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a/n- listen to love me harder by ariana grande if it's not shown above.


I am free saturday afternoon around 1? If you would like to bring rowan to the rink. You would just have to wait a few minutes until practice is over.

sounds great.
send me the directions please?

Of course.
*see attachment*

thank you.
see you then.

Cant wait.

whenever me and dimitri text it's like i can feel the tension.

and by saying tension, i mean what happened yesterday.

can i call it tension? probably not but it did leave me stunned.

but i'm going to choose to ignore it because today is for rowan, and i'm so excited to see him get out on the ice for the very first time.

and i made sure to buy him some skates, although i'm unsure if i should buy him equipment or not.

i guess we'll have to wait and see when we meet up with dimitri, and speaking of that we only have two hours until we do.

i also may have bought myself some skates too.

since it's february and we're in north carolina, it's starting to warm up so i put a long sleeve on rowan and some pants, but i pack a sweatshirt and another pair of pants since the ice is cold and well, wet.

for me, i put my hair in a slick ponytail and i put on white flared leggings, an olive-colored long-sleeve and a matching white vest.

for my makeup, i do what i always do, concealer, blush, highlighter, mascara, and lipgloss.

when i'm ready, i pack all of our things into the car and buckle up rowan because we are stopping to get some food before we go to the arena.

when i pull out of the apartment complex, i make my way to the bakery and when we arrive, me and rowan head inside.

the smell of freshly baked bread hits my nose and i smile, this place is like my second home.

"hey bella." i say to my employee who works at the register and makes the drinks. she smiles warmly and begins with "hey nadia, hi buddy." she looks at rowan who waves back.

"what can i get you? or are you two just stopping by?" she asks, her southern accent shining in her words.

"i'm actually going to get something." i say with a laugh and then continue with "could i get a chocolate muffin, a medium latte 1 pump vanilla, actually make it two coffees, a cake pop, and uh- why not? a banana muffin too?" i say, hoping she got all of it.

and she does, humming while tapping the order into the screen. rowan jumps when he hears i got him a cake pop.

"okay, that will be $18.34, cash or card?" she asks "card." i reply, handing her my card.

she takes it from me and inserts it into the machine, giving it back to me with a smile. "alright, let me make your coffee real quick." she says and i nod, smiling back.

she grabs two cups and turns around, facing the machines. "so where y'all heading?" she yells and i glance at rowan.

"i'm taking rowan to his first skating lesson." i reply, keeping my answer vague.

"oouuu, that's great!" she says which makes me laugh.

she places our finished coffees on the counter and lifts up the muffin glass, taking a chocolate one and a banana one, placing both into a bag and i watch as she moves on to the cake pops.

she places both bags on the counter and smiles.

"have a great day guys, good luck rowan!" she says and he grins "thank you." he answers.

"bye bella, have fun." i say with a wink, and i hold the door for rowan, watching him walk out.

we both get into the car and i set the coffee down into the cup holder, and rowan asks "mama can i get my cake pop now?"

"да, но что вы скажете?"
(yes, but what do we say?)

he sighs, "пожалуйста" and i nod, taking it out of the bag and handing it to him.

"Спасибо." he giggles and takes a big bite.
(thank you)

i put my car into reverse and begin to drive off and rowan asks me, "mama can you play taylor swift please?"

i smile and nod, looking at him in the mirror.

i have raised a swifty.

i plug my phone into the aux and play our taylor swift playlist, the first song being style.

and we drive to the arena, singing loudly and laughing the whole way.

when we walk inside i'm holding my muffins and two coffees, i notice practice is still going on, so me and rowan find some empty seats and he watches my phone while i eat my chocolate muffin.

watching the practice isn't at all as boring as i thought it would be, and it's practically the same thing as a game except the rest of the seats are empty.

i know dimitri spots us in the rink because connor and a few other teammates point toward us and dimitri looks at us, and smiles.

i watch as they nod and skate away, doing a few more laps before the coach calls it quits and sends everyone back to the changing room.

i grab the food and walk to the railing where dimitri waits for me, rowan follows me.

he takes off his helmet and shakes his hair, that's sweaty and wet.

i find it oddly attractive.

i hand him the coffee and muffin and he grins, "banana?" he asks "you know it." i say, grinning back.

he nods and takes a sip of the coffee, nodding again, "let me rinse off and change, it will only be a few minutes." he says which makes me nod.

he gestures to the coffee and says "thank you." before walking off.

i turn to rowan who's looking at me with an excited look on his face, "you want to get your skates on baby?" i ask and his face lights up.


a/n- i already have three unpublished chapters, how? 😭😭

anyways i hope you enjoyed


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