The News

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Chapter 2- The News


Around 5:30 I gave up and got up. Groggily, I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, my brother and I share, to take a shower. I stepped into the bathroom, glanced into the mirror and nearly screamed. My raven black hair was an absolute disaster, sitting onto my head like a birds nest. My curly hair usually reaches a little below my shoulder, but today it barely reached the bottom of my ears. My pale blue eyes had bags underneath them, standing out do to my pale skin. My whole look made me look like a hobo. (A/N: No offense to hobo's)

After a much needed shower, I looked in the mirror and sighed with relieve. I looked much more like myself now. I tightly wrapped a towel around myself and made a mental to-do list.

1. Get ready for the last day of school before spring break.

2. Change ring tone on phone.

3. Double check I have everything packed for Hawaii.

4. Eat Breakfast.

5. Go to school.

I don't know why I put #5 on my list. It was a no-brainer. I quickly blow dried my hair, then lightly curled it. I skipped over to my closet and looked around. Nothing today screamed, wear me, wear me. It seamed that everything cute was in my suitcase, or dirty. After finally deciding, I ended up wearing a greeny-blue tank top with a light grey cardigan with crisscross patterns. Then a pair of light blue, ripped skinny jeans, with a pair of skin colored TOMS. (outfit here: Not exactly fashion show ready, but have nothing better to wear.

I glanced at the clock as I made it back to the bathroom. 6:30 ALREADY! Time fly's when you don't want it to. I don't usually wear a lot of make-up, for two reasons. 1. Im to lazy ( thats a teenager for ya) 2. I feel like if I pile make-up on, people will not see me for me. Today I just put on a little mascara and and some light pink eye shadow that made my eyes pop. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, and was quite pleased.

Next on the list was ringtones. I grabbed my iPhone 2, and I know what you thinking. AN iPHONE 2, THOSE DON'T EXIST ANYMORE. Well they do. My brother had accidentally stepped on my old LG slide phone, destroying it, five months ago. My dad said I could have a new really expensive phone, but no money from him for the trip to Hawaii, or a cheap used phone with extra cash from him for Hawaii. I chose the second one. I changed my ringtone to Science and Faith by The Script.

By time I had double checked my suitcase it was 7:00. The delicious smell of eggs wafted up the stairs. No one in the house made eggs on a weekdays unless... they had bad news or wanted something. I crept to Blake's room and knocked on the door. He ripped it open and smelled the air.

" Do you smell that," he whispered,"Eggs... what does mom and dad want."

"Well good morning to you to," I snapped back.

"Sorry," he said rubbing the back of his neck, then yelled, " LAST ONE DOWN STAIRS IS A ROTTEN EGG."

He shoved me out of the way and ran down the stairs, me steps behind him. Last second I pulled ahead and beat him to the kitchen. I stood there in shock at the kitchen. The table was set nicely, with two smoothies set, while our dad was cooking the eggs and bacon. Mom must be at work, I thought. Blake and I sat down as dad brought the food to the table, smiling. Oh-no. What was wrong! We sat there eating and talking for about a half an hour before Blake snapped. He had been tugging on his chocolate brown hair the whole time and his light blue eyes, like mine were worried.

"Ok dad, just tell us, whats the bad news," Blake snapped.

Dad sighed, "Well you know how we were going to Hawaii for the three weeks off for summer break" My heart sunk at those words. We go to an all year round private school, but we get three weeks off in september, don't know why we don't have it during summer, but we just don't. "But I have a very important meeting on the third week so we will only be staying two weeks instead."

Blake and I started laughing, holy cow, I thought that we weren't going to go at all. Dad gave us a weird look, but didn't say anything.

"Don't worry dad," I said laughing," Its better than not going at all." He seemed to understand.

I got up and cleared the table then rushed upstairs to brush my teeth. when I was done I grabbed my book-bag, went back downstairs and yelled.

"Bye dad, I'm off to school, love ya."

"Bye Addy, have a great last day of school. Love you too, " my dad shouted back. And off I was to school.


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