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when i woke up the morning after, i was nothing but frazzled.

at what happened that night, and what could've happened if rowan didn't walk in.

when i saw rowan walk out i shoved dimitri behind me, not like it would hide much, and it didn't.

rowan immediately spotted him and ran over to hug him, and when i told him dimitri had to leave he looked so torn.

and that's the second i realized it, rowan is attached.

although dimitri is supposed to be getting to know him, and he is rowan's father, i don't know how stable dimitri is right now.

he's twenty four and travels multiple times a week, he could get traded and be forced to live across the country, anything could happen.

i don't want to let rowan down.

so that leads to where i'm at now, and i haven't talked to dimitri since.

he's sent me a few messages, mainly asking if we could talk.

i'm too scared to reply.

i managed to get a sitter for rowan, so i'm at lydia's, watching the game, and we've had a few drinks.

more than a few, but it's been awhile.

i grip onto lydia's shoulder, laughing so hard my stomach hurts.

she just burped so loud out of nowhere.

and i'm laughing even harder.

she throws her head back, and she's somehow probably drunker then i am right now.

i take the bottle of malibu, taking a few large sips, and i put my attention on the game.

i haven't really payed much attention too it, but currently the colts are losing.

i burp and giggle. my heads spinning.

lydia rests her head on my shoulder and sighs, then starts cackling out of nowhere.

she's crazy. i love her.

"what are you laughing at?" i ask and she giggles, showing me her phone.

it's a snapchat filter that makes me look old, i find myself laughing even harder.

how is that possible? i'm not entirely sure.

"ewww i look like my mom!" i say and she points the phone back to her face.

"why do i look like my sister?" and i gasp, "don't do sophia like that."

she swats her hair, "i'm just joking."

she does kinda look like her sister though.

a few hours later, it's past midnight and lydia's passed out on the couch.

the game ended and the colts lost, tragically.

and while thinking of the colts, my mind then floats to dimitri who is probably sitting all alone at home.

i frown and i pull out my phone, bringing up dimitris contact.

i press the call button, and i bring my phone up to my ear.

"nadia? it's late." i hear dimitris voice, and it sounds groggy.

"heyyyyyy." i try my best not to slur although i think i failed.

"did i wake you? i'm sorry." i continue.

"no you didn't." he pauses, "are you drunk?"

i scoff, "naur."

ew i did not just say that.

he laughs, "are you okay? where are you?"

"i'm fine, i watched your game."

he sighs.

"sorry you lost."

"it has to happen sometimes."

"i don't know why i called you." i admit.

"well i do have a great view of your ear." he says and my eyes widen, i look at my phone.

hah, i must've pressed facetime instead of call.

it looks like hes in bed, and i can tell hes smiling at the screen although i can only see his nose and up.

i look at myself and nearly gag, fixing my mascara that is smudged everywhere.

"i look awful, ew." i whisper to myself while fixing my makeup.

"you don't." dimitri says and i get startled, i kinda forgot we were ok the phone.

all the sudden my stomach rumbles and my mouth salivates, this can't be good.

i get up from the couch, and i nearly sprint to the bathroom as i stumble in.

i tumble to the ground as i almost miss the toilet, i gag and i gag for what feels like forever, the contents of my stomach spilling out of me.

when i'm done, i wipe the corners of my mouth, and i rinse my mouth with water.

"are you okay? do you need me to pick you up?"  dimitri says, he sounds worried. aw.

somehow i'm still a little drunk.

"yeah could you give me a ride home?" i ask and i can already hear his car keys jingling.

"send me the address." he says and i do.

i tell dimitri to just walk in, cause the door is unlocked for a dumb reason, and i don't feel like getting up from the bathroom floor.

i'm near dozing off as the bathroom lights flicker on, and i squint.

"am i in heaven?" i ask, reaching towards the ceiling.

dimitri chuckles, my eyes widen.

i forgot he was on his way.

he bends down and helps me sit down, "are you okay?" he asks while i rub my head, it hurts.


"come on let's get you home." he says, and picks me up, before walking out of the bathroom.

"what do you need to bring with you?" he asks and i point somewhere random.

"keys. shoes. purse." i slur and he nods, looking for all three items.

he locks the front door behind him when he leaves and i make a mental note to text lydia in the morning to notify her what happened.

the cold air hits me and i whisper, "you can set me down." into dimitris chest.

he hesitates, but sets me down, and i clutch his jacket sleeve to keep from falling.

"we can come back in the morning." he says when i try to walk towards my car.

he grips my waist, redirecting me, and i stumble slightly as his fingers graze my torso.

it's shortly followed with a giggle and he looks down at me and smiles.

"ты скучаешь по нашим студенческим годам?" i whisper drunkenly into the side of his body.
(do you ever miss our college years?)

he inhales sharply and doesn't answer for a second, but then whispers,


i swear i feel my heart do a flip and as we sit in silence during the whole ride home,
i can't stop smiling.

maybe it's the drunkenness, and maybe it's the fact that i'm not even that drunk anymore, but i can't help but find myself agreeing with dimitri.

a/n- my dad said he will consider buying me tickets to a hockey game!! 😍

cats or dogs?

my answer: cats, cats all the way.

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