He's Safe With Me

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Chapter 14- He's Safe With Me

Addie's P.O.V

"Addie...Addie...ADDIE," Blake yelled in my ear, "For goodness sakes, wake up."

"Whyyyyyyyy," I moaned, slamming my pillow over my face.

"Because, we are leaving soon," he replied in the same whiny tone.

"Fine," I sighed. Slowly, I drag myself out of my bed and towards the bathroom. For the past week Blake and I have been at our grandparent's house for "bonding time." In reality, it sucked. Grandpa's idea of fun was fishing for twelve hours straight, and grandma's was cooking and cleaning. We had come out here last Saturday, the day after the encounter at 60's, and was now Friday, so six days of fishing and cooking. Plus, they live in just north of Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) so there are no kids our age around here. It sucks big time.

After having a quick shower and getting dressed I headed downstairs for breakfast.

"So, Adele how was your sleep," my grandpa asked. He had wanted my name to be Adele, but neither of my parents wanted me to have that name. Grandpa hated my name, so he always called that

"It was good grandpa, thanks," I smile at him. Truthfully, it sucked. The past week, I have been worried sick about Niall. I've tossed and turned at night, trying to figure out what to do about Niall's problem. Basically, if Niall ends up dead when I get back, it's my fault being I didn't tell the police...or anyone for that matter.

The rest of breakfast was eaten in silence. The awkward kind.

"Your flight leaves in two hours," Grandma says sadly, "Get ready to go please."

The car ride the airport was silent, and the good bye was very movie like, with grandma crying and waving a handkerchief.

"Flight 311 to Los Angeles California is boarding now," the announcer called over the intercom.

Blake and I waved a last goodbye before boarding our flight.

Louis P.O.V

"I Love you Louis!"

"Marry me Louis!"

"I have a carrot Louis!"

That last comment made me shudder. Girls think I absolutely love carrots. I don't. I actually hate them. It was funny for the first week or so, but now I get at least one hundred carrots a day in the mail and thrown at me, it's extremely annoying.

"There are too many girls here," Paul yelled over the screaming fans, "Get inside and to your terminal, you can't miss your flight. We'll hold back the fans the best we can."

The boys and I ran, trying to get inside without hurting anyone. There were more people than normal, which is strange and the stranger part was that none of us had told anyone about going to Ireland.

At last we made it inside, well mostly. We had been almost ripped apart by fans.

"Oh crap, we have to be at our terminal in less than an hour," Liam panicked.

"Ok, calm down Liam. Let's just get our bags checked and get through security, then panic," Zayn advised.

Once our bags were checked, we sped walked toward security.

"Half an hour," Liam pointed out, even more panicked than before.

"Calm your sel- ooof," Harry tried to calm Liam, before getting crashed into.

"I'm so sorry," the guy said to Harry. He had dark brown hair that was quite messy, like he had just had a nap. His light blue eyes wandered over each one of us, his eyebrows furring trying to figure out why we looked so familiar.

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