An Unexpected Meeting

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Chapter 11- An Unexpected Meeting

Addie's P.O.V.

"Addison Grace Hartgull, for the fifth time its dinner," my mom yells from down stairs. If my mom uses my full first name and my middle name, I would be in serious trouble if I didn't do what she asked right away.

"Coming mother," I screamed back. I had locked myself in my room pretty much all day. I quickly ran down the stairs and slide into the kitchen. Mmmmmm, meat loaf. I sat down in my place next to my dad; mom and Blake were across from us.

"So sweetie how was your time at Krys'," my mom asked, obviously in a better mood already. I gasped and inhaled the potatoes I was eating. I coughed for like, five minutes, before the potatoes went down properly. Grabbing my glass of water, I chugged it till the bad taste in my mouth went away.

"It was," I faked coughed," fine," I replied. All my mom did was raise her eyebrows.

The rest of dinner was kind of awkward. I mostly just moved my food around my plate. I didn't eat much, it was probably the fact I was lying to my family about something so big. I excused myself and headed back to my room. When I got there, I cracked my fingers and headed back over to my laptop, I clicked on music for no one could hear my conversations. I turned on Skype on my computer and scrolled through the contacts till I hit Megster. The little green dot clarified she was online.

It rang once, twice, three times before she answered.

"Hey Addie, what's up?" Meg greeted.

"Meg, I need your help,"

Zayn's P.O.V.

I heard the boys gently telling Niall's parents the news. They refused to believe it. I didn't blame them, that was their son. There was also a strange feeling that he was still alive, just out of reach. I wish I could just talk to him one more time. To apologize for the jerk ive been.

NO! im not going to quit now. Im going to find him, dead or alive. Ive been crying for far too long now. Slowly, I get up from the floor. Rushing out the door, I don't realize the sad looks the boys are giving me. All I manage to do is grab a hat and a pair of sunglasses, I still have my coat on from before. i run down the stairs of th hotel, not bothering with how many I have to go down. Shoving past several people, I finally make it outside.

The cool night air refreshes me. I realize how long I have been in my room for; several hours at least. I throw on my shades; I don't care if I look strange. Walking down the streets of L.A., I feel a glimmer of hope for Niall. He's alive out there, somewhere, I know it.


Walking around L.A. for the past hour has made me feel a little better. Ill be honest though, im hopelessly lost. Being as smart as I am, I didn't bring my phone or any money except the five that was in my pocket.

I round another corner and see a diner ahead. It's a small diner that has a '60's look to it. Well, I guess that describes the name, 60. I need to sit down, and this place is as good as any. I push through the doors of the restaurant. The floor is black and white checkered with bright red walls. There are booths along the walls and tables with chairs in the middle. At the back theres an old fashion counter with high chairs around it. Im the only one there, besides a girl. I walk towards the counter and sit down. The girl looks at me and frowns a little. We sit there for a few minutes, both of us deep in thought. A few times she'd glance at me. I really hope she wasn't a fan, I don't think I could handle one right now.

"Hey Cheryl, can I have two milkshakes please," the girl asked the women on the other side of the counter, who was cleaning.

"Sure thing," Cheryl smiled. The girl scooted over to me till she was on the seat next to me. It was kind of awkward.

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