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a/n- who's ready for their date?!?!??

i stumble out of my bedroom in these heels, that are painfully uncomfortable.

i straighten my dress as i make my way to the living room to meet dimitri for our date.

he stopped by his place earlier to get ready and he's going to be here any minute to pick me up.

and thank god the nanny is on time, she only arrived a few minutes ago.

i'm wearing a gorgeous light brown dress that stops right around my calf's, that also has a sweetheart neckline and ruffled sleeves.

i paired it with some simple two-inch white heels that still hurt because i'm used to lugging around in my beat-down uggs.

my hair is simple, some light beach waves and for my makeup i did my usual, concealer, contour, blush, and mascara.

the nanny sees me walking out and steps away from rowan, carmella is the sweetest old lady i've ever met, so when she sees me she makes a similar noise to a squeal and grabs my hand, spinning me around.

"oh mi amor, you look preciosa." she says which makes me grin.
(oh my love, you look beautiful.)

"thank you, mella." i say and she nods, clapping her hands together and heading towards the door.

"where is this nino at? he can't have you waiting, no?" she continues which makes me giggle.

"he'll be here soon." i reply as i head towards rowan to say goodbye, he's already in his pajamas and ready for bed. earlier i explained what was happening and told him me and dimitri were going to hangout and talk about hockey.

something we'll probably end up doing.

i kiss him on the head and whisper "я люблю тебя, детка, будь хорошим."
(i love you baby, be good.)

he nods and whispers i love you back.

as i head towards the door to grab my bag, i hear a knock which causes a grin to appear on my mouth.

i grab my things and open the door, dimitri is dressed not fancy, but not casual. he's in a dark blue button up and black pants that hug his sculpted thighs so perfectly i can't help but notice.

he smiles when he sees me, his eyes raking my body up and down. "you look gorgeous nadia." he says, taking my hand and pressing a kiss to it, which makes butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"thank you." i say.

carmella comes from behind me and jabs her finger into dimitris chest, "listen nino, you hurt nadia and i hurt you." she warns, and i wonder how a nearly five-foot old lady still looks so intimidating standing next to a six-four dimitri levin.

i laugh, gently patting her back, "i'll be okay mella, thank you." when she looks at me her gaze immediately softens and she presses a kiss to my cheek.

"be safe." she whispers and i thank her again.

"bye rowan." i say from the door.

"bye mama." and with that, me and dimitri head for his car.

dimitris hand rests on my lower back as he guides me through the parking lot, the only noise you can hear is my heels clicking on the asphalt.

i shiver and almost unintentionally, i feel dimitri pulling me closer.

he opens the passenger side for me and i get in, when he does too he starts the car and drives off.

when we first arrived at his apartment, i wasn't surprised that he had the most expensive one available their, but i can't not say it, the interior is beautiful.

the size of his kitchen and living room combined has to be the complete size of my entire apartment.

he gives me a small tour before heading to the kitchen to begin cooking our meal.

god i love a man who can cook.

i sit down at the island and i admire him as he works his way through the kitchen, grabbing the ingredients and tools he needs.

"so what are you making?" i ask and he turns around, leaning against the counter.

"pelmeni. well, i made it earlier, i just need to boil them." he says with a nod. pelmenis are similar to dumplings, they consist of a pasta-like dough stuffed with minced meat and vegetables.

i smile, "my favorite, you remembered."

it's like his wall breaks because suddenly he turns into the adorable, loving man that i fell in love with all these years ago.

"of course i did." he says and then turns around, popping the pelmeni into the boiling water.

when he's done, he sets a timer and guides me towards the living room.

"i've been wanting to take you out since the day i saw you at my game." he admits rather quietly.

"you know, i never really got to have a say in our relationship ending, you kind of just left." he continues and guilt pings at me.

"well i found out about rowan and kind of freaked." i grab his hand and lace his fingers with mine. "but i am sorry." i finish.

his eyes meet mine and i briefly see them linger on my chest.

"i forgive you, i couldn't be happier. i have the best job in the world and a son who loves hockey just as much as i do. the best thing? his mother just so happens to be the woman i fell in love with during college, and the woman i'm still in love with." he smiles softly.

my heart nearly erupts as i hear his confession, and i'm not entirely sure what to say.

"dimitri, i-" i begin but he cuts me off with a nod of his head.

"it's okay, you don't have to say anything. i just wanted you to know." he grins and rubs my thigh with the pad of his thumb.

i just now realized his hand has been there the whole time.

the timer in the kitchen goes off and his smile grows, "stay here and relax, i'll be right back with the food. you want anything to drink?" he asks.

"wine." i say kind of desperately, god do i need a sip of some wine right now.

a/n- AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

okay okay what did you think??

idk it feels like forever since i've actually written a chapter even tho it was only 6 days ago.

byeeeeee 💋💋💋

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