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a/n- happy mother's day!!

me and rowan left dimitris house later that night, and after letting rowan and dimitri bond as father and son, row was exhausted.

sometime in the middle of the night rowan snuck into my room and climbed into bed with me, i don't mind as long as he isn't doing it every night.

and it was sweet waking up to him curled up next to me, i only then realized how similar he looks to dimitri when he sleeps.

my phone buzzes and i see a flash of the time, it's seven, and my alarm doesn't go off for another hour, but i feel oddly rested.

i plan for the day in my head, rowan has to be at school by eight-thirty and once he's at school i have to go to work.

i make myself a cup of coffee while letting row sleep for a few more minutes, making sure to pick mine, and his outfit for the day.

when that's settled, i pack his lunch and put it into his book bag.

i cut him up some fruit for breakfast, and i pour him a glass of apple juice before making my way to the bedroom to wake him up.

when i walk in, his hair is a mess, blonde curls rest all over his face which makes me muffle my giggles with my sleeve.

but he sits up like he's been awake for a few minutes, and wipes the crust from his eyes.

"доброе утро малыш." i say from across the room, making my way to the edge of the bed.
(good morning baby.)

he smiles, showing off the gap in his teeth from when he lost his first tooth a couple of months ago.

"доброе утро мама."
(good morning mama.)

"do you want breakfast? i have some fruit for you." i ask and he nods, taking my hand so i can help him off the bed.

he jumps down followed by a soft thud, and then runs out of my bedroom.

i laugh and follow him to the kitchen where he sits at the table, picking up a piece of cantaloupe and eating it.

"okay finish your fruit quickly, we need to get you dressed and ready for school." i say while opening the windows to let some of the warm spring air in.

briefly, i think of dimitri and where he's at, but i smile proudly because the colts are in the playoffs, and he's been working his ass off recently to stay in shape.

i know round one starts in a few days, but i'm not sure who the colts are playing since i haven't really been paying attention with everything going on.

"i'm done mama." rowan says, jumping down from his chair and standing on his toes to place his bowl in the sink.

"that was fast." i point out.

"i'm excited." he says and walks towards his room for what i assume is to look for his clothes.

i follow him closely, "why are you excited?"

"because i get to tell everyone i have a papa!" he giggles.

i smile warmly, "well let's get you dressed then."

we make it out of the apartment with a few minutes to spare, and minimal distractions, although rowan did need to use the bathroom right as i started the car.

i drive along the highway towards his school, and rowan has a smile on his face, glancing towards his shirt every few seconds.

when getting him dressed, he insisted he needed to wear his dimitri levin jersey, because 'everyone should know who is papa is.'

i let him, and ended up changing his outfit entirely so his pants and shoes would match the jersey.

a few minutes go by, and i pull up to his school.

the drop-off line is always so busy, so we end up waiting around ten minutes before a teacher comes up to my car to help rowan out.

i twist in my seat to face him right as the door opens.

"пока, детка, хорошего дня, я люблю тебя." i say.
(bye baby, have a nice day, i love you.)

"пока мама я люблю тебя." he says and takes the teacher's hand so he can jump out of the car.
(bye mama, i love you.)

i hand her his book bag that was in the passenger seat, and she thanks me before shutting the door.

i sigh and pull out of the line so i can make my way to work.

a few of my employees greet me when i walk in, and i slide my apron on.

while waiting for customers, i make myself a matcha latte, because who doesn't love matcha? and i take a few bites of an old muffin that we aren't technically allowed to sell anymore, even though it looks and tastes fine to me.

the door rings and i make my way to the register to greet the customer.

two hours go by, and after a few more employees arrived, i went to the kitchen to make more pastries.

i make some banana bread, which so happens to be a best-seller, and different types of muffins and cookies.

by the end of the day, i look like any other baker, with all types of ingredients on my apron, and flour in my hair.

making sure to speak to the few employees that are closing up for the day, i head out so i can take a shower and have some time to rest before picking rowan up.

it's become a little overcast, so when i get home it's chilly inside, and i shut the window that was previously cracked.

setting my purse down, i collapse onto the couch and i scroll on my phone for a few minutes.

the articles about dimitri, rowan, and i have calmed down, but thankfully they were never that bad in the first place.

i can say i've been seeing less and less, so maybe dimitris agents really are doing something.

i scroll on my instagram feed when a picture from dimitris account comes up, it's a picture of him in a suit, and it looks like he was arriving at a game.

i like it, and continue scrolling before posting a picture of me and rowan that we took earlier.

i set an alarm so i can sleep for a bit, but also so i'll have enough time to shower and pick rowan up from school.

a/n- hi again, sorry it's taken me so long to update but i'm back 😛

we needed a chapter where it was purely rowan and nadia, no dimitri, but he'll be back don't worry

hope u enjoyed 💋🥰

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