All Hail The Heartbreaker

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"Sometimes I see you with a Cigarette in between your fragile Lips and in that moment, I wish I Could be that cigarette

You make me want to be something deadly

Because I want you to be addicted to me. I want to be a bad habit to you. Most importantly,

I want to be close to your lips all of the time."


I thought this quote was very relevant to two specific characters.
This last chapter goes out to the one and only @livingwall
I love you dear girl!!



My eyes fluttered open. His scent was everywhere and I didn't want to get up.

But I was cold, and when I sat up, I was alone. I was calm at first, he didn't leave, he couldn't have. "Conrad?" I said, searching for him with my eyes. After the long endured silence, I sat up and threw on some clothes quickly. "Conrad!" I shouted again, with my echoed voice, it bounced back at me.

I checked Xav's room. I checked the bathroom. I checked the guest room and I checked my other rooms. I didn't want to go downstairs. I didn't want there to be a possibility that he could have gone somewhere, but I had to.

Down the stairs I saw my luggage still standing there, untouched like before. The living room was empty. My house was empty. And I was suddenly alone like never before.

I couldn't jump to conclusions, I left myself plenty of hope that he would come back. I even thought of it as him coming in and bringing coffee, like they did in the movies.

I sat on a bar stool and tapped my fingers restlessly. My eyed flew to one particular blue wristband that just sat there on the counter.

I told myself so many times that he had forgotten it, or he left it as a symbol of him coming back, and I took my thoughts no further.

My phone began ringing somewhere, and I jumped and rushed to the sound. It came from my suitcase and I desperately threw things around, searching for it. When I finally found it I answered, not checking the ID.

"Hello!" I said in surprise.

"Hey Macy! How's the beach?"

My throat swelled up at the sound of my brothers voice. It was innocent and unknowing. I wanted so badly for it to be Conrad.

"It was good, I actually just got home a few minutes ago." I lied.


"I wanted to be home. It was beautiful, I loved it. But I needed to be home before I left." The words slipped out before I noticed, and I regretted them instantly. I wasn't even leaving, I figured that out last night.

"Left? Where are you going?" He innocently asked. My poor brother had no idea.

But then again, neither did I. "I'm leaving to go to Oxford. I already accepted, I have my ticket and my room set for college and everything." I thought it would be safe to leave out the part where I had second thoughts. I knew I would be going for sure.

Xav was silent on the other line for a while and I was worried on what was coming up next. "Why didn't you ever tell me about this." His monotone voice asked me.

"I'm sorry, it was never completely sure until now."

Xavier was upset, I could tell. "Alright well, I called to let you know we were on the plane coming back." He told me. They were coming back early too.

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