A New Begining and The End

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Chapter 10 - A New Begining and The End

I slowly opened the door to my house, trying not to make a sound. If my parents saw me right now, I would honestly look like I had been lit on fire, hit by a train, than ran over by a car. Why, your probably wondering. Well after I had changed, I had walked back to the kitchen.

" You going home right?" Krys asked.

" Ya?" I had replied slowly. She came up to me, her nose less then half an inch away.

" If I hear cops come within a mile of our house, I put a gun to Niall's head. They come to our house I shoot. Capeesh. We have motion sensors around the house, so don't try any funny business," she had growled at me. " Well have a good day," she said overly happy.

I crept up the stairs to my room. How was I going to save Niall if I couldn't get the police involved. I walked into my room and gently closed the door behind me. Think Addie, think. Who can help you? I sat down at my lap top that was sitting on my desk. Music. Music has always helped me think, so YouTube it is. I quickly searched YouTube in the search bar and grabbed my headphones while it loaded.

I scrolled through the top videos, lame, lame, One Direction, lame, la--- ONE DIRECTION. Holy sugar plum iced tea I'm stupid. I face palmed myself and shook my head. If I could figure out a way to contact them, without them calling the police, I might be able to save Niall. Ok, but how to get their numbers? Think ,THINK, THINK!

Got it! Krys had said that she had Niall's phone. I could ask Niall for one of the boys numbers, but I don't need to put pressure on him. I need to get the phone alone, so Krys wouldn't be able to figure out what is going on. If I go back now, Krystal will find it strange, so that's not a good idea. I want to get Niall out right away, but I want to get him out alive. So instead, I'll just research One Direction.

I know, I know. I have a best - well previous best friend that loved 1D, and I haven't learned anything. *gasp* I just kinda blanked out and ignored her when she brought up the topic. Now I wished I would have listened.

One direction started out as five solo artists on the X-Factor London. Niall Horan ( the only Irish Guy), Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik and Harry Styles. They all made it to boot camp, but none of them made it through as solo artists. But as a team, they made it third on the show and grew up to be the worlds biggest boy band.

All of them had something, um, unique about them. Like, Harry has dated someone fifteen years older than him... Liam's afraid of spoons, loves Toy Story and is dating Danielle Peazer. Louis likes stripes and is dating Eleanor Calder. Zayn is known as the Bradford bad boy or something and is dating Perrie from Little Mix. Niall is Irish and loves food. All kinda strange, but whatever.

They all seamed like nice people from the interviews and all, but what if Krys kidnapped Niall for a reason. Like he killed her long lost twin sister, or robbed a bank or.... Curse my over active imagination.

" Whatcha doing," Blake asked from the doorway.

" More than your doing with your life," I responded. He was nineteen and saving up more money for collage. He was hoping to go to culinary school. He was an amazing cook, don't get me wrong, but he is still debating wether or not to go.

" Hey, no need to get feisty," he smiled wickedly and began to get closer," and I know just how to fix it." He leaped at me and began to tickle my sides. I screamed in laughter trying to push him off of me. Finally he stopped and looked me in the eye.

" You ok Ad," he asked me with concern in his voice. He knows me to well

" Ya," I mumble, not making eye contact. The hardest thing ever is lying to my brother. I hate keeping secrets from him.

" I'm always here for you, Addison, always," he whispered, hugging me. After that he got up and left, making me feel even more guilty.


Liam's P.O.V.

The ride back to our flat was silent. Not a sound was made except for Zayn's sniffles. So far he had taken it the worst. The news hadn't quite settled in on the rest of us. Niall's gone. Never coming back. We will never see his smile, or hear his laugh, and I'll never be able to apologize. We had fought so much, and all Niall wanted us to do is stop.

The worst part he was only twenty. He had so much ahead of him. A small sob escaped my mouth. Niall is gone.

" We're here," the driver told us. I stared out the window at the paparazzi. There was probably twice as many as usual. That didn't seem to bother Zayn. He opened the limo door and pushed through the crowd to the hotel.

Zayn's P.O.V. (in the car where Liam's P.O.V. started)

Niall's gone. My best friend is gone. Dead. Never to return. And it was all my fault.

If I could have just stopped fighting with Harry, Louis and Liam long enough to see Niall disappear, I might have saved him. Maybe if I could have stopped fighting with them to do something with Niall for his twentieth birthday, he would still be alive. It's my fault...

" We're here," the driver called at us.

As soon as we were at a complete stop, I opened the limo door and shoved through the crowd. Why couldn't they just leave us alone? Just for once. Finally I made it to the lobby. I didn't slow down. I speed towards the elevator, not even looking back to make sure the boys were ok.

The first thing I saw when I got back was Niall's parents. They had been here since half-way through the first week. His mum and dad were divorced, but all they wanted to do is find there's son. The last few weeks, Perrie, Danielle, and Eleanor have also come by to support us. Even Taylor Swift has come by.

" Zayn, you ok,?"Maura, Niall's mum, asked. All I did was go up and hug her. By the looks of it she hadn't heard the news. I let go and went up to my room. I did not want to be the one to tell her. I doubt anyone wants to, but someone does. Someone has to tell his mum and dad that their son is dead. Dead.

That's when I completely break down and start crying uncontrollably. Niall is really dead.



I'm so sorry for not Updating, I had two test and two major projects due.

Also I had no inspiration, I had a little writers block and I just wasn't in the mood to write.

Sorry for the depressive, and not the best chapter, I needed this chapter to be if the story is to go on.

This chapter is deticated to solarstar for the last chapters inspirational name..... Nialls Gone.


Icestarwarrior- OUT!!!!

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