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Harry's POV

By time we had found our hotel I was exhausted beyond all belief. I couldn't sleep the entire flight, and really any time before that. Our hotel wasn't exactly five star, which wasn't too bad. We had a roof over our head and a bed to sleep on, which was probably more of a luxury than Niall had before he left.

The four of us and Paul (Who had made it on the flight last second) left for our rooms. Louis and I would be sharing one while Liam and Zayn shared their own. Paul and a few other guards would be roaming the halls and staying in the room between us. Our safety was a top priority.

I was in bed when I first noticed the silence. There was no screaming fans outside our hotel, leaving us in, what felt like, dead silence. It was almost peaceful. The fans didn't know where we were because they would want to crash Niall's funeral, and I and the others couldn't bare to see that happen.

"Hazza?" Louis says quietly from the bed next to mine. I had almost forgotten that he was here.

"Ya Lou?" I replied, trying to stop the pain in my voice from showing.

He didn't respond right away, as if he was thinking how to word it, "Do you think-" he paused again, "Do you really think Niall's dead?"

I opened my mouth to reply with a simple yes, but closed my mouth to think about it for a second. Niall was not a quitter. He would have fought, he would have at least tried to send a message to us, he would have done something. He would have at least found a way to say goodbye.

"No. He's out there fighting." I said simply.

At that moment I realized that whoever had hurt our Irish family member would pay. I don't know how, but they would. They would pay for pulling my family apart, for taking away Niall, for the awful things they may have done to him. They would pay.

With those thoughts on my mind, I slipped into the most restful sleep I had had in weeks.


The next morning I woke to Paul shaking me awake gently, "Harry, you have to get up, you need to get ready for the funeral."

With that I woke up completely, my heart heavy. After today he would be officially gone, forever. I made my way out of bed and to the bathroom as Paul shook Louis awake.

Shower was cold, not that I really noticed. Niall's parents had asked us to speak at his funeral, but I hadn't found the words to say yet. There was so many stories I wanted to tell, and so many amazing things I wanted the rest of the people there to know about him, but I only had so much time.

After my shower I tried to tame my hair, with it working with me actually quite well. After fixing a presentable look I left the bathroom. Louis was sitting in his bed, still in his pajamas, clutching a towel tightly. He gave me a tight smile before slipping into the bathroom. I got changed into a black suit with a simple black tie. Nothing extravagant.

Before long all of us were in the limo again. It was as silent as the hotel we stayed at. Zayn was looking over his speech again and again, Liam was staring out the window, Louis was fiddling with his tie, and I was staring down at my phone. My screen was black, but I just couldn't stop looking at it. Maybe I was waiting for a call from Niall, saying he was ok, I wouldn't even mind a text right now. The ride dragged on, keeping us in an uncomfortable silence.

About half way there my phone began to ring. Instantly all eyes were on me. The phone rang again, and I didn't hesitate to pick it up.

"Hello!" I said into the phone, my voiced filled with hope.

"Hello Harry, this is Alexander from management. The bosses were hoping to speak with you lads after the funeral sometime, possibly at six?" He asked, his nasally voice making me angery.

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