Simple Mistakes

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Agent Lisbon's POV

He was obsessed. He had been staring at the board filled with crime scene pictures for days trying to solve the kidnapping case that had turned into a murder weeks ago. The kidnapped pop-star's case. Niall's murder case.

It wasn't like we had wanted to drop it, but there had been nothing. The fingerprints found at the crime scene had all been processed and everyone's houses, businesses, and properties had been thoroughly searched. There had been nothing.

The texts that were sent were untraceable. We had the tops in our division tracking the phone that sent those texts. There was nothing to be found. Every time we thought we finally found the address in which the texts were sent from, it ended up being a dead end.

No one has seen or heard anything either. All the employes in the stadium had been cleaning up, and the vacuums had covered up any noise from outside. Since Niall had asked the bodyguard to wait outside, he had complied. He then got distracted and left the door. He was cleared from being a part of the kidnapping. There wasn't any cameras down the alley way, and it was a complete blind spot for all the other cameras.

Then there were the demands. The problem was there was none. They killer/kidnapper had wanted nothing in return of Niall's life. If he had wanted something, he would have made his demands a long time ago. There was no point to keep Niall hostage for a long period of time, they boys would have payed anything to get their friend back. The kidnapper could have made a lot of money of he wanted to, but he didn't even try.

That left one theory. He had kidnapped Niall for fun. He wanted to mess with the poor boys heads. He wanted to have his fun before killing him off when he got bored. It was quite obvious what the kidnapper was, a mentally insane serial killer.

He messed with the boys and Niall's family without hesitation. He managed to hide where the cell phone signal came from, meaning that they were experienced. The killer didn't want money, only pain and death.

Sighing, I sit down beside Jane. A comfortable silence sits between us.

"Jane," I say hesitantly, "I thinks it's time for you to let the case go." He doesn't even look my way. "Its been weeks. We have no new evidence, it's a dead end case."

This time Jane did look at me, a small smile on his lips, "It's not a dead end case if you would consider the possibility of a fan."

I sighed again. He was so convinced that it was a fan that did it, but no teenage kid would have been able to pull this off.

"Jane, it's getting late. I think it's time for you to go home and get some rest. Come back after the weekend and we can talk then, ok?"

Instead of getting up, he just kept on staring at the board. He was as stubborn as a mule at times, yet that's how he got the job done.

Sighing yet again, I leave Jane alone at his desk staring at the board with Niall's face on it.


Addie's POV

"Ok!" my mom says, still chipper after the long day. Blake and I were utterly exhausted on the other hand. After a long flight and the awful jet-leg, it was no wonder why we were so exhausted.

"How about we order some pizza?" my dad suggests, trying to get out of cooking.

"Yes!" Blake yells, jumping up from the couch, "Please, I beg of you! We have been eating nothing but canned beans and potatoes for the last week! Please dad please!"

In return my dad just laughed at his helplessness. My dad had lived with them for the first twenty years of his life. He loved it when we went to his parent house, just to have us go through what he went through when he was a kid.

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