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*six day time skip*



Hello, Nadia.

how has your trip been?

Average, still dealing with our last loss.
Excited to be back home.

i'm sorry.
what time will you be back?

Late, around 1 in the morning.

i'm excited for our date.

Me too.
How is Rowan?

he's great, misses his hockey coach though

I miss him, tell him we can get back on the ice the second I'm back.

you wanna talk to him?
can you call?

Of course.


rowan has been on facetime with dimitri for the past hour, while i clean up the house and do some laundry.

dimitri made plans with rowan to practice skating once again, and now the only thing rowan is talking about, is hockey.

he keeps asking dimitri questions on how to play, different types of plays, and even what it's like to play for the pro league.

dimitri doesn't seem to mind though, from what i'm hearing he and his teammates enjoy the questions, considering practice just ended.

"row, say bye. it's nap time." i say from the kitchen and i hear rowan sigh and say goodbye in russian.

when he hands the phone to me, dimitri is grinning.

his sweaty hair clings to his forehead, and i take a second to admire how gorgeous he looks before ending the call.

"goodbye dimitri, bye connor." i say to both of the men who are looking into the camera.

"bye nadia." they both say in unison.


when nadia hangs up the phone, connor looks at me like he knows.

"you are more than just that kids coach aren't you?" connor says and i look at him from my peripheral vision.

"yes." i nod.

connor waits for me to continue.

"rowan is my son." i finish and he nods.

"who? what? where? why? when?"

i chuckle, "nadia is his mother. rowan is my son, our child. hopefully in a bed. he was an accident. in college, my sophomore year, nadia's senior year."

connor nods like he doesn't know what else to say.

"i first saw nadia and rowan at the game you bought them tickets for, i messaged her and we talked, she told me what happened and why she's here now. rowan is my five year old son but he still doesn't know yet, and now tomorrow night nadia is getting a sitter and i'm cooking her dinner at my apartment."

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