Special Day

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Everything had made sense. The note did, at least. He signed his name as Gerard. He'd always sign his notes with a big heart and said it was from "Your man." or "Daddy." After the envelope was a certificate reading I was no longer a daughter of anybody.

He had mentioned my mother. That evil careless woman. Selfish is what she was. I lost my last parent.

I just stood there and reread over and over again what the note said. It was so simple, yet I didn't understand the part where he said it was my special day.

"Macy!" Xavier screamed and I heard as his voice wavered.

I closed my eyes and put on a poker face. I would be fine. I was sick of crying. And I walked down there stairs with the note and envelope in my hands. "Ma-" Xavier was cut short when he saw me come down. He had the most wary expression.

It was like the day Mark showed up at my door. Conrad and Xav look at me, as if I would break any minute. There was a blonde standing next to Conrad and had her hand on his shoulder. "You should go," He told her. She looked disappointed but obeyed. I was too caught up in the current situation to care.

After she was gone Xavier looked at the things in my hands. I walked past him and sat on the couch. Rereading the note once again. He looked like he wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say. So I gave him the note and read over it.

After he read it he slammed it on the table angrily. Conrad picked it up silently, reading it.

"Special day," I repeated what the note had said, looking up at Xav. "What did he mean?" I asked sounding perfectly fine.

I wasn't what surprised him though, what I just said or how I just said it. But he responded incredulously "Today's your birthday, Macy."


I probably sat on the couch for about ten straight minutes, staring into space trying to make sense of things. Was it really Halloween already? Finally I looked up to find Conrad looking at me with such pure anger it made me shiver in fear. It's definetly safe to say I've never seen him so angry towards me and I felt slightly torn.

I hadn't paid him much attention the past two weeks, and I preferred it the way. My father distracted me from the real world. I even took a break from working at Victoria's because I felt like he was going to stay home. But he did the opposite. Something I would have never expected.

I barely remembered Conrad constantly leaving with a different woman between the couple weeks I paid him no attention. The memory made me frown. So many girls, he didn't care about me.

And to top it all off, my father left me with the most heartbreaking birthday present, money. I didn't even know what to do with it.

Looking at Conrad once more his nostils flared with rage and he left, telling Xavier he'd see him later.

Xavier sat across from me and opened the envelope once more pulling out the check. His eyes widened and his knuckled turned white. "Macy... This is...-"

"A lot, I know. Too much." I whispered, not knowing what to feel.

"This isn't fair!" He shouted in anger. Xavier rarely got angry. I was too emotionless to react this time, too confused on what to feel. "This is your fucking birthday! And he thinks he can just make it better with money?" My brother slammed his fist on the coffee table that usually held Conrad's cocaine, the glass shattered and Xavier cried out in frustration mixed with pain.

"Xavier what the hell?" I rushed to his side and saw there were small pieces of glass shards in his fist. They were so tiny, his hand was slightly oozing with dots of blood from the tiny stabbings. "Come on, let me clean it." We walked to the bathroom and before pouring over wound cleaner I watered it with warm water. He cringed but said nothing. I examined it closer, trying my best to avoid the glass and made sure it wasn't broken. I poured on cleaner and he groaned with pain. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." I said softly, patting his head soothingly. "Let's go upstairs, I need to tweeze this glass out."

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