𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒

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Everything went off easily , Regina and I understood eachother pretty good.
I gotta confess that I feel very anxious about this I never had a friend bevor which makes it even more stressful to me.
„we have arrived"
I just blinked with my eyes confused bevor understanding what she meant, now this is just embarrassing.
We stood there in front of an Castle bevor Regina spoke out

„κάτω κόσμος"

Suddenly the door opend, Regina just walked off and now my confusion started again.
As much As I wanted to keep up with her, It felt like she was running.
„Harper" she mumbled
„Yes?" I replied
„Take care of yourself"
That's it The confusion continues.
She opend the door next to her

„Regina στην πλάτη σου;"
(Regina your back?)

„Ναι η μετατόπιση τελείωσε"
(Yes Shift is over)

„ποιά είναι αυτή?" a younger girl asked
(Who is she)

„το όνομά μου είναι Χάρπερ" I replied
( My name is Harper)

„Την φροντίζω, αν με συγχωρείς θέλω να πάρω το βιβλίο μου και να φύγω" I heard Regina say
(I'm taking care of her, If you excuse meI just want to take my book and

„ηρέμησε και μείνε λίγο ακόμα μαζί μας"
(Calm down and stay a little longer with us)

„Σαΐντ Σταμάτα."
(Saeed stop it.)
Regina kind of yelled but still with so much respect. This Guy is gonna be interesting, he looks pretty good though I was so distracted by his beauty that I didn't even notice Regina taking my hand and going out of the room.

„Βλάκας" she said while looking at me.


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