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a/n- writers block sucks :|

when we finally finish eating i give rowan permission to play in the playground, but i make sure to sit in a booth closer to the glass so i can watch him.

i lean back in my seat, making eye contact with dimitri who's staring at me closely.

i decide to cut to the chase.

"so-uh- i'm just gonna-uh-" i begin to say but he cuts me off.

"i want you to tell me everything from when you got pregnant to now." he practically commands, and i nod.

"well when i found out, i knew exactly what i wanted to do. you know i've never been close with my family and by the time i graduated, i was only four months. so i found a small apartment and job, and started building up from there." i say and he nods, signaling for me to continue.

"soon i made enough money to get a bigger place, not a house, but still. and i started my own business, as it grew more popular i made more money, all while supporting rowan by myself."

i didn't miss the way his eyes flashed with a guilty look when i mentioned being alone.

"then i met my friend lydia, who is actually uh dating your teammate, connor. and well he scored us some tickets to the game the other night and that's where it ends." i finish.

his face doesn't change in the slightest, except for the small smile that is on his lips.

"i'm proud of you, nadia. очень горжусь." he smiles, but this time it's sad.
(so proud)

"but i could've been there for you, i could've supported you. and for that, i'm also mad at you." he says, his russian accent peaking.

"i'm so sorry dimitri, i'm so sorry. and that's why i wanted to talk. if you want, you could start spending time with rowan?" i ask, growing nervous.

i see him hesitate and i cut in.

"if you don't want too that's completely fine, i get you have an important career that needs a lot of atten-"

"nadia i want to see him. i want to know my son." he confirms and my nerves instantly ease.

i was scared that he would just try to give me money to not say anything to anyone, but i think a part of me knew he was not like that.

i smile a real smile.

"okay, okay that's good." i say and he nods his head.

"what does he like to do in his free time?" dimitri asks and i think, although something instantly comes to mind.

a smirk forms on my lips, "you know, he's really been nagging me about learning how to play hockey recently, and you can never get started too early." i suggest and dimitri sighs, running his hand through his hair.

but i still see the smile that peaks out through his lips.

he pauses and looks at me for a long time and finally parts his lips to say something.

"i guess i could teach him." he says with a cocky smile, and there goes his ego.

"really? that would be so great!" i say, but this time it's my turn to pause.

"dimitri, what about the press?" i ask and he shrugs like it's any other normal conversation.

"well, if they find out, they find out. but he's your son." dimitri says.

"he's your son too." i point out and he nods like he forgot.

i hear a small tap on the glass, and i turn to my right to see rowan smiling.

"привет мама." rowan giggles.
(hi mama)

"hi baby, can you come here?" i ask and he frowns, but nods anyway.

"ah." dimitri tsks, "he speaks russian?"

"well." i laugh, "i wanted to get him started early." i finish and dimitri chuckles.

it does something to me, and i'd do anything to hear it again.

i see rowan running towards the chair and he sits down in the seat next to me.

i look at him with a grin, "row, i have some news for you." i say and he tilts his head in a questioning manner.

"you remember when you asked if you could play hockey?" i remind him, and he nods.

"well, dimitri here agreed to teach you!" i say and he gasps, throwing his shark on the table and leaping up, before running to dimitris seat and hugging him awkwardly.

dimitri sits there, and i can tell he is unsure of what to do by the way he smiles uncomfortably, but rowan doesn't seem to notice.

"thank you." i hear rowan whisper into the embrace and dimitri whispers back "of course."

"come on row, we have to get home." i say, picking him up so he can unlatch from dimitri.

rowan cuddles into my arms, and i can feel his smile on my shoulder as he rests his head on it.

i wait for dimitri to get up and when he does he nods in the direction of the exit door, and we walk in silence until we reach my car.

i place rowan into his car seat and i make sure to buckle him while dimitri stands next to the door.

when i shut the door, i look at him.

"text me when your free so we can schedule rowan's first practice, and uh- it was nice seeing you today, dimitri." i say and he smiles, that million-dollar smile.

"i will, message me when you get home just so i know you guys are safe." he instructs and i nod.

when i try to turn around to get into my car, i feel his grasp on my wrist and he spins me around so we're making eye contact once again.

"you look gorgeous today, by the way. and it was nice seeing you too." he finishes.

and with that he spins on his heels and walks away, leaving me flustered.

but not uncomfortable.


we just got home.

a/n- hope you guys enjoyed reading todays chapter 💋💋💋💋💋

hi ava

byeeee 😋

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