap, dragging my boots through the water until I join them on a small island. "I just put then under a spell and they just bend to my will. Until the King stole most of my powers so I can only mind control things by touch." Which was a lie, the last part was at least.
"I see." Toffee says. "I would like to become partners in destroying Mewni."
"I would like to destroy STAR BUTTERFLY!"
"Looks like we have a lot in common." I think for a second. "Let's make a deal."
"We will help each other achieve our goals." Toffee says, very calmly.
"I'll get Star Butterfly." Ludo cheers.
"I'll destroy Mewni." Toffee explains, still calm. Man, this thing never experienced any emotions?
"I'll rule Mewni." I say as I stick out my hand. "Let's shake on it." Ludo goes to meet my hand but Toffee stops him and stairs at me.
"Our word should be enough, right?" Toffee smiles at me.
He saw right through me. I put down my hand and my magic dies.
"It should be." I smirk.

WOOHOO 200 readers!! Wow!!! Thank you guys so much and I hope you're LOVIN it!!!
Keep Calm and Narwal Blast!!

Star vs. Evil: Dark Marco (#1 in the SVTFOE Dark Magic series)Where stories live. Discover now