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a/n- if the video doesn't appear above, listen to wildest dreams by taylor swift while reading.

and thank you for all of the kind comments 🥹

also lmk if there is any spelling mistakes pls!

when we finally sit down, rowan is still extremely hyper. but what can i say? he's a four year old.

i'm somehow still juggling my purse, and a coke in one hand. and a water bottle and a pack of m&ms in the other.

i place the drinks in the cup holders next to us and i set my purse on the little railing next to the glass.

i finally get rowan to sit down and he's already asking for the m&ms which i just comply and give them to him because if i dont, i'll have to hear it for the rest of the game.

"connor just texted me, their coming out now for warmups." lydia says and i nod.

i turn to rowan who already has a rim of chocolate around his lips, so i reach into my purse, grabbing some baby wipes to wipe it off.

while doing so i ask, "you wanna hold your sign милая?" and he nods in return.

lydia hands it to him and we wait until the players skate out one by one.

connor skates over to the glass and gives lydia a wink, and then his attention diverts to rowan who i'm holding. he's so short the only thing you'd be able to see is his hair.

rowan looks at him with a big smile and presses his sign against the glass.

i've met connor maybe once or twice so when he sees me recognition flashes in his eyes, and with that he uses his stick to grab a random puck from the ice and he tosses it into the air, catching it in his glove.

he looks at rowan and nods his head, before tossing it in the air once again, and instead this time it goes over the glass and towards us.

i help row catch the puck and i hand it to him.

he smiles and yells a "thank you!" through the glass, connor nods with a smile and skates away.

"row you wanna see how many pucks you can get from the team?" i ask and he nods with a smile.

he hands me the puck to put in my purse, and once again we are standing at the glass, waiting for players to skate by and read his sign.

we get another puck from a player before all the sudden a familiar face shoots by us, and i watch as he does a double take and turns around on his skates.

i read the name on the back of his jersey and before i can even comprehend what's happening, the face that i know all to well is standing at least ten feet in front of us.

but the catch is, he's looking directly at us.
and the face belongs to dimitri levin.

it's almost like i forgot how he looked because i never realized how similar rowan and dimitri looked like each other.

if you put them next to each other, there would be no denying that rowan doesn't have at least some of his dna.

dimitri looks at me and his smile that used to make my heart melt appears.

he waves, and i watch as his gaze flicks to me, then to rowan, and then to his sign.

he skates a little closer with a puck in his possession and i watch as he effortlessly flicks it in the air. i watch as it shoots over the glass and lands at my feet. and i'm standing there, still completely stunned.

when i look back at dimitri, his gaze is focused on rowan, and i don't like it.

i don't like it because i notice the look of confusion in his eyes. i notice the flash of something unknown in his brown iris's.

but instead of doing anything he nods at me once again, and skates off.

rowan turns to me, the puck in his hands and a huge smile on his face.

completely unaware of who that man was.

completely unaware that he has fifty percent of his dna.

during the second intermission i finally do research on dimitri. for the first time in four years i search his name up on my phone, and what i see surprises me.

a picture of him and a brief description reading, dimitri levin is a Russian professional ice hockey winger for the Carolina Colts of the nhl. the colts selected him second overall in the 2018 nhl entry draft.

second overall.

that's good.

i guess leaving him while he was still a sophomore didn't make me think of the potential he had.

after the description are links to multiple articles and game winning goals. and for some reason
i feel...proud?

during the third period it's neck and neck before a player on the colts scores the game winning goal with thirty seconds on the clock.

and the colts win.

everyone stands up in their seat and poor rowan is passed out on my lap. i make sure to record this part cause i know he will want to watch it in the morning.

i clap for the team, and i remember why i loved hockey so much, i begin to hate myself a little because i stopped watching it.

the players skate around the edge of the rink for a little, waving at the fans. while they skate past us, dimitri gives me one last confused look as he sees rowan leaning on my shoulder and me rubbing his back gently.

thankfully he doesn't stop and try to say anything.
and before we know it we are all being huddled out of the arena.

when me and lydia make it to the car she turns to me in the passenger seat and gives me a weird look.

"so are we going to just pretend that i didn't see the looks levin gave you tonight?"

a/n- little bit of a cliffhanger ofc ofc.
also shoutout to kendra who ik is reading this and smiling to herself.

thank you for reading tonight's chapter

xoxo 💋

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