Your Love Is Better Than Icecream...?

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It was two-twenty in the god forsaken morning and he still was not back. I was worried sick. What could he possibly be doing out at two-twenty in the morning? Bars? Chicks? Coke? Any other scary drug that could be the cause of his acting like a jackass? He wasn't even aware of how scared I was for him. He could've be dead for all I knew.
And he was supposed to be 'babysitting' me.

No, I calmed. He's fine. I told myself he was probably at his own house, perfectly fine. It definitely took me a while to realize he had lived somewhere before my own house. Then I began to wonder if he even had a family. I wondered what they were like, then froze- cursing myself. I thought I was beginning to care, and then I told myself of course not. It was only natural to worry for someone's absence. It made sense...

Unable to take my insomnia any longer, I threw the covers off me and went downstairs. Just because he was at his place chilling or at bars getting drunk didn't mean I couldn't. I scoffed to myself. I had never been drunk in my life, and I thanked myself for that each time I'd hear Xavier come back from some party and vomit up his alcohol. Getting to the liquor cabinet, I found some Fireball. The first sip completely woke me up, the sting was warm as it slid down my throat. Drinking it from the bottle like Bradley would, I grabbed a glass instead. If you've got class, use a freaking glass. 

Just as I shut the cabinet, the front door shut. I jumped, spinning around to face a shocked Conrad. 

"You're up," He said curiously, eyeing the glass in my hand. Is he sober? I could never tell with people like him. 

"Yeah." I stared at him but looking down to pick at my nails. He didn't say anything for a while, so our silence just lingered there, lonely and cold like his intimidating heart. "You're alive," I said finally, nodding casually. 

He didn't say anything and I was afraid I had made him angry. Meeting his eyes they seem to be squinting and he was smiling. Conrad began to laugh and it made me feel like I was watching something I wasn't supposed to. He walked past me, grabbing a glass and some Smirnoff to get settled in on the couch. 

I still stood there, realizing there was no longer any reason to be up knowing he was safe and sound, drinking on my perfect couches. It was too damn early to be up, so I went to sleep. 


In the morning I woke up at my normal time. Bumping into Conrad in the process. It was awkward because both our silence just lingered around while we stood, waiting for the other to say something. I don't know why I was waiting for him to talk to me. It wasn't like he had ever made the effort before. But he surprised me, "You're here..."  

I breathed. Of course I'm here. I was gonna leave soon, but he made assume he wanted something. I nodded at him while gathering my stuff together. I didn't want my art class to end, but it did mean I no longer had to wake up early. 

"You're about to go to your art class, right?" He asked me.  

"Yeah." I answered him. He had a nonchalant expression that seemed to be around more often then usual. Part of me was itching to find out where he was the previous night, if he was out causing trouble. It seemed every time he passed around there, he left me an angry mess. 

"I'll take you." Conrad never ceased to surprise me. Since when did he even talk to me without shouting or making rude comments?  

"No, I can drive myself, thank you." I put on a light jacket and grabbed my stuff, ready to head out. If he kept it up I was going to be late, and I wasn't sure if he was doing this as a single, weird, act of kindness, or if he was told to by my brother. 

"I'm serious, Macy. Just let me take you."  

I groaned. He was being so difficult, there was no point in him taking me in his stupid crappy, smelly, gassy truck when I could go in my own Nissan Titan, my big baby. "Why?" I asked, sounding a bit too frustrated than expected. 

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