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a/n- first chapter let's go 💪💪
nadia and dimitri both speak fluent russian, and because of that rowan is starting to learn the language as well.

"mama! mama! wake up mama!" rowan yells, then proceeds to urge me awake.
"что?" i groan into my pillow as he jumps at the foot of my bed.

"we are going to the park! and hockey game!" row yells and jumps off the bed.

"yeah yeah." i mumble.

i feel his warm grasp tug on my fingers and i finally make the decision to get up. when i open my eyes i'm not surprised to see rowan still in his pajamas, with a big lump of knotted curls on his head.

he gets the curls and many more features from his father, who we don't speak of in this house.

it's not that i hate him, but it's an uncomfortable topic for me to speak on and nobody knows rowan's real father besides me.

his father played college hockey as a sophomore when i dated him briefly, and then i got pregnant. when i saw the two pink lines on the test, i did the best thing i could think of.

i finished my remaining 5 months of college, graduated, packed my bags, and moved across the country from michigan to north carolina.

with practically nothing, i got hired as a manager in the local cafe. struggling with bills and supporting rowan, i was hardly making it, but i did it.

and now, four years later, i own a cafe near raleigh.
it's pretty popular, and soon i started making money and friends.

now i live in a decent two bedroom apartment with rowan.

i haven't watched a single hockey game since my college years, considering rowan's father played it, and he was damn good too. but my best friend, lydia, is dragging me to her boyfriends game who plays for the carolina hurricanes.

he got me, rowan, lydia, and a few other hockey girlfriends seats right in front of the glass.

rowan couldn't be more excited, and i guess i am too considering it's nice to get out of the house.

rowan once again snaps me out of my thoughts as his hand touches my face.

"mama?" he asks and i rub my eyes, smiling at him.

"да?" i question back.
"i hungry, can you make strawberries?" he asks again and i laugh while nodding my head.

"of course honey, but let's get out of these clothes. okay?"

"okay." he says and runs off into the direction of his room.

when i walk in his toys are all over the floor and i sigh, he's been up for awhile. rummaging through his dresser i find and outfit and i grab some of the children's hairspray so i can brush out his hair.

sitting him on the bed, i get him ready for the day.

while i'm cutting up the strawberries, there is a knock on the door. after setting down the knife i walk over to it.

i open it and there's lydia, she's dressed all out in hockey attire, with the colts logo all over it.

she holds up a bag and smiles. "i got conner to get y'all some too!" she says.

i laugh and open the door wider for her to walk in.

she sits down at the island next to rowan, and he looks up at her with a big smile on his face.

"hi aunty lydia!" he says and she smiles back.

"hi row, i got you some gifts, you wanna see?" she asks and he nods.

i place the bowl of strawberries on the counter while she rummages through the bag, and i rest my face on my palms as i wait for her to pull out what's in it.

the first thing she pulls out is a little jersey that's for rowan, and im pretty sure it has connors last name on it.

i watch as rowan takes the jersey from lydia, and he giggles. "thanks!" he says and reaches in to hug her.

"no problem." lydia says and then turns to me, a smirk on her face.

"and these are for you." she says, pulling out a folded jersey and a few other pieces of clothing.

i open the jersey and the same name and number is on the back. then i move to the other items. which is a little winter hat with the teams name on it, and matching mittens.

looking at her, i roll my eyes. but nevertheless i do thank her.

"what?" she asks and then continues with "it's always cold in the rink."

i laugh it off and bring my attention towards rowan, who is struggling with putting his jersey on over his sweatshirt.

"you need help?" i ask with a smile and all i can see is his head nod.

i walk over to where he's sitting and i help him with the jersey, sliding it over his sweatshirt.

"that's better." i say, fixing his sleeve that rolled up just a bit.

"thanks mama." he says and proceeds to take a handful of strawberries out of his bowl and shove them into his mouth.

"hey! be careful, little bites please." i say and he nods again.

lydia claps her hands from behind me and yells, "so who's ready to go to the park?"


after the park we got something to eat and i stopped by the cafe to make sure everything was going alright before we made our way back home to get ready for the game.

there isn't much to do, but i still need to get dressed and do my makeup.

lydia is staying because she wants to help rowan make a sign asking for a puck from one of the players, and i'll let her because that will occupy rowan while i get ready.

i sit down at my vanity to begin with my makeup, i do a quick red smoky eye and black eyeliner to match the colors of my jersey.

i make sure to do my hair and for my outfit i wear black workout pants i found laying around and a random black hoodie to wear under the jersey.

when i'm all set i make my way out of my room to greet lydia and rowan who are sitting peacefully next to each other on the couch.

"y'all ready?" i ask and they both stand up, nodding their heads.

i grab the keys to my car and say "then let's go."


a/n- the next chapter will be them at the game.
if you have any questions about the story you can dm me or comment!

i'm thinking my updating schedule will be every sunday, but i may post a little more every once and awhile.

the second chapter should be coming out later today or tomorrow just because i want to get this book started.

also give me songs to put at the beginning of each chapter pls!

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