Patrick Jane

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Chapter 6

Zayn P.O.V

" I'm guessing you've heard of the rioting around the world. They are trying to get Niall back by doing it. So we have hired the best in the state of California," Paul explains, " They should be arriving anytime know," he glances at his watch.

We look at each other, trying to figure out wahoo he was talking about. None of us has slept in days, so we were taking longer than normal to process it. It was hard to think about anything but Niall. Liam and I were, NO, AM closer to Niall than Louis and Harry ever was, NO, ever WILL be. I miss our cute Irish lad. A knock at the door startled me out of my thoughts and Liam, Louis and Harry's half sleep. ( a place where your not quite asleep, or awake.) Is Niall dead? Alive? NO, he's alive. He has to be!

" Are the boys in there," a women's voice says.

" Yep," Paul answers.

Two People walked in with Paul. A women in early thirties, dark brown hair and brown eyes and a man in his mid thirties, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

" Hi, boys I'm agent Lisbon and this is Patrick Jane," (A/N: Anyone getting my reference. Well it's The Mentalist. Best show evea). The Patrick lad nods, a small smile on his lips.

" Hi," we all say gloomily.

" Lads!" Paul says demandingly.

Liam sighs, " I'm Liam."

" I'm Harry," Harry says gloomily,

"Louis," Louis replies emotionlessly.

I don't reply, I'm not really paying attention. Even if I was, I don't think I would be able find my voice.

" That's Zayn. He and Niall were really close," Paul answers for me.

" Don't worry boys, we'll find him," Agent Lisbon says calmly.

"Do you have any tea?" Patrick asked. Random much.

" Yes. Zayn go show Patrick," Paul demanded.

I sighed and walked towards the kitchen. I grabbed a kettle and turned it on.

" The tea's in there," I mumbled, pointing at the cupboard. He nodded and went towards the cupboard and grabbed the tea.

" You must really miss him," he observed. I didn't answer. " Scott, the security guard, told me he left into the alley looking pretty upset. Did you guys have a fallout?"

I stared at the ground for a minute," When your living with each other almost all the time, you start to feel like siblings. So, like brothers, we began to fight," I sniffle, trying not to break down," Most of the time it was just us four fighting. I-I think Niall may have blamed himself for us fighting." The kettle popped, signaling that it it had finished boiling. I grabbed the tea Patrick had picked out, and but both in a mug.

" Thanks," was all he said. You could tell he was deep in thought. I gave him a small smile before heading back to the living room.

Liam's P.O.V.

After Zayn left with Patrick, the girl began to question us.

" Have you gotten any ransom notes, words, anything from the kidnapper," Agent Lisbon asked.

"Yes, we have," I answered. I unlocked my phone and passed it to her," All the messages from this week are not from him, unless he has decided to talk in third person.

She read through the messages, the frown on her face deepening.

" So they never mentioned a ransom, or anything," she asked. We all nodded.

" Do you mind if we take this back to our labs, and see if we can trace it."

" Not at all," was my only response. There was an awkward silence after that.

" Harry, would you show me Niall's room,"Patrick asked, while Agent Lisbon was giving him the " what are you doing look."

" Uh, sure?" It was more of a question. Harry stood up and walked towards the stairs, gesturing for Patrick to come.

Harry's P.O.V

I lead Patrick up the stairs and down the hallway. Louis room was first on the left, Zayn's was first on the right, Liam's was on the left, mine was on the right and Niall's and the spare bedroom were the last at the end of the hallway.

I grabbed the handle that led to Niall's room, shaking slightly I opened the door and walked in, Patrick steps behind.

Niall's room was the same as always. He had a small Irish flag set up on the dresser, snapbacks littered the room as well as food wrappers and clothing. His bed was neatly made, as always. His closet was open and a couple pairs of shoes were spilling out. Last week after the party, we had to rush to make it to the sound check. That's probley why there's such a disaster.

" He must like baseball hats, eh," Patrick wondered out loud.

" Snapbacks?" I questioned, then remembered the American way of saying it was," Ya, he does."

" So," he said as he wandered around the room," I heard you and the boys had a-um fight just before he disappeared."

" Ya, we've been fighting a lot lately. Like siblings I guess," was all I could say.

" Do you know anyone that has a grudge against anyone in this band? Or more importantly Niall," He asked.

" Well..." I thought for a minute, " well we have a lot of haters out there, but I don't think any of them would do such a thing. Lots of people think Niall shouldn't be a part of this band, so they might do it, but I highly doubt it. And there's my ex, Caroline Flack, but I know for a fact she wouldn't do anything to Niall, more likely to do something to me."

Patrick thought for a minute, " Well that's a lot of options. But don't worry we'll find him."


Hey guys...and girls.

Sorry if this chapter was boring.

This chapter is deticated to... *drum roll please*


She wrote a super sweet comment that almost brought me to tears.

Love ya all ( In a friend way :D)

Ima out PEACE


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