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a/n- here are a few quotes that reminded me of this chapter.

come over and haunt me, i know you want me- cas

and you'd be standin in my front porch light, and i'd knew you come back to me, you'd come back to me- taylor swift

but i knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss, i knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs- taylor swift

anyways that's it, if the song doesn't appear above, listen to cardigan by queen taylor.

the colts were beaten by the Panthers in the third round of the playoffs.

i think of what to tell dimitri, but nothing comes to mind.

game five just ended, they lost obviously. but instead of sending dimitri a message, i press the button to Facetime him.

if there is one thing that can get a person out of a bad mood, it's their child.

the phone rings for a few seconds, and then his sad face appears.

i would say he looks attractive, but my heart hurts at the look on his face.

his face is slightly red, his hair clings to his forehead, and when we sit there for a few moments without speaking, i can see the tears swelling in his eyes.

i give him a sympathetic look. rowan, who is sitting next to me snacks on goldfish.

i whisper to him, "you wanna say hi to your dad?" which causes him to look at me with a grin.

"yes." he answers and i hand the phone to him.

"hi papa." rowan then says and holds the phone so close to his face im sure dimitri can only see his little eyes.

from where i can see dimitris face, i can tell it lights up and he flashes a small, but toothy smile.

"hi buddy." dimitri answers and goes silent once again.

luckily, rowan is a child and doesn't know how to stop talking.

"how was you game?" rowan asks and i see him fighting the tears. i also manage to hear a few sighs that come from around the locker room.

"not good." dimitri says.

"did you lose?" and i smack myself mentally, this kid has no filter. but he also doesn't understand.

"yes, but that also means i'll be able to spend more time with you." dimitri finishes.

rowan's grins at this.

there's some shuffling in the background, and it sounds like someone is talking to dimitri.

"bud i gotta go, say hi to your mom for me." dimitri says and then hangs up.

rowan hands the phone to me, still smiling.


it's around 4 in the morning when a hefty knock sounds at my door, and i don't wake up fully until the person knocks again.

i grimace as i get up from the bed, and i make my way to the front door. silently praying the entire time that they didn't wake rowan up.

i open the door, and there stands dimitri levin.

i get deja vu from all the times this has happened, and instead of saying anything he drops his bag and pulls me into his arms.

i don't even have to say anything, i know what's happening.

i back up a few steps so i can close the front door, but dimitri still clings to me.

his head rests on my neck, and i don't realize he's begun to cry until i can fear his tears dripping down my shoulder.

my hands find his hair, and i gently massage his scalp.

he grips the back of my tank top so tightly, it makes me wonder if he has plans on ever letting go.

i gently pull away, and without saying anything, i grab his hand and i lead him to my bedroom.

god knows how exhausted he is.

when i briefly glance at his face, it's red and puffy.

my fingers rub circles on his hand, and again without speaking, we lay down in silence.

his hand finds its way onto my hip and urges me to get closer, to which i oblige.

i break the silence finally.

"i'm so proud of you."

he doesn't answer, but i don't need one when he grabs me and pulls me even closer than before, and rests his head on my shoulder once again.

he inhales deeply, and just a few minutes later, his soft snores fill the air.

i continue to rub his back until i find myself drifting off as well.


when i wake up, dimitri is still passed out.

his shirt is off, i assume he got hot in his clothes.

i'm laying in the middle of the bed, his arm rests on my hip, and he looks so peaceful as he sleeps on his stomach.

i turn to my right, and a little bunch of blonde curls is all i can see.

i grin, and i look at rowan who is sleeping peacefully on his stomach as well, his mouth open and everything.

i don't want to move, not daring to wake either of them up, so i relish in my mind.

my hand was resting on dimitris lower back, i gently pull it off so i can move the hair out of my face.

rowan shuffles around, and his little head peaks out from my comforter.

"good morning baby." i whisper and he wipes the crust from his eyes.

"papa is here. why?" rowan asks louder than i expected, i quickly bring my finger up to my lips so i can signal for him to be quieter.

"he was feeling sad, and decided he wanted to see me and you." i say and rowan nods.

"do you want to go get some muffins with me for breakfast?" i finish and he nods once again.

"let me get dressed." he says and begins to get off the bed.

"it's okay we'll only be gone for a few minutes, we can go in our pajamas." i say which causes rowan's jaw to drop.

"really? okay mama." he giggles and then runs out of my room.

i put my slippers on, i grab my car keys and purse, before pressing a gentle kiss to dimitris forehead.

a/n- kinda sad chapter but cardigan came on while i was writing this and the words just flew out of me.

dimitris pov next chap? idk we'll see.

hope u enjoyed 💞

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