Why Me?

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Chapter 13- Why Me?

Niall’s P.O.V

There are two types of pain. Emotional and physical. Emotional pain is more in your head, you can’t feel it, but it’s there. It lurks in the corners of your mind, places where you never bother to look. It creeps forward in your weakest state of mind. It’s the predator and we are the prey. But instead of killing you, it brings your worst nightmares to life.

Physical pain is more something you can feel, touch and see. It can be a simple cut, or a bruised knee. Big or little, the pain can be unbearable. 

Personally the mental pain is worse.

As of this second, I’m feeling both. The physical pain is mostly in my ankle. If I don’t move it, it turns into a dull throb. Sadly, even the slightest movement causes pain to jolt through my body. That doesn’t even count for the pain of all the bruises I have and the hunger. They give me food, but the pain makes me feel sick every time I even smell it.

Then there’s the emotional pain. Krystal’s room is literally covered from floor to roof in One Direction merchandise, even her bed spread is. It makes me think. Was it true all the things Krystal and Bailee had said? Were my nightmares realistic? Did Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Liam not want me back? Was the band better without me? Just thinking of that made me sick. I look at the posters again. I really miss when I could smile naturally, even if it was just two weeks ago.

“Ohhhhh, Niall! I brought your favorite food for lunch,” Krystal’s voice echoed through the massive house. I groaned mentally. Whenever Krystal came in, it caused me to move, which put me in more pain. If she was really a fan, wouldn’t she just let me go?

“Hello my little Niallkins,” Krystal says happily walking into her room, “It took me an hour, but I found a Nandos.” My favorite food, that would usually make any day better, instantly made me sick. She put the take out bag on her One Direction covered desk. When she opened it, the sickening smell got worse. By now I was gagging. What had I done wrong to deserve this?


Harry’s P.O.V

Dead. The word seems so foreign. My best mate is dead. The words seem to clench my soul.

Niall was such a good person. He found the strangest funny, his laughter was so contagious. Most of the time we would start laughing with him, not even remembering what was so funny. And then there was Niall’s love for Nandos. He was never as obsessed with it the fans had said, but he did love it.

The fans. I really loved our fans, they were the best, but sometimes they made me furious. Like when they crashed Greg’s wedding. Poor Niall was devastated; he never forgave himself for it. It was going to be his brother’s big day, but our fans ruined it.

As well as that, he got the most hate. It was quite terrible actually. People didn’t realize how great of a singer he really was, or how much words and simple actions could really hurt someone. He had said once that ‘sometimes, the girls hug all the guys except me, and I smile, but it hurts’. We had never really noticed till he said that. I may just be the biggest jerk on this planet for not realizing that sooner.

The worst part about this is I never got to say good bye. Never got to apologize for being such a jerk around him. We should have just stopped fighting for one minute, just long enough for him to avoid the kidnapping.

“Harry,” Liam says from the doorway of my room, “How are you doing.”

Sighing, I roll over and look at him. I have been in my room ever since Zayn got back, two days ago. No one has really talked to me, most likely drowning in their own guilt.

“Simon’s here and wants to talk to all of us,” Liam mumbled.

“Fine,” I moaned, not wanting to move. Sadly, Simon was the person who got us this far in life, so it would be rude ignore his request. Sighing, I got up and headed down stairs. I really didn’t want to leave my cozy bed; it was so nice and warm.

“Hello, Harry,” Simon said gently, “How are you doing?” I just nod my head. “Please take a seat Harry,” he jesters at the couch.

“Why are you here Simon,” Louis questions, sounding broken, “Not to be rude but…”

“That’s ok Louis,” Simon replied softly. “When I heard about Niall, I took the quickest flight out. I don’t want to talk about this, but it has to be done.”

“What do you mean Si,” Liam asks, a little hesitantly.

“Niall’s funeral Liam, his funeral,” he replies sadly.

I instantly freeze. Its one thing to say Niall is dead, but another thing to have a funeral. Niall is dead. Niall is dead. That phrase is repeated over and over again in my head. The boys and Simon are talking about the funeral. Something about having it first, then telling the world.

“Harry…Harry…Harry,” Louis tries to get me to respond, “We’re having the funeral this Saturday, so in six days. We are having it in Ireland, then coming back to release it to the press.”

I nod my head, and then suddenly realize that everyone else has left.

“Thanks Louis,” I whisper. He hugs me before leaving too.

I feel so alone. Even with everyone else, I feel like I only feel this way. I know it’s not true, but it just feels like it. Is this what Niall felt like when we were fighting? No wonder why he left. He felt so alone. If maybe, just maybe, if I had noticed it sooner, he may have not died.

I fall from my sitting position on the couch onto my side. I’m so tired. Tired of everything. Slowly, I drift into a horror filled sleep.

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