Happy Birthday

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Chapter 1- Happy Birthday

P.O.V- Addison

"Your insecure don't know what for" my phone screamed at me. Whaaaaa? Who changed my ring tone? Blindly I reached my hand out from under the covers of my bed and tried to grab my phone, which happened to be at my side table. Where the heck was it!

"Don't need make-up to cover up" I groaned and opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was my clock. THREE TWENTY IN THE MORNING! WHO CALLS THAT EARLY! I grabbed my cell phone and put to my ear.

" Hello," I said angrily.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NIALL HORAN!"my best friend Krystal screeched into my ear, causing me to drop my phone. I love Krys but sometimes her obsession with one direction was a little to crazy for my liking. I picked up my cell phone and slammed it to my ear.


"Well, firstly it was three twenty-one, secondly because EXACTLY TWENTY YEARS AGO WAS NIALL HORANS BIRTHDAY!"she answered back not so politely.

"Why didn't you just tell me this at school, and did you change my ring tone," I questioned while grinding my teeth together.

"Because it wouldn't have the same effect, and of course I did!"she said excitedly.

"Good night Krystal.... Don't phone back," I sighed.

" Don't hang u--," Krys tried to beg, but I had already hung up on her.

I cuddled back under the covers trying to get back to sleep, but no the world must hate me.

My door was kicked open to reveal my older brother, by a year, Blake with a spatula.

"I heard screaming, are you ok Addie?" Blake asked confused.

"Firstly, if I wasn't ok, wouldn't I still be screaming. Secondly, if I had been being kidnapped, I would have already been in Timbuktu, and thirdly, of all weapons that you could have grabbed, why a spatula?" I whisper yelled.

" um, yes. They would have brought you back, and I was having a midnight snack," Blake answered.

I rolled my eyes, and laid back down. You are probably wondering why my parents didn't show up, well they are both super deep sleepers and only wake up if they hear someone sneaking out, or if the fire alarm goes off. Sadly, with the sneaking out part, Blake and I have tried several time, and surprise surprise, we got caught.

For what felt like hours I twisted and turned, but none the less, sleep didn't come. Three thirty, four o'clock, four thirty, fife o'clock, then it hit me. Today was the day of the One Direction concert (downside) and we were heading to Hawaii (upside)!


Hey people

how u doing

Im deticating this chapter to taylorb1111, her stories are amazing!!

I like pandas, do you?

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I am out!!! PEACE!

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