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a/n- sorry for taking so long to actually update, but here you go.

play the song when you see the *
(clocks, by coldplay)

it's been three days since i've last seen dimitri, which was on the same night as our date.

after he cooked me dinner, we ate, we laughed, and we reminisced on the time we spent together years before.

i never realized how much fun he really was to be around, dimitri is the kind of person who smiles and automatically lights the room up.

and god will his dimples be the death of me.

when it was nearly twelve, he drove me home and i thanked mella for watching rowan, who was fast asleep.

i payed her and offered for her to stay the night since it was so late, but she insisted that she go home.

i woke up to two things.

number one being multiple messages from dimitri that i have yet to read.

and number two, a twitter article sent by lydia. of me, rowan, and dimitri.

reluctantly, i press the link, and the contents make my stomach turn.

the title being something along the lines of "dimitri levin, local bakery owner, and love child spotted at fast food restaurant."

i read the first few sentences before clicking off the app, not bothering to read anymore.

then, i open dimitris contact, reading his messages.


Good morning Nadia.
I cant wait to see you.

I've seen the article.
My agents are working on it right now.

I'm so sorry.

I know this is exactly what you were afraid of, I'm so sorry my love, I will fix it.

Just please tell me I'm still able to see my son.


my heart hurts when i read his last messages, but he was right.

this was exactly what i feared.

a part of me, the old me, wants to run away, and start a new life.

but the other half of me, the other half that's still in love with dimitri levin, wants me to stay.

i make my way to the kitchen as i call dimitri, listening to the phone ring before i hear him.


"nadia, i'm so sorry." he says, and my heart doesn't hurt, it aches.

i stay silent, for god knows how long because i don't even know what to say.

and then one thing comes into mind.

"dimitri, i don't care about the media, as long as rowan isn't exposed, you can still see him. i wouldn't ever forbid him from seeing his father."

this makes me hear a sigh of relief come from my phone.

"thank you, nadia. my agents are trying their best to get this post removed." he says, which calms me down a bit.

"but dimitri." i begin, and this causes me to hear another sigh.

"i don't think we should be seeing each other anymore, or at least until everything calms down."

it's like he knew what was coming.

"i understand nadia." he speaks, and my heart cracks at his tone.

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