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a/n- hiii dimitri pov 😛😛
if the song doesn't appear above, listen to love story by taylor swift.


a warm hand on my cheek wakes me from my sleep, and i let my eyes open to find nadia's.

she smiles warmly and holds up a bag of what looks like some sort of breakfast food, and a cup of coffee.

"доброе утро." she says and waits for me to sit up.
(good morning)

i smile gently, "доброе утро." i anwser.
(good morning)

when we lost the game last night, i wanted nothing more than nothing to fly back to raleigh so i could be in nadias arms.

it made me realize one thing,

she's the only person i want to be with in life.

rowan runs into the bedroom and jumps onto the bed.

"papa! papa! guess what?" he giggles and sits next to nadia.

"что?" i ask.

"mama let me get breakfast in my pajamas!" he giggles once again.

"that's awesome приятель." i say with another smile.

he glances at nadia, before looking at me again.

"what does that mean?" he asks and i chuckle, before reaching forward to mess up his hair.

"buddy." i answer, causing him to grin.

i throw the comforter off my legs. "why don't we go eat our breakfast?" i ask.

everyone follows me out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where nadia sets the coffee and food down on the counter.

she reaches out and hands rowan what looks like banana bread. she then reaches into the bag and pulls out two muffins, sliding one over to me.

"banana?" i ask with a slight smirk and she laughs.


she hands me a coffee as well and turns to rowan.
"baby why don't you go sit down at the table why you eat that, i need to talk with your father for a second." she says, making rowan nod and run towards the table with his bread.

a rush of giddiness comes when she calls me rowan's father.

she stands across from me, leaning against the island.

she makes eye contact with me for a few more seconds before sighing, resting her face in her palms.

"dimitri-" she begins but i cut her off.

"nadia, i want to be with you, i know you said we shouldn't, but i can't. i can't lose you again. i love you nadia and after we lost yesterday's game, the first thing i thought was 'i want to go home.' you want to know where my home is? it's here. it's here with you and rowan. you guys are my home." i finally say, my chest feeling lighter already.

her eyes widen with shock, and she stands up slowly, turning the counter so she's standing next to me.

i spin on my stool, facing her.

she glances behind me quickly and when she seems satisfied, she grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss.

it's slow and perfect. and that's the only way i can describe it.

her hands pull at the hair on my neck, and she makes an almost silent noise, but before we can get too carried away, i separate from her.

her hands stay on my neck, rubbing circles on it gently.

she takes a deep breath and then begins speaking.

"i love you, dimitri. i have loved you since the day we got together in college. and i want you to be here, with us. i want a family, and i want you to be in it." she whispers gently.

i grin, and i pull her in for one more kiss that's shorter than the last.

she giggles and rests her nose against mine, staring into my eyes.

"are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend?" noise comes from behind us, and she jolts, pushing me away from her, nearly sending me onto the floor.

i chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck.

she hesitates and then laughs.

"yes, my love."

rowan shudders which makes me laugh even harder.

"eww." he says which causes Nadia to roll her eyes.

she walks over to where he's at and picks him up, before walking to where i sit.

"mama can i tell you something?" rowan asks and she nods, waiting for his anwser.

"it's a secret." he whispers, causing me to roll my eyes.

these damn secrets.

she giggles and leans in to hear what he is going to say.

i hear some whispering, and a giggle coming from her and rowan.

she glances at me with a grin, and whispers "you have to ask dimitri."

rowan sighs, and she walks towards me a little more.

"are you going to live with us?" rowan asks and i pause for a few seconds, before ruffling up his hair once more.

"why not?" i finally answer, and rowan grins, jumping from nadia's arms to mine, hugging me tightly.

i hear a camera click, and i see from the corner of my eye nadia, who's taking a picture of me and rowan.

it's my turn to look at rowan, "now i have a question for you, and it's a really big secret. you can't even tell your mom." i say and rowan's little eyes widen before he shakes his head.

i lean in, cupping my hand over his ear.

"can i ask mom to marry me?" i ask, causing a gasp to come from rowan's mouth.

he separates from me, raising an eyebrow before shrugging. "why not?" he mocks me.

i laugh, pulling him and nadia in for one more hug.

a/n- *que aisle walking music aka nicki minaj* our queen is getting married!!!

that does mean one thing tho, unfortunately this story has came to an end, but i love all of you guys for voting, commenting, and even just reading.

now don't be too sad, because i have an idea for another possible book in this..idk what to call it, series?!?

i'll let y'all know if i make any plans on publishing another story, but i most likely won't even start planning it until school ends.

now just incase y'all are a little sad, there is an epilogue in the making for this story, and i hope you enjoyed reading, because i enjoyed writing.

again, thank you all💞

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