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Chapter 5- Missing.

Addie's P.O.V.

I lay there, in our rented apartment, staring at the roof as my stomach flips and flops. Hawaii was so awesome, well except for this. Day one we got there and explored our apartment. There's a pool, right next to the ocean, which I don't get, a spa, and a private beach. We were walking distance from Honolulu, which was were my family was now.

Day two it was raining. Like monsoon rain. So we stayed inside all day, and ended up having a spatula war. Let's just say we all have some strange looking bruises on my arm.

The rest of the week we did things like snorkeling, scuba diving, hula dancing ( my dad and brother did, now I have a recording that I can use against them MWHAHAHAHA), and other cool stuff you can do in Hawaii. Yesterday, we went to a sushi restaurant, and had the most amazing sushi. Sadly, I had some bad fish and have been sick all day. I told my family to have fun without me, which is actually ok. It's been a hectic week.

I have been watching T.V all day here and the news is the most interesting on.

Seriously, it's either that, a Barney marathon or some show that makes no sense. So, I chose the obvious choose. And no, not Barney.

" -Niall Horan from One Direction has been officially missing for one week. The last anyone has seen him was backstage at there Take Me Home concert in L.A," the news reporter, I think Kate, says, " This footage is from an interview with One Direction, with Kevin Mark." The screen changes to an interview set.

" Is it true that Niall is actually missing," Kevin says to One direction. He's a man in his thirties, with a shaved head and a brown goatee.

The boys look down, suddenly interested in the floor. Liam, I think, speaks up, " After he concert he went outside to get air in the back alley. He never came back," his voice by the end was barely audible. There was a moment of silence.

" That must be really rough for you guys," Kevin said with sympathy, " But, is he really missing or is it just a scam to get popularity?"

Louis' head snapped up and he stood up angrily," YOU REALLY THINK THIS IS SOME SCAM. OUR BEST MATE, OUR BROTHER IS MISSING AND YOU THINK WE ONLY THINK ABOUT MONEY!!!" He screamed at Kevin as tears began streaming down his face. Harry stood up and gently took Louis arm and tried to drag him backstage. Zayn and Liam sat there in shock while Kevin had aloof of shame on his face.

" This was taken three days ago and was never aired," Kate says, " In other news..." I zoned out after that. Krystal was probably crushed as well as the other five, sixths of the girl population of the world. I grabbed my phone and texted Krys.

Me; hey heard the news.

Krys: what news?

Me: The Niall news.

Krys: oh that

Me: I wonder where he is?

Krys: ya, sorry got to go ttyl

Me: bye?

Well that was odd. She would usually text me for hours if she was upset. Something is defiantly wrong.

Louis P.O.V ( at last!!!)

I ran my hand through my hair for the millionth time. I did that a lot when I was stressed and nervous. All I could think about was the day Niall disappeared.


" Happy twentieth Birthday Niall!" We all screamed as Niall entered the room of our hotel. The only person who wasn't there was Paul. He went go see his daughter and wife. Even Simon had made it. The four of us had squashed Niall in a group hug. When we backed up, Niall had a genuine smile on his face, which we haven't seen in a long time.

The last couple weeks, all of us have been fighting. Almost all the fights are about stupid little things. We are almost always together, that's probably why we're fighting so much. Most of the time Niall isn't involved, but we take it out on him which is terrible.

We had a small party for Niall, inviting our make-up and design artists, security guards, everyone including Paul's intern Scott. Sadly after cake we had to go do our sound check. The way there we joked around, and had fun. Niall was smiling hugely. All was good till the sound check was over. Yet again the four us were fighting.

" Stop acting like the world revolves around you!" Liam snapped at Zayn.

" Oh, the world revolves around me. You act the world is yours!" Zayn yells back, poking Liam's chest.

" Please, stop fighting," Niall begs us, any trace of a smile gone.

" Stay, out Niall," we all screamed at him.

" Your no better Niall," Harry sneered at him, before going back to arguing with the rest of us. Niall had stared at his shoes before leaving the room

At the concert, we all pretended to be happy and seem like we were having fun. But in reality we were hating each other.

" Thank-you L.A. You were a wonderful crowd," Liam fakes. We walk off stage, with Niall lagging behind. As soon as our microphones were taken we started fighting again.

" Why did you get in my way again?!" I had growled at Zayn.

" Stop being so self centered Louis," he snapped back. We were to busy arguing to notice Niall walking away.

(Flashback ended.)

Tears pricked at my eyes. That was the last time I saw Niall. We could stop fighting long enough to celebrate Niall's twentieth birthday. Again I ran my hand through my hair. A week he's been gone.


We all looked at Liam. After the interview with the Kevin, Liam had gotten a text from Niall, but it wasn't Niall. Who ever it was sent us a message telling us they had basically kidnaped him. They also said if we tried to track his phone, Niall would get hurt.

" What does it say," I whispered. Liam just passed the phone to me.

Niall/mystery person: Good afternoon boys. How are you doing!!! Must be well being Niall's gone!!

I gaged at that before passing the phone on.

" Hello boys," Paul says from behind us. I must be really out of it. I didn't even hear Paul come in. As soon as Paul heard about Niall, he had come back.

" Hey Paul," we all mummer.

Paul sighs, " Boys, I promise we'll get Niall back if it's the last thing I do."


* Starts sobbing *

You guys/girls are the best. I have 122 reads ( last time I checked )

So this chapter is deticated to all of you, everyone who loves this story or hates it. You guys are seriously amazing. I love you all so much.

Who's you fav singer comment|



Fail right? But still. My fav is OneRepublic! There absolutely amazing!!

- Ima outa. PEACEA

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