not an update

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hi guys! i came here to say a few things.

first off, thank you to everyone who has supported this story, it has grown so much these few weeks and i'm beyond thankful for everyone who has voted on chapters or even just read them.

second, another book is in the making (different characters, same universe) so if you enjoyed this story, i'd highly recommend you check the other one out on my page.

now for the second story, i don't have any chapters out yet, but there is a description on what it will be about, and a character introduction for those who are interested.

and third, please follow me if you aren't already, i'm not forcing anyone but if you are invested in this series as much as i am (i still don't have a name for it yet LOL) then i suggest you follow, because you'll never know when another book may come out.

again, thank you.

i really do appreciate every one of you, and i hope you enjoyed reading pretty play.

-r :)

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