Lies For Lunch

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Victoria's Secret was empty, but I still couldn't figure why I was so exhausted. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep forever. I hadn't eaten all day and my stomach was making me very aware of that.

"Macy." Mary stood in front of me with her hands on her hips. The pink of her shirt bright from the dark caramel of her skin. Her brown kinky hair sprinkled with blonde highlights. Her makeup-less face frowning at me. "You haven't answered my calls today, you worried me last night. You didn't even bother telling me if you were home." Her face was a jumble of concern and frustration.

I sighed, of course my best friend would wonder where I was. She was the few who cared. I gave her a smile in attempt to wash away her worry. "I'm sorry. I was tired and..." She knew the real reason. Everyone did, why bother lying? "And Bradley got the best of me, I guess."

Mary's expression soon changed into sympathy and she hugged me, knowing it was serious if I'd admitted it. "I'm sorry." She told me. Since we were close, she knew not to push it any further, just simply sat down and chilled with me watching as a few customers popped in and out.

She looked irritated, most the time. "What the hell is the matter with you?" I finally asked, holding in my laugh. She was always a funny person when angry, whether she controlled it or not.

Mary groaned and looked at me with her classic, 'unbelievable' look. "Your stomach, girl. Did you not eat today?"

That explains it. It was slightly chatty in Vic's, but I'm almost positive everyone else had heard my stomach. "Oh," Was all I said. It now made sense to why I was so tired and out of energy. Now remembering I was hungry, the sharp pain on my side got worse. I groaned lightly, angry at myself for forgetting something so important. What is health if you don't even eat?

"You do this too much." Mary sighed.

I waved off her comment and thought about Conrad. That woman was so... Well she was pretty, but- no, don't judge. She just looked like she had some work done. I cringed at the crunch of her yellow hair, but her pretty deep tan skin I found nice. It didn't really look fake but it was obviously not her real color. Like, it wasn't the typical 'orange.' She had the perfect body, one a guy would die to see. Just maybe a small butt. Oh my god, did I check her out earlier? I had no idea what was happening to me. I wasn't jealous. I wasn't hurt. Why did it bother me so much?

"Mace," I jumped at the aggression in Mary's voice.


"What's bothering you?" Dammit Mary knew me too damn well. "Is it still Bradley?"

I sighed and shook my head, knowing I'd tell her eventually. "Conrad."

Mary took a seat on a black chair, usually where bored men would be sitting if the place had customers. "I'm listening."

"He kinda..." I looked around to see if anyone was near, but still lowered my voice just in case. "Held me last night."

She raised an eyebrow, signally for me to go on.

"I cracked okay? I cried last night. I was upset, sad. I couldn't help it. He asked me what was wrong and for a split second I thought maybe he cared and I guess it got to me. He held me and I'm sure that's how I fell asleep because that's the last thing I remember."

My best friend looked at me, shocked. "You cried?" She asked in a somewhat mocking sympathetic voice.

I rolled my eyes, feeling a light burn on my cheeks and nodded.

"So you're not inhuman!" She half-joked with me, knowing I needed it.

"But that's not the only thing. I went back before I came to work to shower and when I got there he was..." I shivered remembering her sounds. "Screwing someone."

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