A Neat and Tidy Ending

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Everything in this room looked extremely painful, yet it was quite comfy for a hut in the middle of a deadly forest.
"Wizard Treetop, can you return his memory?" I ask, so scared. The wizard looks at me, a sour look across his eyes. He had grey eyes and wore a green suit and cape he had grey hair and a small mustache. Marco lies on a kitchen table, limp and eyes closed.
"Of course." He snaps. "I'm the most powerful wizard in all of Mewni."
"I may compete with you a little." I smile.
"I could not help your friend." The wizard declares. I zip my lips and he nods in respect.
"Thank you." My mom says. "This boy means a lot to Star."
"I bet he does." Treetop splits the scepter and puts the gas-like substance in the potion. Then he bottles it up and give it to me.
"Get him out of here." Treetop spits. "Make him drink that all when he wakes up."
"Ok. Thank you so much. This-"
"I SAID GET OUT!" He screams. My parents hurry out and into the carriage with Marco in there arms.
"You know," I smile at him. "Thanks for helping Red. She could have died if it wasn't for you."
"I know." The wizard cleans up a cauldron. "That's why I did it. Her evilness actually helped the kingdom."
"I know," I smile. I go to close the door when I poke my head in. The wizard looks at me.
"What?" He snaps.
"Turns out I'm a witch." I say, beaming.
"So?" He looks frustrated.
"Could I stop by one day and could you teach me a bit?"
"I don't teach wand-holders. Those aren't real wizards."
"That's not what I'm talking about."
He perks up and smiles, "I always suspected you were one. You're ferocious behavior could only be one of a witch."
"So does that make my dad a wizard?" He laughs a few times, then frowns and shakes his head no. I could tell I was overstaying my welcome so I wave goodbye and hopped in the carriage, where Marco was sitting, looking at the golden floor.
"Hey Marco?" I ask, touching his knee. My parents sat in the front, so we were alone.
He looks at me, curious at first. Then his solemn face showed joy. He turns and gives me a hug.
"Star!" He exclaims, his arms wrapped around my neck. Relief roles over me and I begin to cry.
"Marco." I whisper happily in his ear.
"I remember it." He whispers back. "Our dance at the Ball. Where it felt like it was the two of us. I remember that was the memory I wanted more than anything."
"Marco." I pull away from him, tears if joy running down my face. "If I could save one memory, it would be that one too. The cart's wheels began to bump down the path.
"So how did your parents survive?" He asks.
"Huh?" I respond.
"Red throw them out of a ten story tower. Through a window."
"Oh my gosh!" I scream as I open the door and hop out, "I completely forgot!"

I can hear Star yelling at her parents, flipping out on them.
Apparently, they landed in the moat. Go figure. She come back and smiles.
"Cool." I say.
"So that's why they were all damp and stuff." Star laughs. I laugh with her, and we are so on the floor laughing out butts off.
"I'm glad I met you, you know?" I smile
"Same here." She responds.
"My life would be so boring."
"What you liked being a mind-controlled zombie under influence by a psychotic bat-winged girl with shadow magic?"
"Beats sitting at home." I shrug with a laugh.
"I bet it does." She pushes me playfully.
"You want some of the Diaz?" I laugh and shove her back.
"Don't mess with me!" She jumps on the seat and does a ninja pose. "I'm a warrior now!"
I laugh, "yeah right!"
"It's true-woah!" We hit a bump and Star comes crashing to the floor.
"Falling Star, huh?" I joke.
"You asked for it!" She grabs my collar and pulls me down into the floor. She pins me down onto the gold floor.
The we hit another bump and Star's arms slip and she is lying on top of me.
"Nice job klutz!" I mock. She laughs but doesn't move.
Until we hit another bump and she falls off.
"Bumpy road huh?" She sits back on the seat and I sit across from her.
"Yeah." I agree. I look at her, all scratched up and bloody. Why I thought she looked cuter now than all the other times, was beyond me.
"What are you looking at?" She challenges.
"You're all bloody and gross you spaz!" I lie. She growls at me, but we both laugh.
Star did have to know how I felt about her now, maybe when we are older and we DONT live in the same house. Plus she loves Oscar, she's most likely not my into me at all.
Until I know she likes me and we don't live with each other, Jacky could be my interest and I could save my feelings for Star for later.
But I don't know how long I could keep my feelings at bay.

"Back on Earth." I sigh and fall onto the grass with a sigh.
"I'm so tired!" Marco yawns. He falls right next to me.
"Look at you!" I tease. "All heroic like!"
He had a huge scar running across his forehead and a huge rip in his grey t-shirt. He is all burned and scratched up, yet he looked cuter now then ever before. His ruffled hair and rosy cheeks, how cute is he. But there was no way I could ask him out now, and I doubt he even liked me. He likes Jacky, and that's a fact. Plus, we live in the same house, how awkward.
Until then I'll wait. Oscar could be my interest for now, and I could save my feelings for Marco for later.
But I don't know how long I could keep my feelings at bay.
We finally get into his house where seven police officers sat with Marco's parents, both crying. They looked up at us shocked.
"MARCO! STAR!" His parents cry as the run up and suffocate us in hugs.
"We're have you been!?" Mrs. Diaz cries. "We've been so worried." Mr. Diaz adds.
I look at Marco and I blush and scratch the back of my head as the police officers lean in.
"Well," I look at Marco, "that's a funny story."

Thank you to all my loyal readers for reading this and giving me over 1.7k reads and counting!!!! You guys are amazing!!! Thank you for those encouraging comments and votes!! Plus, if I left any loose ends please tell me. (Like ones that wouldn't be in a sequel)
You know what... I think this story deserves an after- credits scene.
You want one? No? Well you're getting one anyways!!

THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!! I ❤️ you guys so much!!!!!!

PS: wanna talk SVTFOE? Come onto TOONIVERSE!!!

Star vs. Evil: Dark Marco (#1 in the SVTFOE Dark Magic series)Where stories live. Discover now