Empty Promises

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I had a full stomach on the way home, and I was in the passengers side curled up comfortably. It was late getting back so I dozed off. I wasn't sure how to describe my day, but I found myself reminiscing memories that started with a kiss on the foot. All in all, I loved the day. But my thoughts soon drifted to Mark. Typically, when he and I wouldn't be together I would update him somehow on how my life was going. I left my phone at home so he had no idea where I was. Xavier didn't know either, he had spent the night at Carol's. I was also sure Conrad knew secretly not to let anyone be aware of our... thing. Not that it was a date. It was me owing Conrad company to his job. And it was interesting. And fun. He had taken care of me there. Always had a protective arm around me, always explaining to me the confusing parts that came along on his clipboard and computer full of bids.

Today he and I were friends.

He said so himself. And remembering that brought heat to my entire body.

"Hey, Macy." Conrad was hovered over me with the door open at the passengers side. I was looking at him and he unbuckled my seat belt, helping me out of his dirty truck. "You awake?" He asked me as I stumbled half asleep, bumping into him. I nodded, rubbing my eyes. He didn't walk me to my door, but he had helped me walk straight.

"Thanks Conrad." I muttered quietly, sleepily, taking out my keys. He didn't say anything. He only shut his door and looked at me through his rolled down window. I turned away. "Goodnight." My delusional self said like a tired baby.

For a minute I expected him to say it back, but of course he didn't. I was only left with another promise that probably didn't mean anything. "See you later, Macy."

Unlocking my front door and going straight to my room I checked my phone. I had a missed call from Mark. How would I explain where I was? I mean, it wasn't like I did anything wrong it just felt like I shouldn't have been hanging out with another guy. Especially Conrad. I knew we weren't in a relationship, but there was still something in me that said to mimic loyalty the best I could. Of course, that doesn't mean I should expect the same from him. I tried not to, even.

I called him back and he answered on the third ring. "Hello?" He answered groggily. He was sleeping.

"Hey," I doubt he checked the caller ID because I heard him awake with the sound of my voice.

"Macy? Where've you been? I haven't heard from you all day." He was questioned quietly.

"Sorry, I was with Mary all day and I left my phone at the house." It was lie, I know. And there was no reason to lie, but I felt I should.

"Oh, I missed you."

"Why are you whispering?" I asked, having no problem with it as it soothed me instantly. He was one of the most gentle guys I knew. I could've just easily fell asleep to the sound of his voice.

He cleared his throat on the other line and laughed. "It's still late, remember party girl. My mom is asleep."

"Come over tomorrow?" I asked him, getting into bed while slipping off my jeans.

"First thing in the morning." He said as a promise. It made me content to know I'd hopefully wake up to him sitting near me and giving me that smile.

Unfortunately, when I awoke no one was there. It was one o'clock on a Sunday morning. If Mark showed, he usually did around ten. A feeling of disappointment gripped me, but I reminded myself not to rely too much on him. I of all people never usually had trouble with that. After washing my face and ignoring my tangled hair, I went downstairs to see Xavier and Conrad on the couch eating chips and drinking beer. It's never too early for these guys...

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