Breath of Relief

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Kasper's POV

My sister was the biggest idiot. Ever. Where do I begin with her stupidity?

Personally, I think it one of my parents dropped her on her head when she was a baby. Most likely my mom. She's constantly talking on her phone, so she probably forgot she had Krystal in her arms and tried to grab a pen and ended up dropping her on the hardwood floor. At least that's how I think she became so stupid.

Anyway, she's done a lot of idiotic things in her life, like trying to bribe a zoo keeper to let her pet the lions, but this takes the cake.

It has been about a month since Krys and her equally idiotic friend kidnapped Niall Hortan, or what ever his name is. Either way, I was dragged into this mess, and I had no way out. Me, being the only smart one in this stupid family, decided it that the only way to keep us out of prison would be to tell no one. Of course Krystal ignored me.

First she told Addie, a second little sister to me. I haven't decided if she is with us, or against us yet. She seemed pretty excited when she first saw him, so maybe she's cool with it.

Then she sort of told Addie's friend Megan. She didn't seem to recognize Niall when she played Doctor on him, so I doubt she'll tell anyone.

I have decided two other things. One, if police come banging on our door, Niall's 'precious' face will have a gaping hole in it. With him dead there will be no one to tattle on us, no one to prove that we abused him and murdered him. Bribing the judge and jury would be easy from there. At least that's what dad would say.

"Kasper!" Krystal's whiny voice comes from behind me. I roll my eyes before turning around and smiling a fake smile at Krys.

"How can I help you?" frustration evident in my voice. She always seemed to need me for some reason.

She gives me a pouty look before continuing, "My bae isn't eating, still."

Bae? Really? She always refers to him as some strange name like sweety, honey, cutie putootie. It's as annoying as heck. Friday Megan came over and diagnosed him, and it's already been a day and he still hasn't touched any food or water.

"Why do expect me to know what to do?" I ask, genuinely confused. I barely passes school, so why does she always come to me.

She seems to think for a moment, "I don't know. You're oldest, so why can't you do something about it?"

This time I roll my eyes, making sure she sees. She is a seriously dimwitted. "Just because I'm oldest that doesn't mean I know what to do!"

Krys glares at me. Her look is so intense that if looks could kill, I would be nothing but a pile of ashes.


Niall's POV

They were arguing again. They always seemed to be. Ninety percent of the time it was about me.

I wasn't really sure what it was about this time. I only heard the part about Kasper being the oldest. Maybe they were going to let me go, and since he was the oldest, he would take the fall. Or it was who was going to end me. I was really, really hoping it was the first one, but it seems my Irish luck ran out a long time ago, so I have a feeling it was more likely the second one.

"Well it's your fault if he dies of starvation!" Krys shouts after a long period of silence.

I'm not quite sure if that's encouraging or not. At least they're not talking about murdering me. But then again, they are talking about how I'm slowly killing myself. Maybe it's not so encouraging.

I would love to eat, I really would. I literally had dreams about hot food and ice cold water last night, but when I woke up my appetite was about as big as a single piece of herb in a bag of tea, or in other words, insignificant. Yet at the same time, I was starving.

"Well than feed him!" Kasper yells back from behind the closed door.

"Do you think I'm stupid! Of course I tried! He still wouldn't eat you sorry excuse for a brother!" Krystal screams back, fury taking over her voice.

"Really? That's the best insult you've got?" Kasper shouts, "Fine I'll see what I can do."

Now I'm scared. Every time Kasper comes near me, he hurts me. I'm honestly terrified by him.

The door bursts open revealing a well built body. Kasper storms in, directly towards me. Any other time I would have shoved myself to the farthest corner away from Kasper on Krystal's bed, but I was so tired and weak I could barely move.

He stopped right in front of me, "Eat something you fool!"

I had learned the hard way that being quiet and not replying was the best way to go at it.

"So?" Krystal says from the door way, "I told you, he won't even talk let alone eat!"

Kasper just turns around and gives her the death glare, "Well I don't know! Get him some crackers or something!"

Krystal rolls her eyes in response, "Been there, done that. Be more creative."

"I don't know, try dry cereal or something!" Kasper throws his hands in the air before storming out, shoving past Krystal.

She mutters something about cereal under her breath before leaving too.

I sigh a breath of relief when they leave. I was ok. I was ok for now. I wasn't going to be ok for too much longer. I probably wouldn't make it much longer.



Ok so on Friday the boys from One Direction bumped into Blake at the airport, the same day him and Addie came back from their grandparents house. Also on Friday Megan came over to Krystal's house, and phoned Addie that night. On Saturday was when this chapter happened, also when Niall's funeral happened. I do apologize for any confusion there.

Authors note-

Hey peeps! Two times in one week! What is this?

So anyways, just thought I'd mention that my sister ships Addie and Zayn... And Addie and Niall. #awkward.

Anyways, sorry for the filler chapters, but in two chapters some action will finally join us again!

Also, and a dedication to Solarstar for leaving the most awesome comments almost every chapter!

Icestarwarrior- IS OUT OF HERE!!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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