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a/n- hiiii how has ur day been?

here are some quotes that remind me of todays chapter.

you lift my feet off the ground, and spin me around- taylor swift

your lips my lips, apocalypse- cas

i was enchanted to meet you- taylor swift

can we always be this close, forever and ever- taylor swift

if the song above doesn't appear, listen to wildest dreams by our queen, taylor.

2 months later

"mama! mama wake up!" rowan yells, jumping on the bed, waking not only me but dimitri up as well.

i groan, throwing the covers over my face.

"wake up! we are going to the hockey rink!" rowan yells once again, and i hear a throaty chuckle escape dimitri.

he jumps on the bed a few more times, and finally, i open my eyes.

his front teeth are beginning to grow in, so when i look at his smile it faintly reminds me of shark teeth.

i giggle just a bit.

rowan grabs my hand, trying his best to pull me up.

reluctantly, i sit up. and then i turn to dimitri who's laying on his back, a sleepy smile on his face.

his hair is messy and his cheeks have a pink tint to them, he hasn't looked cuter.

his hand finds my lower back, rubbing it gently.

"mama let's go get dressed!" rowan says, running out of the room.

"can i get some coffee first?" i mutter to myself, somehow dimitri hears and laughs, before beginning to climb out of bed.

"come on, we have a fun day ahead of us." he says while throwing on a shirt, and walking out of our bedroom.

i rub my eyes one more time, before dragging myself out of bed.


when everyone is dressed and ready to leave, dimitri grabs the car keys and i grab my purse.

i make sure rowan is out before locking the door, and we head towards the car to go to the rink.

dimitri insisted we wore his jersey even though it's the off-season, but i gave in, so I'm wearing black jeans and his jersey with a colts hat.

the sole purpose of today's trip is to give rowan another practice on learning how to play hockey.

within a few months he's improved a lot, he can skate with ease now, only losing his balance rarely. he can hold a stick, and pass the puck most of the time.

dimitri wants to teach him puck handling, and shooting. obviously not at nhl level, but dimitri does want rowan to learn the basics.

in a few years, we'll be able to sign rowan up for a real team, dimitri couldn't be more excited.

dimitri pulls up to the player's entrance gate at the arena, he scans his badge and the gate opens, letting us in.

dimitri notified me that a few of the players would be here doing their own thing, but they wouldn't be on the ice.

when we park, rowan unbuckles himself from his seat and waits for one of us to open his car door for him.

when we're inside dimitri ties his skates, and helps rowan with his while i put mine on.

we all skate onto the ice, there is a smaller net at the end of the ice, dimitri and rowan skate over.

they both have a stick in their hands, dimitri demonstrates to rowan how to shoot in different ways, and passes the puck to him a few times for him to try.

i skate around, just enjoying myself while they do their own things.

i take a few pictures of the two, and i send them to lydia who's asking what we're up too.

after around thirty minutes, the two take a break, and dimitri helps rowan off the ice to sit down for a bit. i watch as they chat, and i hear a few giggles come from rowan making me smile.

rowan skates onto the ice and towards me with his stick and a puck, "mama can i show you what i can do?" he asks.

"yes, of course." i answer and we skate toward one of the nets.

he shoots the puck a few times. "good job baby, i'm so proud of you!" i say, clapping my hands gently.

"nadia." i hear from behind me and i turn to face dimitri, who's standing at center ice.

rowan and i skate towards him and when i'm standing in front of him with a questioning look, he slowly gets down on one knee.

i pause for a second and then i see dimitri reach into his back pocket. he pulls out a small velvet box and rowan giggles next to me.

"dimitri-" i begin.

"nadia." dimitri stars, cutting me off.

he's always cutting me off, except this time i don't think i mind.

"nadia, when i met you years ago, i didn't know how much you would impact my life. but then i realized i loved you, and i knew i had to be with you forever. when i found out we had rowan, i knew it was even more meant to be. so nadia, i'm here today to ask you, if you would be my fiancé and if you would marry me. be with me forever, please. я тебя люблю." he says with absolutely no hesitation.
(i love you.)

i gasp, and it was my turn not to hesitate.

"yes." i say, causing dimitri to grin.

he stands up, picking me up along the way, and brings his lips to mine.

i don't process anything around me as we kiss, he spins gently causing me to laugh against his lips.

"ewwww." i hear a little voice in the background and dimitri sets me down gently. we turn around to see rowan who is looking at us with a disgusted look on his face.

i giggle and i motion for him to come forward.

dimitri stands in front of me and opens the box, revealing the most gorgeous diamond ring.

he takes it out and gently places it on my ring finger.

picking up rowan, i pull dimitri in for a hug, whispering an "i love you." into his shoulder.

a/n- sobbing. this story is over yall.

again i want to say thank you everyone for reading this story and supporting me along the way.

if you have an questions feel free to message me.

i hope you enjoyed 🥳

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