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a/n- hey how are y'all???
lmk if there's any grammar/spelling mistakes!

"are we going to pretend that i didn't see the looks levin gave you tonight?" lydia asks me and i glance at rowan who's sleeping peacefully in his car seat.

i come up with the briefest answer known to man.

"i knew him in college and i guess he recognized me." i say and she gives me a weird look but shrugs it off.

"that's cool you went to college with a pro player." she replies and i smile nervously.

"yeah i didn't know he played for the colts, i would've said something." well at least that part isn't a lie.

i put the car into drive and i begin to pull out of the parking lot.

after dropping off lydia and putting rowan to bed, i finally get the chance to relax.

i took a hot shower to collect my thoughts and well, nothing has changed.

my instagram notifies me saying i have a message request. and i press the notification not surprised, usually i have customers message me all the time saying they love my food.

except when i see the verification mark i know it's not a customer.

when i see the username i don't know what to do. and i'm pretty sure my heart stops.

slowly, i press the message request and i accept it.
slowly, i read his message.

you are now messaging dimitri levin.

It was nice seeing you at the game.
You looked cute.

what do i say to that? do i answer? well it does tell him i read it and i can't leave him on read.

i try my best to think of an answer, a vague one too.

nice seeing you too! it's been long.

his reply comes in almost instantly and it kinda scares me.

What? Four years? Too long.
And you have a kid now?

dammit he brought up rowan, doing exactly what i was hoping he wouldn't do.

i decide on keeping my answers vague.
but apart of me wonders if i should tell him.
obviously not over the phone, but i should tell him, right?

yeah i do! haha, crazy right?
he loved receiving that puck from you.

Is he mine?

i read his question once and i shut my phone off, throwing it somewhere on my bed.

i can practically hear him say that sentence out loud, and i want to scream into a pillow.

i think my insides are turning into jello because whenever i breath i feel like i want to throw up.

i pick up my phone and i place it on the nightstand, not even bothering to take another look.

i'll deal with dimitri in the morning, my number one priority being rowan.

would it be such a bad thing that row meets his father? no it wouldn't, but then i think of the headlines.

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