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a/n- hiii ^^one of my favs
if the song doesn't work play 'style' by the one and only tswift

i make sure to tie rowan's skates tight and secure before moving onto mine.

i watch as he stands up and immediately falls over, which makes me laugh, but i help him up.

"be careful." i warn and he nods.

we sit on the bench while waiting for dimitri, and finally he emerges.

he walks over to us and i perk up, seeing he's holding a few items in his hand.

"dimitri!" rowan yells and kicks his feet around.

"hey bud." dimitri says, he's wearing a long sleeve with the teams name, and his number on the front. with his last name on the back.

"here." he says, handing me and rowan jerseys, and i smile seeing the name.

it's his jersey, but in our sizes.

"thank you." i grin and i look at rowan, who's studying the jersey. "thank you." he finally says and i help him put it on.

when it's on, dimitri looks at him and nods, i hesitate before sliding my vest off and put on his jersey over my long sleeve.

dimitri smiles in approval, and i watch as his eyes flow down my body, eyeing my skates.

"your skating too?" he asks and i nod.

"well i figured he had to learn how to skate before playing the actual game, so i want to help teach him too." i clarify and dimitri raises one brow, but nods.

dimitri checks rowan's skates before tying his own and when we are all set, dimitri picks rowan up and carry's him like he weighs nothing on the ice.

i hold onto the glass before stepping on the ice because it's been awhile, but i step onto the ice and start skating.

it's not the best, but i'm doing it, and soon i get the hang of it.

rowan and dimitri watch me, and looking at rowan clinging to dimitri makes my heart swell, i skate over to the two.

"mama can you hold my hands?" rowan asks as dimitri sets him down and i nod, holding both of his hands above his head.

"bend your knees." dimitri instructs and rowan listens, slightly bending his knees.

"i'm going to start skating now, you try to move your legs." i whisper and he nods.

i hold his hands tightly as we skate slowly on the ice and he giggles when i start going faster.

"you're doing so good." i say and we skate for a little longer before i let go without telling him.

he skates by himself for a few feet until he realizes i'm no longer holding him, which causes him to fall on his butt.

i laugh, and dimitri skates towards him and helps him up.

"you want to try again by yourself?" dimitri asks and rowan nods.

he's so brave, like his dad.

"okay, move one leg in front of the other and spread your legs just a bit while bending your knees, can you do that?" dimitri asks and rowan nods.

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